Television The Propgropthrop

Not a fan of (AEW Dynamite) development...
Jarrett coming in as an on air wrestler/personality. I can see why they would want him as a live events backstage worker seeing as he was just the vice president of live events for WWE as his last job. Unavoidable TNA comparisons there to stay now, not that they didnt already get them, but they were easily swatted away due to all the differences. Now you have Jarrett coming out to My World
Not a fan of (AEW Dynamite) development...
Jarrett coming in as an on air wrestler/personality. I can see why they would want him as a live events backstage worker seeing as he was just the vice president of live events for WWE as his last job. Unavoidable TNA comparisons there to stay now, not that they didnt already get them, but they were easily swatted away due to all the differences. Now you have Jarrett coming out to My World

As a somewhat regular watcher of GCW, I can confirm this was a bad omen.
Jeff Jarrett on-screen in 2022

I have to say I didn't like him at all when I was following WWF/ WWE (I remember watching Austin destroy him and mock his strut live and loving it) and missed his TNA tenure etc but he comes across very well in his podcast (with that oaf Conrad) though I can't imagine his in ring work has improved that much in the meantime.

I'd go as far as to say he has go away heat with the vast majority of wrestling fans (though AEW fans might buy in).
I dont want to say AEW has jumped the shark cos its probably the wrong term for a wrestling show. But man its a bit of a mess right?

Jeff jarrett just jumped Darby. So in 2022 either were going to get Darby vs JJ or JJ is just going to attack him and then... nothing? Darby jumping him back would be meh and pointless.

Oh and Look Cabana is on AEW TV. Would me pointing out that him coming after the investigation is a big co-incidence, be counted as me defending Punk? Or what?

Dynamite, AEWs biggest (and pretty much only worth) show is dominated at least half the time by ROH title matches. The worst thing is they just have people run in all the time and then the commentators just say a word or two about their names.
The AEW title seems secondary to this stuff. MJF is probably the best and most intriguing stuff in AEW (and you can really tell when hes not on TV like this week)
Same with NJPW guys coming in. No big lead up, no big build. I think the worst of that still is with Will Ospreay.

The womens division is a joke. They had like 2 minutes. And the women are more bothered about feuding online with a podcaster than the use of them on TV.
I kinda think they fumbled the whole Hayter/Britt stuff (but still have time to get that sorted and make it hot again)

Things like BCC /JAS seem like they are going nowhere or not progressing.

I think the biggest annoyance is their recent use (or not) of Starks, Wardlow, Jungle Boy, Page, Hobbs (though at least he got a minute at the end this week and is going for a title it seems). All of them were red hot at one point and it seems like theyve done nothing with it. Even Sammy too (hes back where he started three years ago).
missed his TNA tenure

It wasnt good. It felt like anytime somebody came in, they would feud with Jarrett or be aligned with him or associated with him.
It seemed like everytime they got a new tv deal they would put the title on him so that he could lose to somebody
His matches were basically Moxley matches without blood. A lot of interference and crowd brawling.
And im sure except AJ, hes the only one that didnt have some generic music (Though I did like this music)
I have to say I didn't like him at all when I was following WWF/ WWE (I remember watching Austin destroy him and mock his strut live and loving it) and missed his TNA tenure etc but he comes across very well in his podcast (with that oaf Conrad) though I can't imagine his in ring work has improved that much in the meantime.

I'd go as far as to say he has go away heat with the vast majority of wrestling fans (though AEW fans might buy in).
There’s about 20 ex TNA wrestlers now so you’re not too late to the 2006 TNA party
It wasnt good. It felt like anytime somebody came in, they would feud with Jarrett or be aligned with him or associated with him.

That was the impression I had from the outside (reading forums etc) of his time there alright.

The story of it's inception and the struggles they had along the way (from his podcast) are interesting but I never felt he was anything more than an upper midcarder.

I also enjoyed Bruce Prichards TNA episode because it's one of the few topics that he is willing to really burn bridges on.

There’s about 20 ex TNA wrestlers now so you’re not too late to the 2006 TNA party

Yeah I listen to OSW Review etc and they speak very fondly about TNA and how fun it was at times and I kind of feel that I missed out on some things (AJ Styles, Somoa Joe, Abyss, X division etc).

The OSW guys seem to like Jarrett now (after hating him at the time) but I don't know if that's because he was actually good or it's because he's become a bit of a meme ("broke a thousand guitars, never drew a dime", "slapnuts", his association with Russo and his WWE theme) and it's kind of nostalgic and funny in hindsight.
I dont want to say AEW has jumped the shark cos its probably the wrong term for a wrestling show. But man its a bit of a mess right?

Jeff jarrett just jumped Darby. So in 2022 either were going to get Darby vs JJ or JJ is just going to attack him and then... nothing? Darby jumping him back would be meh and pointless.

Oh and Look Cabana is on AEW TV. Would me pointing out that him coming after the investigation is a big co-incidence, be counted as me defending Punk? Or what?

Dynamite, AEWs biggest (and pretty much only worth) show is dominated at least half the time by ROH title matches. The worst thing is they just have people run in all the time and then the commentators just say a word or two about their names.
The AEW title seems secondary to this stuff. MJF is probably the best and most intriguing stuff in AEW (and you can really tell when hes not on TV like this week)
Same with NJPW guys coming in. No big lead up, no big build. I think the worst of that still is with Will Ospreay.

The womens division is a joke. They had like 2 minutes. And the women are more bothered about feuding online with a podcaster than the use of them on TV.
I kinda think they fumbled the whole Hayter/Britt stuff (but still have time to get that sorted and make it hot again)

Things like BCC /JAS seem like they are going nowhere or not progressing.

I think the biggest annoyance is their recent use (or not) of Starks, Wardlow, Jungle Boy, Page, Hobbs (though at least he got a minute at the end this week and is going for a title it seems). All of them were red hot at one point and it seems like theyve done nothing with it. Even Sammy too (hes back where he started three years ago).

All valid concerns.

Playing devil's advocate, this is why AEW signs ex WWE (mostly main roster) talents and in this case someone so influntial to TNA


Despite Darby being one of the "four pillars", working with Sting and having the TNT title, he's still one of the wrestlers who mainly only have the AEW audience/reach to make them a star (+ some indies before that)

WWE, or a famous name from the past like Jarrett that was in WCW, WWE even recently, TNA etc still has a bigger name. So the idea is that if you get people like Darby rubbing shoulders with the bigger name, the bigger name is going to draw in more people to come and find out who Darby Allin is and continue this growth in average interest.

AEW only has so many of the stars from the past that are available, due to WWE deals, or being really expensive and probably not being worth it unless it was a huge show where you can make it back which would be the case with a Brock or Goldberg for example in the past if they were open to it when unsigned.

But again for me, Jarrett is one where its not worth it. But Khan must be completely fine with people calling AEW the new TNA and trying to attach the old stink of that name from the past. If he is, okay... I wouldnt be personally.
That was the impression I had from the outside (reading forums etc) of his time there alright.

The story of it's inception and the struggles they had along the way (from his podcast) are interesting but I never felt he was anything more than an upper midcarder.

I also enjoyed Bruce Prichards TNA episode because it's one of the few topics that he is willing to really burn bridges on.

Yeah I listen to OSW Review etc and they speak very fondly about TNA and how fun it was at times and I kind of feel that I missed out on some things (AJ Styles, Somoa Joe, Abyss, X division etc).

The OSW guys seem to like Jarrett now (after hating him at the time) but I don't know if that's because he was actually good or it's because he's become a bit of a meme ("broke a thousand guitars, never drew a dime", "slapnuts", his association with Russo and his WWE theme) and it's kind of nostalgic and funny in hindsight.

TNA was great at times and had some great. But it had some really really awful stuff.

The x division stuff was really fantastic. Triple x, amw, beer money, lax, mcmg....some of the tag teams were great. Elix skipper had a fantastic cage wall moment. X division matches
Aj v Joe v Daniels triple threat (first one) holy shit that was like nearly 20 years ago...
The women's stuff with gail and Kong was great,women's revolution before Stephanie acted like she invented the women's revolution
Jeff Hardy's heel run was good.

But there was some absolute shit. Including Jeffs match with sting. The reverse battle royal that was mentioned on dynamite this week. The electric cage match, woof. A lot of the Russo stuff (on screen early stuff and then the shit he was involved in).

TNA was certainly interesting
All valid concerns.

Playing devil's advocate, this is why AEW signs ex WWE (mostly main roster) talents and in this case someone so influntial to TNA


Despite Darby being one of the "four pillars", working with Sting and having the TNT title, he's still one of the wrestlers who mainly only have the AEW audience/reach to make them a star (+ some indies before that)

WWE, or a famous name from the past like Jarrett that was in WCW, WWE even recently, TNA etc still has a bigger name. So the idea is that if you get people like Darby rubbing shoulders with the bigger name, the bigger name is going to draw in more people to come and find out who Darby Allin is and continue this growth in average interest.

AEW only has so many of the stars from the past that are available, due to WWE deals, or being really expensive and probably not being worth it unless it was a huge show where you can make it back which would be the case with a Brock or Goldberg for example in the past if they were open to it when unsigned.

But again for me, Jarrett is one where its not worth it. But Khan must be completely fine with people calling AEW the new TNA and trying to attach the old stink of that name from the past. If he is, okay... I wouldnt be personally.

I've noticed that the WWE guys don't really make much of an impact outside of their debut, except for a few.

The biggest names they got was around the November period last year when they got Punk which was huge and helped sell out an arena just on a rumour of him

Then when they followed it with Danielson and Adam cole. they all came in as stars. Punk was treated like a star. Adam cole kinda wasn't from the start being aligned straight away with elite. Danielson appeared as a star but just kept losing and losing.

But when those three came in the made big money at ppvs and the ratings at a big boost.
Theyve diluted that a lot unfortunately. Danielson basically appears like a b+ player (which is funny) and Adam cole ... Well injury aside,even before that he seemed mid card.
Yeah I listen to OSW Review etc and they speak very fondly about TNA and how fun it was at times and I kind of feel that I missed out on some things (AJ Styles, Somoa Joe, Abyss, X division etc).

The OSW guys seem to like Jarrett now (after hating him at the time) but I don't know if that's because he was actually good or it's because he's become a bit of a meme ("broke a thousand guitars, never drew a dime", "slapnuts", his association with Russo and his WWE theme) and it's kind of nostalgic and funny in hindsight.

I think the OSW guys love TNA because it had so much bollocks. They put over some stuff as genuinely good like the X Division guys or Dr Nash, but their TNA arc was the Black Reign arc that also included the worst rated TNA match ever. I hated TNA at the time because it could be awful, and I was a smarky cnut, but I think you could watch it back now and get some enjoyment out of it if you don't take it too seriously and you enjoy stupid nonsensical Russo booking or Hogan polliticing his arse off.

Think Jarrett got a lot of backlash because of that drew a dime comment and his strangle hold on the TNA title that made HHH's reign of terror look like nothing. All of his stuff got retrospectively labeled as crap when his attitude era stuff is actually pretty good. He was clearly a good wrestler, sometimes very good but he was an upper midcarder that spent years as a main eventer at the expense of younger more talented guys. The attitude era podcast guys had a similar conclusion. They knew TNA Jarrett, was of the understanding that he's rubbish and wasn't expecting much when they went back and watched his stuff only to change their opinion and in fact his matches were some of the highlights of that period.
I've noticed that the WWE guys don't really make much of an impact outside of their debut, except for a few.

The biggest names they got was around the November period last year when they got Punk which was huge and helped sell out an arena just on a rumour of him

Then when they followed it with Danielson and Adam cole. they all came in as stars. Punk was treated like a star. Adam cole kinda wasn't from the start being aligned straight away with elite. Danielson appeared as a star but just kept losing and losing.

But when those three came in the made big money at ppvs and the ratings at a big boost.
Theyve diluted that a lot unfortunately. Danielson basically appears like a b+ player (which is funny) and Adam cole ... Well injury aside,even before that he seemed mid card.

Well obviously the issue is Danielson and Mox being in the same team. Mox is champion so Danielson just has to have really good matches with another opponent. Thats pretty much what happens with factions, you have that one guy thats picked as the top to go for the title and if they win it then that guy in the 2nd spot cant really go for it unless you want to break it up. You could do the tag titles, but they want to push the homegrown Acclaimed and they're super over at the moment. Danielson had been directly feuding with Jericho and the JAS have been the other majorly pushed faction. So he's obviously still been a main eventer. However I think what people really want from Danielson is to continue going against the best match wrestlers and putting on great matches. Omega not being available hurts there, they didnt get to do the zack sabre jr match at forbidden door because of Daneilson's injury and so on.

Cole's only issue is injuries. They would have done more with the Undisputed Elite if KOR didnt get injured, then Cole got injured. He was in a strong position before that and challenging for the title

Something that happens a lot in AEW is they have feuds and then someone gets injured/away for a while like Black. And the person who was in that spot to go against them gets iced until they come back and do it again. Thats the case with Miro. He was heavily involved in House of Black, then Black and Buddy took a hiatus and now we dont see him. HOB video this week, so we should also see Miro returning you would think
TNA was pretty good for some of the matches (usually the non main event matches, featuring old WWE guys - other than Kurt who was still great at the time) and then Hogan and Bischoff came in and they had the dumb idea to try and compete on monday nights with Raw. They always had some weak stories and angles, but so did WWE.

After that they became more and more WWE light. If you loved WWE you could watch impact try to do a similar level of story/angle/match but obviously with a smaller budget and stars. But it was better when it was more of an alternative with some of the guys in the x division and motor city machineguns in the tag division doing more innovative tag moves than the WWE teams. Over the years it just became that budget WWE with all of the bad parts and less and less people caring about the few good parts.
@Ekeke Coles issues weren't only injuries. He debuted like a big star but wasn't used like a big star. He had a couple of matches with Adam page for the title which he lost. The other notable thing I can remember is his feud with Orange Cassidy.

With danielson I see him as someone who's been in the main event but isn't a main eventer.

I have noticed there's a lack of people who can cut a promo in the ring in front of the crowd.

Danielson can but he doesn't get a chance. Mjf obviously can and you miss when he's not there. Punk could but he's not there anymore.
Starks, have no idea what's happened to him.
Most of Mox stuff is done backstage

Trying to think who could have a captivating promo that would make you want to watch their match and make it feel big time.
@Ekeke Coles issues weren't only injuries. He debuted like a big star but wasn't used like a big star. He had a couple of matches with Adam page for the title which he lost. The other notable thing I can remember is his feud with Orange Cassidy.

With danielson I see him as someone who's been in the main event but isn't a main eventer.

I have noticed there's a lack of people who can cut a promo in the ring in front of the crowd.

Danielson can but he doesn't get a chance. Mjf obviously can and you miss when he's not there. Punk could but he's not there anymore.
Starks, have no idea what's happened to him.
Most of Mox stuff is done backstage

Trying to think who could have a captivating promo that would make you want to watch their match and make it feel big time.

Losing a match against the champion is still the main event spot. If the only way to be a "star" is winning the title, you can only have 1 star.

He was the main challenger for a while. He won the owen heart tournament. Then they went into the undisputed elite storyline, where he got to pick between the bucks and the undisputed. Then injuries
Yeah I listen to OSW Review etc and they speak very fondly about TNA and how fun it was at times and I kind of feel that I missed out on some things (AJ Styles, Somoa Joe, Abyss, X division etc).

The OSW guys seem to like Jarrett now (after hating him at the time) but I don't know if that's because he was actually good or it's because he's become a bit of a meme ("broke a thousand guitars, never drew a dime", "slapnuts", his association with Russo and his WWE theme) and it's kind of nostalgic and funny in hindsight.
6000 guitars.

Losing a match against the champion is still the main event spot. If the only way to be a "star" is winning the title, you can only have 1 star.

He was the main challenger for a while. He won the owen heart tournament. Then they went into the undisputed elite storyline, where he got to pick between the bucks and the undisputed. Then injuries
No, the way to be a star is to be presented as a star. Punk was presented as a star even when he didn't have the title.
Jericho, mox, mjf have been presented as stars. Omega once he lost the tag titles was presented as a star.

Cole certainly has not been. Many of their new signings havent been. Presentation matters
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I still enjoy watching AEW each week, but:
  1. ROH stuff needs its own home:
  2. There are too many title matches and not enough build to make many of them meaningful;
  3. Blackpool Combat Club vs Jericho Appreciation Society needs to end.
I still enjoy watching AEW each week, but:
  1. ROH stuff needs its own home:
  2. There are too many title matches and not enough build to make many of them meaningful;
  3. Blackpool Combat Club vs Jericho Appreciation Society needs to end.

This pretty much sums up my thoughts, the main one is that ROH stuff needs it's own home (which will solve the title problem too).

They also need to get back to making non title matches feel important, even if it's as simple as explaining why two guys don't like each other.

As for BCC vs JAS, it doesn't necessarily need to end, it just needs to not be front and centre every week. Let it simmer for a while and come back to it for a big blowout when they're ready to split one of the groups up.
Logan Paul is better than 90% of wrestlers in WWE or AEW.
Just said that to my mate - I was really surprised how good he was.

He just has it. He'd be a star in whatever he put his mind to do.

Honestly if he'd commit to doing it full time he'd be champion in no time.
He's a really good wrestler but his promo/mic work is an absolute disaster. It'd probably get a lot better in time if he did commit to it and could actually have fueds that made any sense. Rather than being expected to talk up something with next to nothing to go on.

The actual match was ok except I couldn't get into it at all due to the complete lack of intrigue over who would win, and Paul taking selfies and showboating in the middle of a match against the supposed greatest champion in history was just completely fecking dumb. Particularly as it went on for ages and then he just went back to beating on Reigns without even getting punished for it. Didn't do him or the match any justice really.

They keep doing this with Reigns. One minute he can match and beat someone like Brock Lesnar or toss former champions around like toys, the next he gets made to look like a muppet in a match against a mid carder. Make up your minds.

Women's title match was fun. Couldn't muster up any interest in the rest
Logan Paul is better than 90% of wrestlers in WWE or AEW.

He isn't though is he. He's basically an early Young Buck - very athletic, and his matches will have some awesome spots, but he can't talk, doesn't really have a character, and there's no real story behind any of his matches.

Don't get me wrong, he's probably the best "celebrity" that's given wrestling a go, and got plenty of potential, if he fancied going all in with it for a few years he could live up to your hyperbolic statement.
I dunno, that’s 3 matches where his in ring story telling has been fantastic. You shouldn’t be this good 3 matches in, he’s making Kurt Angle look like a slow learner. Botch less as well, which as we’ve seen with AEW shows isn’t easy when going full pelt
Goes to show that the wrestling part of wrestling is the easiest to teach. It’s the charisma and star power that’s the X factor. You can see why WWE would want to focus on athletes they can mould instead of indie wrestlers. That Lariat was a thing of beauty. There wasn’t a move that was out of place, there wasn’t a move that took you out of it with setting everything up or rushing from one move to the next.
He isn't though is he. He's basically an early Young Buck - very athletic, and his matches will have some awesome spots, but he can't talk, doesn't really have a character, and there's no real story behind any of his matches.

Don't get me wrong, he's probably the best "celebrity" that's given wrestling a go, and got plenty of potential, if he fancied going all in with it for a few years he could live up to your hyperbolic statement.

I dunno, that’s 3 matches where his in ring story telling has been fantastic. You shouldn’t be this good 3 matches in, he’s making Kurt Angle look like a slow learner. Botch less as well, which as we’ve seen with AEW shows isn’t easy when going full pelt
Goes to show that the wrestling part of wrestling is the easiest to teach. It’s the charisma and star power that’s the X factor. You can see why WWE would want to focus on athletes they can mould instead of indie wrestlers. That Lariat was a thing of beauty. There wasn’t a move that was out of place, there wasn’t a move that took you out of it with setting everything up or rushing from one move to the next.

Spot on Cyberman.
You lot must have watched a different match to me. Technically Logan is very good no doubt, but the whole match was a bit of a mess and plenty of it was out of place. Like Logan superman punching Reigns about 5 times in a row, or having a 5 minute break mid match to go chat with his mates and dick about with one of their phones. Then the whole ending was just the usual car crash interference mess we seem to get with every Reigns title match.

Although I still think the biggest problem with storytelling in any Reigns match is huat the fact you know he isn't losing the title so the story is basically irrelevant. Doubly so when he's fighting a celeb at an event WWE would never have a universal title change hands at.
You lot must have watched a different match to me. Technically Logan is very good no doubt, but the whole match was a bit of a mess and plenty of it was out of place. Like Logan superman punching Reigns about 5 times in a row, or having a 5 minute break mid match to go chat with his mates and dick about with one of their phones. Then the whole ending was just the usual car crash interference mess we seem to get with every Reigns title match.

Although I still think the biggest problem with storytelling in any Reigns match is huat the fact you know he isn't losing the title so the story is basically irrelevant. Doubly so when he's fighting a celeb at an event WWE would never have a universal title change hands at.

I mean, Goldberg won the Universal title in Saudi...
You lot must have watched a different match to me. Technically Logan is very good no doubt, but the whole match was a bit of a mess and plenty of it was out of place. Like Logan superman punching Reigns about 5 times in a row, or having a 5 minute break mid match to go chat with his mates and dick about with one of their phones. Then the whole ending was just the usual car crash interference mess we seem to get with every Reigns title match.

Although I still think the biggest problem with storytelling in any Reigns match is huat the fact you know he isn't losing the title so the story is basically irrelevant. Doubly so when he's fighting a celeb at an event WWE would never have a universal title change hands at.

Yeah this is a pretty good summary, I think those guys might be mistaking "storytelling" with "athleticism".

The entire match build was that Paul could land one lucky punch to get the knockout, but after it landed (twice) and gave him a near deal, he landed more but didn't have any real urgency to make the pin. The selfie stuff didn't make any sense in the context of an underdog in a title match who had the champ on the ropes, and the spots, cool as they were, were just spots.

The finish is to be expected, Roman's had the same match with the same finish for about 2 years now, can't really blame Paul for that.
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I'm really not a fan of Last Man Standing matches being able to be won by trapping your opponent underneath something, the whole point is to beat them so bad they can't get up, not stop them getting up with stuff.
Logan Paul has it. People concentrate on his celebrity background too much, and forget (or don't even realise) that he actually comes from an amateur wrestling background and is a division 1 athlete. He's literally the type WWE signs up for the performance centre. But just so happens Logan seems a natural at wrestling and has taken to it like a duck to water. He probably actually is a better wrestler than some on the roster. I'm looking at you Dominik.

Also there's gotta be something going on between WWE and New Japan right? What's the relationship between New Japan and NOAH like?
Logan Paul has the athletisism, high jumps and body control to pull off eye catching moves. Thats a lot of the current indy style where you quickly just take turns doing eye catching moves trying to keep it all exciting. Theres a lot more to wrestling than that but there are plenty of fans who mostly just want to see that. So he's doing great for that style. Meltzer compared him to the first time he saw Ospreay when he was young
MJF is acting in a movie about the Von Erichs, but honestly he should already be doing blockbusters. His promos and delivery are off the charts. Especially this week's one, for those of us who would prefer that he isnt shouting as much. He didnt. He was just 100% exceptional delivery