Television The Propgropthrop

Exactly, she was buried for weeks about being bad at her job and now they appoint her acting CEO, basically because they need to have that McMahon name as part of the company.

I suspect Khan will be running the show even more and Steph will just be a finger head and used at production of the shows only.
Ah okay, isn't that standard for Vince though? :lol:
Looks as if they’re trying to get rid of him, it’s like an episode of succession. This is a man who lied to police at a crime scene by telling them Snuka couldn’t speak English after killing his wife. He could and it was just his gimmick!
I don’t even agree with this. All assumptions by wrestling journalists who have been shockingly out of touch with all of this. She would have stepped down with this in mind since it’s an investigation that’s been going on going for 2 MONTHS! Real journalists, such as the WSJ, contact the people involved in the piece for a chance for a rebuttal etc so this would t have came out of the blue.It’s clear as day she stepped away to free her up for this role imo.

You do know that there is a major legal case brewing elsewhere that could cause Stephanie problems if it went to trial, that was also another rumour of the timing of her walking away as well, to limit her involvement with WWE.

There are a lot of things going on clearly and it's being brought out in one way or another and somewhere there will be truths to a lot of things, whether they fully come out or not is a different matter.

On a different note, WWE share price bounced back as soon as they announced Vince would be on TV tonight.

One smart way to Bury bad news from a business perspective I guess :lol:
What has Vince actually done?

Hired paralegal (41), she was looking after a parent who had medical bills, after having an affair with McMahon she went from 100k to 200k salary which raised eyebrows and is obviously predatory, but consentual. A friend of hers has come forward to say that McMahon passed her to John Lauranitus "like a toy" and he would have sex with her too. For signing an NDA when she left the company a few years ago McMahon paid her 3 million dollars. The board are asking about this money and he's been suspended, so that suggests its company money and not his own money. His lawyer who made this and other deals claims it wasnt company funds... And this is just 1 of multiple settlements. Thats obviously really bad for someone in his position, outside of the sleazy old man being a predator thing
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Hired paralegal (41), she was looking after a parent who had medical bills, after having an affair with McMahon she went from 100k to 200k salary which raised eyebrows and is obviously predatory, but consentual. A friend of hers has come forward to say that McMahon passed her to John Lauranitus "like a toy" and he would have sex with her too. For signing an NDA when she left the company a few years ago McMahon paid her 3 million dollars. The board are asking about this money and he's been suspended, so that suggests its company money and not his own money. His lawyer who made this and other deals claims it wasnt company funds... And this is just 1 of multiple settlements. Thats obviously really bad for someone in his position, outside of the sleazy old man being a predator thing
Oh wow, so be a resignation/goodbye today then.
Hired paralegal (41), she was looking after a parent who had medical bills, after having an affair with McMahon she went from 100k to 200k salary which raised eyebrows and is obviously predatory, but consentual. A friend of hers has come forward to say that McMahon passed her to John Lauranitus "like a toy" and he would have sex with her too. For signing an NDA when she left the company a few years ago McMahon paid her 3 million dollars. The board are asking about this money and he's been suspended, so that suggests its company money and not his own money. His lawyer who made this and other deals claims it wasnt company funds... And this is just 1 of multiple settlements. Thats obviously really bad for someone in his position, outside of the sleazy old man being a predator thing
It’s his own money to be fair.
Oh wow, so be a resignation/goodbye today then.

He still has like 80% of the voting power on the board because of his shares so unless it becomes huge global news or the stockmarket price nosedives he's probably not going to do more than Steph taking over as temporary CEO with Vince really in control, but Steph being the face of it. But it does risk the possibility that something could happen

Theres an independant investigation going on, started by the board so that could uncover some more stuff or people with more skeletons could come forward emboldened by Vince already being under investigation. Or the investigation might find nothing and nobody else comes forward
You do know that there is a major legal case brewing elsewhere that could cause Stephanie problems if it went to trial, that was also another rumour of the timing of her walking away as well, to limit her involvement with WWE.

There are a lot of things going on clearly and it's being brought out in one way or another and somewhere there will be truths to a lot of things, whether they fully come out or not is a different matter.

On a different note, WWE share price bounced back as soon as they announced Vince would be on TV tonight.

One smart way to Bury bad news from a business perspective I guess :lol:
The XFL thing? I don’t think that had anything to do with Stephanie to be honest? I can’t see why she would away for that
There were rumours but, again, from shitty wrestling journalists who had no idea there has been an investigation ongoing for almost 3 months before non wrestling media broke it. Stupid rumours trying to explain why when this has to be it.
wrestling journalism sucks, rumour and innuendo. Im not trusting an arm if the media who went big on insider training last night and immediately had to walk it back because they didn’t know what it actually meant.
When more news comes out it won’t be from the carnies.
The XFL thing? I don’t think that had anything to do with Stephanie to be honest? I can’t see why she would away for that
There were rumours but, again, from shitty wrestling journalists who had no idea there has been an investigation ongoing for almost 3 months before non wrestling media broke it. Stupid rumours trying to explain why when this has to be it.
wrestling journalism sucks, rumour and innuendo. Im not trusting an arm if the media who went big on insider training last night and immediately had to walk it back because they didn’t know what it actually meant.
When more news comes out it won’t be from the carnies.

Just to add a little more re the lawsuit.

What does Stephanie McMahon have to do with that lawsuit? Many who have read it will recall that McMahon was singled out as the individual who reached out to FOX to try and end the agreement between MLW and Tubi TV. The lawsuit alleged that McMahon threatened FOX with the possibility of losing WWE if the MLW/Tubi deal wasn’t ended; MLW further alleged the agreement was then terminated the night before it was to be announced.

Whether the ongoing lawsuit was the major influence on McMahon stepping away or is just Meltzer’s sources speculating is unknown. Meltzer, as he has in the past week, noted again that something had changed regarding McMahon’s relationship with WWE, as she had been voted to WWE’s Board of Directors just before her leave of absence. She remains on the board to date.

With Stephanie taking time off, has anyone wondered if there's a correlation between that exit and the allegations against her in the MLW lawsuit?

That was something that came to mind. My feeling on it is that someone asked that question, no one's going to admit it was the case. If and when the facts at hand for the MLW lawsuit come to light via depositions or testimony in open court - if it ever gets to that point and isn't settled or dropped, we'll know exactly what the meat and potatoes of that allegation truly are.
The incredible thing about the Vince stuff is that this is probably far from the worst thing he’s done, even in recent times.
The incredible thing about the Vince stuff is that this is probably far from the worst thing he’s done, even in recent times.

Well, I think from the reports, they are looking into many other non disclosure agreements going back years.

It could well be that Vince and other executives or even wrestlers have been up to no good and paying people off.

We all know the stories & rumours from the eighties floating about for decades and also of the very serious sexual assaults and activities employees have had also that were punished by law.

It is just a matter of time, before NDA end up being worthless.
Well, I think from the reports, they are looking into many other non disclosure agreements going back years.

It could well be that Vince and other executives or even wrestlers have been up to no good and paying people off.

We all know the stories & rumours from the eighties floating about for decades and also of the very serious sexual assaults and activities employees have had also that were punished by law.

It is just a matter of time, before NDA end up being worthless.

I think this is more or less confirmed due to them investigating several NDA agreements with people over the years. Its clearly more than this one thing. How much more? Do we find all the skeletons at once? We'll see.
So it's not Vince McMahon kicking off Smackdown tonight, but Mr McMahon so expect an angle of some sort.

Classic Vince when he is up against it... Drive a truck straight through it.
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Former WWE referee Dave Hebner has passed away

He was the brother of Earl and was part of the famous Andre v Hogan Title change screw job as the good twin referee (Earl being the paid off ref doing the screw job)
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Wrestling is wild. The whole sasha/Naomi and mjf ordeals feel like years ago
Vinces way of saying, he's still the main man.

Yeah I took it that way too.

I haven't watched a live wrestling show in a decade but I'm a huge classic wrestling fan.

Made sure to watch the clip on Reddit and it didn't look to me like "Goodbye" more like "I'll see you later".
Just seen image of the employee he had affair with.

I dont blame him, and about 40 to 50 odd years younger.

What's sad is, it was her friend that leaked about the affair in the first place.
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It will be Roman v Drew no?

They are changing plans because Orton is out and gonna have surgery on his back.
Yeah thats what I am assuming with Drew maybe winning? To be fair I am happy with that, would be nice to see Brock against someone else but don't see it happening.

Ah okay that makes sense.
Think that was Vince weird way of saying bye. You won’t see him on WWE again.

Looked a bit emotional on the way out.
I honestly can’t see it. It’s up to the board members if Vince is thrown out over this. I know people are trying to edge this towards sexual assault but Vince is only in trouble because it goes against company policy. This isn’t a legal case and it’ll come down to board members working it if Vince will bring in more money than his replacement would.
Last night showed me he isnt scared of the investigation so he must know he has backing.
I honestly can’t see it. It’s up to the board members if Vince is thrown out over this. I know people are trying to edge this towards sexual assault but Vince is only in trouble because it goes against company policy. This isn’t a legal case and it’ll come down to board members working it if Vince will bring in more money than his replacement would.
Last night showed me he isnt scared of the investigation so he must know he has backing.

The issue is.... the CEO having sexual relations with employee.... The CEO doubling her wages whilst in said relationship, the employee being passed onto another WWE executive etc etc

And would seem there are many many more NDAS of similar cases going back years.

It doesn't look good at all.

But you do wonder if her "friend" has now cost that girl the money she signed up for as a result of her going public about it.

Now she has been named by an idiot, her life is pretty much ruined.
The issue is.... the CEO having sexual relations with employee.... The CEO doubling her wages whilst in said relationship, the employee being passed onto another WWE executive etc etc

And would seem there are many many more NDAS of similar cases going back years.

It doesn't look good at all.

But you do wonder if her "friend" has now cost that girl the money she signed up for as a result of her going public about it.

Now she has been named by an idiot, her life is pretty much ruined.
I dunno if her life is ruined if it’s her friend is making the fuss and not her? She might just be happy with the 3m I suppose.
I do think the passing around angle is stupidly overblown as if she had no agency in it. Phrases like that doesn’t help her situation imo.
The More I think about it, the More I think an internal investigation is just for the shareholders benefit, especially if there isn’t an actual complaint from the paralegal. Vince must be stupidly comfortable to use it to pop a rating, the carny balls on that man is unbelievable
I dunno if her life is ruined if it’s her friend is making the fuss and not her? She might just be happy with the 3m I suppose.
I do think the passing around angle is stupidly overblown as if she had no agency in it. Phrases like that doesn’t help her situation imo.
The More I think about it, the More I think an internal investigation is just for the shareholders benefit, especially if there isn’t an actual complaint from the paralegal. Vince must be stupidly comfortable to use it to pop a rating, the carny balls on that man is unbelievable

Well, if she is named publically and a lot of people knew she worked at WWE like current and future employers, it's a problem for her.

Also, she never got $3m, she was given $1m upfront and the rest paid over 5 years if she stayed quiet. - Only way her friend knew, is she told her in first place.
I dunno if her life is ruined if it’s her friend is making the fuss and not her? She might just be happy with the 3m I suppose.
I do think the passing around angle is stupidly overblown as if she had no agency in it. Phrases like that doesn’t help her situation imo.
The More I think about it, the More I think an internal investigation is just for the shareholders benefit, especially if there isn’t an actual complaint from the paralegal. Vince must be stupidly comfortable to use it to pop a rating, the carny balls on that man is unbelievable
Of course it's for the shareholders and there is no law being broken for an intimate relationship.

The investigation is quite obviously because it is a misappropriation of company finds from a publically traded company. Which, I believe is potentially a felony?
Just seen image of the employee he had affair with.

I dont blame him, and about 40 to 50 odd years younger.

What's sad is, it was her friend that leaked about the affair in the first place.
Just seen image of the employee he had affair with.

I dont blame him, and about 40 to 50 odd years younger.

What's sad is, it was her friend that leaked about the affair in the first place.

You dont blame him for exploiting an employee who had medical bills for their parents that they werent able to pay and raising their wages to double in exchange for sex?