Television The Propgropthrop

The more I think about this actually its actually GENIUS!!

The ratings will be through the roof and Vince won't give a fiddlers about anything other than that!

Yes, Smackdown is gonna have huge numbers, if I was them, I'd put him on last, because nothing can follow him.
They should vote Vince out of the company for good, his creative influence has been poor for some time.

On a note about tonight, does anyone think Roman will actually show up?

This is WWE in a nutshell....

They gave Roman both titles so he can be on both shows (as the main man of WWE) and at same time, they gave him a new contract that makes him work as a part time wrestler :wenger:
Yes, Smackdown is gonna have huge numbers, if I was them, I'd put him on last, because nothing can follow him.

I would as well, thing is we both know they'll probably lead out with it... and its this kind of thing that's wrong with the product these days.

Even if its just him apologizing or whatever leave it til the end of the show!
Reports are saying that Vince has torn up tonight's script for the show....

Could be he actually will end up kicking off Smackdown maybe after all.

but where do you go after that... surely the commentary etc will be heavily distracted and the energy will be out of the building.

Sensibly, just start with Roman Having a 20 minute title match, 3 matches after that and then give Vince 35 mins at the end.
@TheEnemiesPE3: Stephanie McMahon is the intern CEO of WWE. So if you think about the Alliance really won…
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The more I think about it, this is the carniest shit he has ever pulled. Popping a rating for SD based on sexual impropriety accusations. If he was forced out he wouldn’t be waiting for his tv show to air.
Unbelievable, it really is
Omg why are WWE making it so complicated having an interim CEO? They should have just made Steph CEO, far simpler :smirk:

Btw Jeff Jarret was hired a few months ago. Most likely if Vince is actually away from the company for a period of time that actually its Jarret running things with Steph just the face of the company. TNA lives
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The more I think about this actually its actually GENIUS!!

The ratings will be through the roof and Vince won't give a fiddlers about anything other than that!

Its normal Vince. Nothing is off limits and all that matters is making money. It is the kind of thing that Vince has always been doing that led to people thinking he's a genius, but this is textbook Vince and completely normal for him.
@IWCkilledKenny: Vince McMahon showing up to Smackdown tonight having no idea Stephanie McMahon is replacing him as CEO
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I remember when Steph first came on to WWE TV.... she was so bangable back then.
Its normal Vince. Nothing is off limits and all that matters is making money. It is the kind of thing that Vince has always been doing that led to people thinking he's a genius, but this is textbook Vince and completely normal for him.

Yes and genius!

Don't speak ill of our graps godfather!
The ratings won't be that big - he'll be safe as feck with some sappy shit, and no one cares. Minor ass boost.

That picture of him is ancient too, why don't they use up to date pictures of him, I mean, I know he's old, surely he does too? I barely recognised him at WM until they said Vince, because they don't update his image.

Plus has he actually be seen with Linda in the past like 10 years? Any pic of the two seem to be at least 10 years old. It's probably AJ, done it to feck to with Punk.
The ratings won't be that big - he'll be safe as feck with some sappy shit, and no one cares. Minor ass boost.

That picture of him is ancient too, why don't they use up to date pictures of him, I mean, I know he's old, surely he does too? I barely recognised him at WM until they said Vince, because they don't update his image.

Plus has he actually be seen with Linda in the past like 10 years? Any pic of the two seem to be at least 10 years old. It's probably AJ, done it to feck to with Punk.

Vince & Linda are officially separated apparently and have been for a few years.
This just in from PW Insider

Why do you think Stephanie McMahon was named the interim CEO and not Shane McMahon?

A number of reasons. One, Stephanie has been working for the company full-time in recent years, has been in the middle of everything, knows their vision and was who the Board obviously wanted in the role. They want the message to be that there's a seamless pivot to Steph and they are running smooth. Whether you think he should have been tapped or not, the reality is Shane has not been an company employee for many years and had mostly been a performer with very few behind the scenes responsibilities. The last time he was working behind the scenes was the 2022 Royal Rumble and that went so well, he hasn't worked for the company since. Is it possible he could return in some fashion? Sure, but it's not going to be to run the company for his Dad when his Dad is under investigation. Stephanie has been groomed and prepared for that role for many years and even though Nick Khan is Presidentand in many regards, the internal side of the company has been shaped by him in recent years, they need a McMahon at the helm for public appearances as much as anything else and she's the right choice in my eyes.

Why Stephanie and not HHH?

I don't see Paul Levesque as being the person to put into what will obviously be a stressful situation given his heart issues. The man is still recovering. If Vince McMahon is eventually removed from creative duties, Levesque makes a lot of sense but given his health issues, I don't think putting him into that CEO role would be the best short-term ideas for him or the company. WWE is still in the middle of chaos here. As someone who is watching his father currently recover from a quadruple bypass, I can tell you firsthand that Levesque's health should not be sacrificed to that chaos in my opinion.

Any update on John Laurinaitis?

As of this morning, he is still internally listed as with the company. If and whether that changes remains to be seen. This is all unfolding in real time. I don't think anyone would be stunned to hear this doesn't end well for his status with the company.

Why was Stephanie referred to as Ms. and not Mrs. in that press release? Did I miss something?

Good question and you are not alone asking that this morning. It's also not one that WWE is going to publicly address, especially right now. I honestly don't know if we've missed something but there's been eyebrows raised by some in the company this morning and it's the last thing WWE is going to comment on with all else going on. It could just be they used Ms. and that's all. It's not unusual for that title to be used in business circles.

Did Vince McMahon really just stated he will do whatever the Board wants him to do? Come on, this is like The Emperor in Star Wars listening to the Senate when, as he says, "I AM THE SENATE!" That has to be a work right?

He did. It's a publicly traded company. He's going to have to answer to the Board of Directors' investigation. You aren't working public statements by an officer of - AGAIN - a publicly traded company in the middle of that officer being investigated publicly by an outside third party, especially when you have no idea what could be potentially uncovered.. No matter what happens here, the idea that this company is and always will be Vince McMahon's fiefdom is over. We are looking at a situation that could very well be the beginning of the end of the Vince McMahon saga. We will see, but I expect there will be a lot of cultural changes made in the days and weeks to come internally.

What happens to the Vince McMahon book. Netflix documentary and the People vs. Vince McMahon TV series?

I am going to place the safe bet and say all of those are on hold until they see how this unfolds. Whatever is already written or edited will likely never see the light of day because with these allegations, the prism of how it will all be seen will have changed. Production never kicked off on the fictional People vs. Vince series, so it's entirely possible it, like a lot of other Hollywood projects, disappears into the mists of time, never to be seen.
Omg why are WWE making it so complicated having an interim CEO? They should have just made Steph CEO, far simpler :smirk:

Btw Jeff Jarret was hired a few months ago. Most likely if Vince is actually away from the company for a period of time that actually its Jarret running things with Steph just the face of the company. TNA lives
This is really showing up the wrestling journalists. It was spread far and wide that Stephanie was let go because of under performance and now she’s the fecking CEO.
That entire industry needs a reboot. They haven’t a clue what’s going on here. This investigation has been going on for two months before it was made public and not one person knew about it.
The Ms McMahon thing is interesting. Could be innocent, but could well not be.
This is really showing up the wrestling journalists. It was spread far and wide that Stephanie was let go because of under performance and now she’s the fecking CEO.
That entire industry needs a reboot. They haven’t a clue what’s going on here. This investigation has been going on for two months before it was made public and not one person knew about it.

Exactly, she was buried for weeks about being bad at her job and now they appoint her acting CEO, basically because they need to have that McMahon name as part of the company.

I suspect Khan will be running the show even more and Steph will just be a finger head and used at production of the shows only.
The Ms McMahon thing is interesting. Could be innocent, but could well not be.

I swear in the past also, they always use her full married name as well and now it's just Ms McMahon.

Given she quit the way she did, maybe Her and HHH have split etc.

I'm sure we will know sooner rather than later.
Exactly, she was buried for weeks about being bad at her job and now they appoint her acting CEO, basically because they need to have that McMahon name as part of the company.

I suspect Khan will be running the show even more and Steph will just be a finger head and used at production of the shows only.
I don’t even agree with this. All assumptions by wrestling journalists who have been shockingly out of touch with all of this. She would have stepped down with this in mind since it’s an investigation that’s been going on going for 2 MONTHS! Real journalists, such as the WSJ, contact the people involved in the piece for a chance for a rebuttal etc so this would t have came out of the blue.It’s clear as day she stepped away to free her up for this role imo.
PW Insider this week confirmed it.

That's not official. I don't think it's wrong, but it's speculatively guessing on the basis they don't live together due to differing commitments and well aren't seen together, like at all. But it's still speculative.

As is this new "Ms" shit. WWE always the best at bringing the soap drama :lol:
PWInsider could claim the hand that Mae Young gave birth to was real and some muppets in here would believe it.