Television The Propgropthrop

Adam Cole's contract runs out this month apparently.
Vince McMahon was supposedly high on him. But it's one of them, his misses and mates are having fun next door. As much as I reckon he likes NXT, he's done everything there is to do there, probably doesn't fancy raw/smackdown (don't see how anyone in NXT would), might be time for a move.
I dipped in to Smackdown a week ago and was pretty pleased to see Reigns side stepping Cena in favour of Balor. That is a match I would be interested in. Then I wake up Saturday morning and am looking at my Instagram to see it’s Cena vs Reigns at summerslam. Couldn’t even be bothered watching Smackdown after seeing that news.
:lol: On what planet was it ever going to be Balor/Reigns at Summerslam?
The most nailed on AEW signing that I think there is, if his contract does expire.

Him and possibly Owens. Owens has a family to think of so if WWE offer him a lot more money than AEW that might do it. But Cole and Owens were both close with the Bucks on the indies before WWE
AEW has no room anyone else.

They can’t just hire everyone.
Every time WWE makes releases...

Tony Khan: "Daaaaaaaaaaad!"

Punk, Bryan and Cole should be signed though. I don't give a shite about Wyatt but the Internet is convinced he is a creative genius because he wore a creepy clown mask.
AEW has no room anyone else.

They can’t just hire everyone.

In danger of becoming TNA if they do.

I've not got into AEW, but they at least seem to have resisted putting every ex-WWE guy straight to the top of the card.
AEW has Rampage coming soon. I think some of the hires are good gets. Cole is still only 32 so makes sense to get.
Punk and Bryan will bring in fans.

In danger of becoming TNA if they do.

I've not got into AEW, but they at least seem to have resisted putting every ex-WWE guy straight to the top of the card.

Even if they hire these guys, the best thing about AEW is who they are focusing on in terms of pushing long term and they are all under 30. And can carry the company once the older guys go / retire.
In danger of becoming TNA if they do.

I've not got into AEW, but they at least seem to have resisted putting every ex-WWE guy straight to the top of the card.

I don’t watch much AEW but I disagree with the TNA comment. A lot of the WWE guys they are bringing in have a lot to offer that have been largely wasted in WWE. If there’s talent available and room on the roster then it doesn’t matter where they came from.

I’d argue that someone like Christian was maybe a step too far, but you can’t argue with most of the other former WWE guys they have brought in.

CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and Adam Cole are all no brainiers. Punk and Bryan instantly become two of the biggest stars in the company and Cole is back with his mates.

Bray might be able to offer something but I don’t think there’s room for him at the top of the card any time soon. At least he would be able to do his own stuff though without it eventually being ruined by someone else.
AEW has Rampage coming soon. I think some of the hires are good gets. Cole is still only 32 so makes sense to get.
Punk and Bryan will bring in fans.

Even if they hire these guys, the best thing about AEW is who they are focusing on in terms of pushing long term and they are all under 30. And can carry the company once the older guys go / retire.

Assume that'll be on Fite TV as well. Would be cool if they include it in the AEW+ subscription but I don't mind paying a little extra tbh either.
I don’t watch much AEW but I disagree with the TNA comment. A lot of the WWE guys they are bringing in have a lot to offer that have been largely wasted in WWE. If there’s talent available and room on the roster then it doesn’t matter where they came from.

I’d argue that someone like Christian was maybe a step too far, but you can’t argue with most of the other former WWE guys they have brought in.

CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and Adam Cole are all no brainiers. Punk and Bryan instantly become two of the biggest stars in the company and Cole is back with his mates.

Bray might be able to offer something but I don’t think there’s room for him at the top of the card any time soon. At least he would be able to do his own stuff though without it eventually being ruined by someone else.

Agree with all of this. I'd say both Christian and Hardy were needless signings actually. Miro got off to a shaky start but has been booked right since his split from Sabian. Looks like they're kicking off something between Andrade and Pac with the Lucha Bros in the middle (which makes sense) and hopefully they find something more interesting for Black when he's dealt with Cody.

The mistep for me would be not making Hangman take the strap from Omega but I still think that will happen. Be interesting to see who they line up for it after that though...
@CassiusClaymore I could see it being the 'face' Hangman Page. And then him losing it to MJF
And possibly MJF losing it to Sammy :lol:

With the way theyve planned things, I wouldnt be surprised as you have in built stories to fit all that happening within 18-24 months.
AEW has no room anyone else.

They can’t just hire everyone.

They have a 2nd main show just starting up in a few weeks. Its what they've needed for a long time, now they probably can add some more people. But they like to add some people they dont have contracted from Dark too, not just bigger names. People they think have potential to become a name in time through AEW

They have a 2nd main show just starting up in a few weeks. Its what they've needed for a long time, now they probably can add some more people. But they like to add some people they dont have contracted from Dark too, not just bigger names

This is likely to be CM Punks return as it's in Chicago
This is likely to be CM Punks return as it's in Chicago

Yep. And also a night you can expect everyone to be watching, so you can start some big angles and have other people show up too so that people are invested for the coming weeks
Yep. And also a night you can expect everyone to be watching, so you can start some big angles and have other people show up too so that people are invested for the coming weeks

Going to be a really interesting few months for sure.

I know Vince isn't worried, but he should be. AEW if they don't screw up can be a huge force for a long time.

Wrestling vs Entertainment let the battle begin.
I don’t watch much AEW but I disagree with the TNA comment. A lot of the WWE guys they are bringing in have a lot to offer that have been largely wasted in WWE. If there’s talent available and room on the roster then it doesn’t matter where they came from.

I’d argue that someone like Christian was maybe a step too far, but you can’t argue with most of the other former WWE guys they have brought in.

CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and Adam Cole are all no brainiers. Punk and Bryan instantly become two of the biggest stars in the company and Cole is back with his mates.

Bray might be able to offer something but I don’t think there’s room for him at the top of the card any time soon. At least he would be able to do his own stuff though without it eventually being ruined by someone else.

I'm not saying they're there yet, just there's a danger of it of they keep signing, or giving screen time, to seemingly everyone WWE let go.

Moxley and Jericho were understandable, and I fully understand Bryan and Punk.

PAC, Miro, Black and Andrade solid enough signings. Brodie too (RIP).

Christian and Matt Hardy seemed unnecessary, and I know when they started out they had Jack Swagger and Tye Dillinger as main parts of the roster, and I know Zack Ryder, Gallows and Anderson, and The Revival have all appeared in some capacity, although I'm not sure to what extent.

Looking through the roster, they've got JR, Big Show, Billy Gunn, Jake Roberts, Taz, Mark Henry, Chavo Guerrero and Vickie Guerrero there. I'm fairly sure they did some really on the nose Bret Hart thing early on too.

When there's talk of Bray Wyatt, Adam Cole, Kevin Owens, etc. signing for AEW, it's not really surprising that people are looking at it and thinking of TNA.

The one thing AEW haven't done that TNA did, is make seemingly every former WWE guy their top star straight away. That'll be the main difference.
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Going to be a really interesting few months for sure.

I know Vince isn't worried, but he should be. AEW if they don't screw up can be a huge force for a long time.

Wrestling vs Entertainment let the battle begin.

If he wasnt worried why did he sign people like Strowman to huge contracts 2 years ago, to then baulk at how much he's earning and cut him now? :lol:
If he wasnt worried why did he sign people like Strowman to huge contracts 2 years ago, to then baulk at how much he's earning and cut him now? :lol:

Exactly he panicked and now because he's been forced to cut cost's, he's acting like it's no big deal, but in reality he knows he got a real fight coming.

I guess Cena and Reigns will save him HAHA
Think Andrade, black, punk, Bryan and Cole etc are all the types of gets they should be looking at if they're going after WWE guys.

The Dillinger's, Hardy's and Christians etc are not..
Think Andrade, black, punk, Bryan and Cole etc are all the types of gets they should be looking at if they're going after WWE guys.

The Dillinger's, Hardy's and Christians etc are not..

Agreed. That's what gave it a TNA feel to many I think.

When they tuned in to see Dillinger feuding with Cody or Hardy in his 'broken' gimmick returning to feud with Jericho.

At that point, it felt very TNA...

Since then, it looks like they've learnt and from the outside looking in, it looks like they're doing a decent job now
I'm not saying they're there yet, just there's a danger of it of they keep signing, or giving screen time, to seemingly everyone WWE let go.

Moxley and Jericho were understandable, and I fully understand Bryan and Punk.

PAC, Miro, Black and Andrade solid enough signings. Brodie too (RIP).

Christian and Matt Hardy seemed unnecessary, and I know when they started out they had Jack Swagger and Tye Dillinger as main parts of the roster, and I know Zack Ryder, Gallows and Anderson, and The Revival have all appeared in some capacity, although I'm not sure to what extent.

Looking through the roster, they've got JR, Big Show, Billy Gunn, Jake Roberts, Taz, Mark Henry, Chavo Guerrero and Vickie Guerrero there. I'm fairly sure they did some really on the nose Bret Hart thing early on too.

When there's talk of Bray Wyatt, Adam Cole, Kevin Owens, etc. signing for AEW, it's not really surprising that people are looking at it and thinking of TNA.

The one thing AEW haven't done that TNA did, is make seemingly every former WWE guy their top star straight away. That'll be the main difference.

TNA's best stuff was a mix of signing people who werent over the hill from WWE (Angle, Gail Kim, Christian, Dudleys, The Pope, Hardys, RVD) and the indie talent that hadnt been at WWE like Joe, Daniels, Styles, Abyss, McGuiness. And its failure was nothing to do with them really.

It was the leadership and the guys who were big names but couldnt do a lot in the ring anymore hanging on for main event spots and high wage contracts. And losing their tv deals through stupid things like emailing the wrong person information that revealed Russo was secretly writing for them even though the tv network had specifically told them that they didnt want that.

Now even if it had been the case that it was the guys from TNA that ruined it... WWE is the company that is choc full of ex-TNA guys. Other than returning stars for short periods and Roman Reigns, ex TNA guys are the backbone of WWE right now. Far more than are at AEW.

AEW isnt signing The Main Event Mafia and making Joe, Styles, Daniels, Abyss and McGuiness lose to them because they "arent real stars". They've done the opposite.

They've tried and succeeded in making Hangman Page, Darby Allin, Orange Cassidy, Britt Baker, Sammy G, Jungle Boy and MJF stars as well as the ex-WWE guys.

The pecking order is something like


Allin and Cassidy are featured more than Christian too, its just they've already had their title shots and goes at Omega so they got a loss on their record. Christian will have the same

If you had that same graphic in TNA it will be full of 40 year old+ ex WWE stars who even if they were once good in the ring, were no longer other than Angle.

On the women's side they have Tay Conti who didnt do much in NXT as the only former WWE wrestler in their top 5 + champ. She is rank 3 after losing a title match.

So its a very different use of ex WWE guys in AEW. They have been hired and they have a place, but most of them find themselves under AEW's own stars in the pecking order
@CassiusClaymore I could see it being the 'face' Hangman Page. And then him losing it to MJF
And possibly MJF losing it to Sammy :lol:

With the way theyve planned things, I wouldnt be surprised as you have in built stories to fit all that happening within 18-24 months.

Yeah Hangman and then MJF makes a lot of sense. MJF will surely be done with Jericho by then and needing a new feud. MJF and Punk going back and and forth on the mic is mouthwatering actually. There's a picture somewhere of a kid MJF with Punk isn't there? :lol:
Yeah Hangman and then MJF makes a lot of sense. MJF will surely be done with Jericho by then and needing a new feud. MJF and Punk going back and and forth on the mic is mouthwatering actually. There's a picture somewhere of a kid MJF with Punk isn't there? :lol:

Yeah found it on Reddit

That picture will surely be used @CassiusClaymore

The rampage Chicago show is week 2 right? But regardless, I think that show gets more eyeballs than week 1. I can imagine week 1 builds towards week 2, and week 2 we get some big shit. I hope its not overloaded, but it has 3 or 4 big things that stick with you and make you want to watch more and coming weeks.

When Sting debuted on Dynamite, that was a good rating, but had the issue of the roster being so big they stuffed everything and every angle on that. Now with two shows they dont have to do that.

The best thing is they dont have a three hour show, which is just horrible to slog through.
Ric Flair released. If he shows up in AEW and immediately challenges Omega.. even @Ekeke will struggle to defend it :lol:
Tickets officially went on sale this morning for the 8/20 All Elite Wrestling event in Chicago, IL at 23,000 seat The United Center, which has been all but promised to be the official return of CM Punk to professional wrestling.

The AEW Rampage taping sold out very quickly after moving over 10,000 tickets in the online pre-sale.

Can you imagine the riot if it isn't Punk :lol:
Ric Flair was literally bankrolled by Vince and WWE over the last decade.

I'm guessing Nick Khan said enough and Ric probably found another sponsor to ask for his release.
My chest after taking a bunch of chops for the first time in tonight's training session. Normal, Mongolian (double) chops and Big Show style overhand chops.

One guy had far worse marks where you could see clear finger imprints

My chest after taking a bunch of chops for the first time in tonight's training session. Normal, Mongolian (double) chops and Big Show style overhand chops.

One guy had far worse marks where you could see clear finger imprints


Was that one guy a bear? Fair fecks to you mate, make sure you chronicle your journey.
Loved the CM Punk and Bray Wyatt chants last night.

Actually thought the crowd were a little quiet compared to the past.

Think AEW crowd going to explode.

They were muted by production apparently who were allegedly dubbing cheering noises in. Apparently though they messed up though as one of the audio files used during Drew’s entrance apparently you can here Michael Cole talking about him being a 16 time world champion ( obviously grabbed from a Cena entrance).