Television The Propgropthrop

The Fiend in my opinion was the best thing to happen in wrestling for years. Absolutely brilliant character with the Firefly fun house stuff and the transformation to the fiend it was incredible.

When he won the title he should have ripped through the entire roster, I wonder what happened to go from undefeated world champ kicking out of every move to jobbing to Goldberg within 10 seconds.
They wanted Goldberg vs reigns at mania, which didn't end up happening anyway
So braun got the win...who also got released
Mickie James having a go at WWE and I'm surprised at how many people defend WWE
Mickie James is a clown who adores drama, the binbag "controversy" says everything about her. A total Karen.

All she has done with that tweet is direct the ire of the internet towards Alexa.
I suspected that WWE had decided they prefered Alexa doing the similar to Fiend gimmick, and thats why she turned on him and pretty much buried him. Then we had the comments here about Bray's mental health following Brody's death. That may also have been true. But releasing him would suggest they were also over him.
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Alexa getting a ton of abuse as is Vince and Goldberg on Twitter.

It's not Alexas fault and her tweet shows how shocked and upset she was Bray was let go.
Wow. I wonder if he’s asked for his release as I think he’s been struggling with his mental health?

They really killed the Fiend by feeding him to Goldberg though. As you say. What a waste
Apparently the reason was budget costs.
Alexa getting a ton of abuse as is Vince and Goldberg on Twitter.

It's not Alexas fault and her tweet shows how shocked and upset she was Bray was let go.

People are dicks. It’s clearly not Alexa’s fault. It’s also not Goldberg’s fault. If WWE are going to keep ringing him and offering him bags of cash to come and work for 4 minutes, he’s going to keep saying yes
Someone posted a picture of Bray in a supermarket just yesterday and he looked happy. Bit of a coincidence I guess.

I can see it being them releasing him then getting him back on a smaller contract down the line, so yeah budgeting reasons.

But can also see it being him wanting to leave probably for a variety of reasons at this point, including his mental health.

The squash to Goldberg remains one of the most bizarre decisions in recent years. Think that's Goldberg's last win too is it not?

And then for us to all have a glimmer of hope when he won the title again, only to drop it a week later.

Anywho, think Randy is the last remaining member of the Wyatt family by my count. Not shocking.
Apparently the reason was budget costs.

They always use budget cuts when it’s public knowledge they’ve signed multiple multi million/billion dollar deals in the last few years, WWE has never been so cash rich It’s a load of bollocks.

Good for rival companies though, they aren’t releasing washed up talent who can’t make TV anymore just look at the AEW signings these are top class wrestlers.
People are dicks. It’s clearly not Alexa’s fault. It’s also not Goldberg’s fault. If WWE are going to keep ringing him and offering him bags of cash to come and work for 4 minutes, he’s going to keep saying yes
Yep. This is all on WWE and Vince. Maybe Nick Khan too.
Yep. This is all on WWE and Vince. Maybe Nick Khan too.

Apparently Nick Khan was given a lot of power by Vince and he and another one of Khan's guys are in full control over cutting as much of the overheads as possible to save money.

It's clearly a sign of making WWE look financially strong for sale.

Also on the conference call yesterday, Vince rambled something about AEW not being a threat and Nick Khan jumped in and said something a bit more different to.the contrary.
Had WWE Network for quite a while because I really enjoyed NXT, and obviously it had all of the PPVs included. Binned it after NXT started being uploaded on a 1 week delay and basically didn't watch any wrestling during the pandemic. Tuned in for Mania this year and enjoyed it, but now half the roster seems to be gone.,

Might pick up Fite again and get into AEW. Watched a bit when it first started out but didn't really invest much time in it, but it definitely seems the better product at the moment.
WWE releases a lot of their big stars and buries NXT talents daily.

So literally they are now relying on Edge, Orton, Regins, a few women and Cena & the rest zero people care about them.

Yet WWE are still making tons of money (mostly from TV, Peacock & Saudi) yet the product is bad overall.
It's a shit wrestling promo, it's only memorable for "pulling back the curtain". In hindsight, that promo spawned a generation of fans who can't be happy with regular wrestling promos and are only happy when they hear "shoot" shit.
The Fiend was terrible and Wyatt hasn’t been able to get a gimmick over where he can recover from a loss.
The fiend was awful. His best character was the Hawaiian shirt wearing Swamp cult leader. I don’t know why they changed it so abruptly. I didn’t like when he was that Gothic Undertaker rip off around the time he was teaming with Orton either.
It's a shit wrestling promo, it's only memorable for "pulling back the curtain". In hindsight, that promo spawned a generation of fans who can't be happy with regular wrestling promos and are only happy when they hear "shoot" shit.
Are you one of them since you dont seem happy at anything:

Mickie James is a clown who adores drama, the binbag "controversy" says everything about her. A total Karen.

The attempt to catch the guy who did the corkscrew moonsault was pathetic.
It absolutely does not. It's been marinating for about a year now. Shit or get off the pot.

A supposed star bragging about 77,000 women (aged 18-34, super important of course...) watching their show.

Stuff like this is why wrestling is in the shitter. The "stars" are as nerdy as the fans. Same with Britt Baker wondering if Meltzer will give her 5 stars after her Thunder Rosa match. It's all so needy and pathetic.

Id like to see you next say something positive about AEW.
Hangman is the coolest, most likeable guy wrestling has had in years.

Britt is a star, despite her obsession with Meltzer's ratings.

Cargill should be a bigger star than her in time.

Rosa is cool.

Hobbs is one of the best big men prospects in wrestling.

Cassidy is very entertaining.

Plenty to like about AEW after you get past their toxic online fans and absolute shite like the Young Bucks (why are one of them wasters winning against Hangman? Stupidity...) and even worse shit like Gallows and Anderson. Two guys who made a career from being AJ Style's fluffers being put alongside supposedly the biggest champion in wrestling. Omega doesn't elevate them, they just drag him down.

Also, stupid things like "Wins and losses matter" and rankings. Interesting ideas but getting world title shots like Cassidy and Pac by did beating local jobbers for months on a Youtube show is ridiculous.
It's a shit wrestling promo, it's only memorable for "pulling back the curtain". In hindsight, that promo spawned a generation of fans who can't be happy with regular wrestling promos and are only happy when they hear "shoot" shit.

Yeah, I always felt the same way. If you need to go "off-script" to get a reaction, I'm not sure what it says about you.

When it became to obvious to the gullible bunch who thought this was a real shoot interview that everything was a work, the ppv buyrates declines and remained unimpressive until Hunter had to call an audible and get the title off of Punk.
I dipped in to Smackdown a week ago and was pretty pleased to see Reigns side stepping Cena in favour of Balor. That is a match I would be interested in. Then I wake up Saturday morning and am looking at my Instagram to see it’s Cena vs Reigns at summerslam. Couldn’t even be bothered watching Smackdown after seeing that news.
Hangman is the coolest, most likeable guy wrestling has had in years.

Britt is a star, despite her obsession with Meltzer's ratings.

Cargill should be a bigger star than her in time.

Rosa is cool.

Hobbs is one of the best big men prospects in wrestling.

Cassidy is very entertaining.

Plenty to like about AEW after you get past their toxic online fans and absolute shite like the Young Bucks (why are one of them wasters winning against Hangman? Stupidity...) and even worse shit like Gallows and Anderson. Two guys who made a career from being AJ Style's fluffers being put alongside supposedly the biggest champion in wrestling. Omega doesn't elevate them, they just drag him down.

Also, stupid things like "Wins and losses matter" and rankings. Interesting ideas but getting world title shots like Cassidy and Pac by did beating local jobbers for months on a Youtube show is ridiculous.
Haha I was reading this and thought no way you praise aew without getting a dig or two in
Bravo :lol: