Television The Propgropthrop

Oh god unscripted promo’s....the fecking cringe ‘give me a minute I need to clear my head :lol:

Imagine Vince going fecking mad backstage! Get on that camera damn it!
Oh god unscripted promo’s....the fecking cringe ‘give me a minute I need to clear my head :lol:

Imagine Vince going fecking mad backstage! Get on that camera damn it!
With Drew and Lashley :lol:

probably not the two to choose as much as they’ve improved on the mic.

I liked it :lol:

They should probably put someone like Sami out there instead though
Wonder how this will effect the matches, I know it’s on the Network but they won’t run hours over.
Seth has the greatest laugh
Wish they had got rid of the Messiah stuff

I'm loving these non scripted promos. They sound so much better than the shit we normally get

Cole saying were starting in 5 mins with as he's stood being rained on and with no fans there :lol:
I thought Hogan called him Booker T then, not Brother T.
‘Get Hulk on screen with a black guy’.....fecking so obvious.
So glad drew got a superstar reaction

Oh look lashley got cheered. Well worth breaking up hurt business and using Corbin for...
What’s going on with the camera? it’s in ultra cut mode after every hit....what the hell
Happy for lashley this
Deserves a long reign
. It's now 1-1 between them

Their third Match should be kept for summerslam