Television The Propgropthrop

Night 2 was great, but I found the Women's Tag Team title match to be disappointing. It seemed like Shotzi struggled to work the match, and the rest had to carry her throughout. Most of the moves that involved Shotzi looked awkward to me.

Other than that, though, the whole night was great and a great way to end though I will say that the finish was surprising.
I wanted Adam Cole goes to Raw or Smackdown next week, but after HHH comments doesn’t look like that will happen
Why? You don't like him?
Fair point. But he has feuded with Gargano, Bálor and wrestled Ciampa I don’t see what is left for him to do in NXT, go to Smackdown can have Rollins, Cesaro, Zayn, Owens, Mysterio, Bryan, Edge, or RAW Cole V AJ Styles would be money
Fair point. But he has feuded with Gargano, Bálor and wrestled Ciampa I don’t see what is left for him to do in NXT, go to Smackdown can have Rollins, Cesaro, Zayn, Owens, Mysterio, Bryan, Edge, or RAW Cole V AJ Styles would be money

No I agree with you. It seems that we have seen all the rivalries that he could have in NXT. Although I would love to see him and Roderick Strong in a match and maybe he could have a feud with Kross down the line. But I agree that we've seen pretty much everything. And I agree with you, any of those matches would be a dream match for me. Just thinking about him against pretty much everyone you mentioned gives me goosebumps. But the problem is if he goes there, even if Vince doesn't think he's too small and gets sick of him after two months, he will book all of those feuds like he books everything else. They will have a match every week or every month for 2 3 months to a point that those matches are pointless. And he doesn't allow them to have those great matches that we see pretty much in every other promotion in the world because Vince doesn't like that. So I'm pretty sure even if we see those feuds that you mentioned, they will be booked bad, and the matches won't be what I expect them to be so there won't be a payoff to my investment in that feud.

Whereas in NXT I could see him and Gargano again and every time they will book it like it's the most important match in the whole world like they book every match on the card. The matches themselves will be great no doubt.

It's kind of like NJPW now. We have seen Oakada, Ibushi, Naito, Jay white, Tanahashi, Will Ospreay and everyone else that I'm forgetting now have a match god knows how many times. We have seen it alot. But every time because it is booked good and the matches are great we can't complain. And I think the same thing will happen to AEW in the future. There's only a handful of people that you can have at the main event picture.

It actually amazes me that Vince have so many, so many great wrestlers to have 3 stacked shows a week. And he could freshen up the feuds for ever. It's sad. What a waste of talent.
Apparently gonna be a thunderstorm and it's an open stadium.

First show with fans back could be a disaster. Long term booking from God, getting his own back for Backlash 06.
Apparently gonna be a thunderstorm and it's an open stadium.

First show with fans back could be a disaster. Long term booking from God, getting his own back for Backlash 06.
I wonder how the matches will go if there'll be rain falling during the event. I can imagine most of the spots getting tough to perform. With that said, would postponing the first night even be a reasonable decision to make?
Surely they’ve contingency planned for this?

It’d frankly be ridiculous if they haven’t.
Ring not under some form of cover?
I don't think so...could be wrong
It doesn't look like they have any cover based on the set reveal video from

They might have put a tarp on the top of the structure above the ring, but if there'll be a thunderstorm, then the winds could result in raindrops being blown into the ring.
Hurricane Helms did just post a pic of himself replying to Meltzer saying a thunderstorm is coming of himself on the Mania stage. Good joke.
What are the chances that a massive storm cancels it?

Bobby V Drew opening?!
I hope it doesnt get cancelled. Kickoff is happening

Sasha and Bianca is main eventing. Yes. Great news.
Literally haven’t watched a thing in WWE since Goldberg squashed The Fiend inside 30 seconds.

How the hell is Bianca Belair main eventing mania? have they done well building her up since she came from NXT?
Literally haven’t watched a thing in WWE since Goldberg squashed The Fiend inside 30 seconds.

How the hell is Bianca Belair main eventing mania? have they done well building her up since she came from NXT?
She won the Rumble.

Her feud with Sasha was centred around a gymnast sommelier and filled with shite promos and sub-par tag matches.
Its 4am here but feck it. all nighter today and tomorrow.

And Vince still struggles to say WWE :lol:
anybody remember when impact zone had a fire and they had to do impromptu interviews and monty brown was who they picked :lol: