Television The Professional Grappling Thread

That's for my after match viewing (well all of the tournament matches from today are), but AJ has just cemented his spot as the best in the world this tournament despite not being the best in the tournament, weirdly. He's so fecking good.

That comparison worries me slightly though, not a big fan of those Taker HBK matches. It'll take some doing to top Shibata vs Ibushi or AJ vs Ibushi for me.

Oh I agree!

It's just the easiest thing to compare to, in terms of how celebrated it is as a pinnacle of edge of your seat stuff, that I could think to tempt non-New Japan fans.

I really think Tanhashi/Styles should be required viewing for anyone even with a passing interest in wrestling. I think it drives AJ/Ibushi or Shibata/Ibushi very close, if not better. Let me know what you think of it when you actually get to it!

AJ styles's run in New Japan I think will go down as one of the greatest ever.
Oh I agree!

It's just the easiest thing to compare to, in terms of how celebrated it is as a pinnacle of edge of your seat stuff, that I could think to tempt non-New Japan fans.

I really think Tanhashi/Styles should be required viewing for anyone even with a passing interest in wrestling. I think it drives AJ/Ibushi or Shibata/Ibushi very close, if not better. Let me know what you think of it when you actually get to it!

AJ styles's run in New Japan I think will go down as one of the greatest ever.

Yep, my number 3 match behind those two still. That being said, this was a near perfect example of timing out a main event. I was properly hooked and those near falls had me jumping all over. Would probably be the best example from the tournament of a match that you need little background for to sense how big a match it is.

It's incredible really, he totally wiped the TNA stench off of himself in about 6 months and has kicked on further from there, don't remember the last time I saw someone work so many different styles to such a high level completely depending on his opponent.

FYI everyone, Amell has only gone and fecked up his jaw in training.
Stardust angle is terrible. He just decides to start fecking with Neville for very little reason and now Barrett is involved for no discernable reason... AND he just got completely squashed by Neville :lol:

Shite ending to the main event too. Complete replica of the Night of Champs ending, ref staring at Sheamus like a gormless goon, Orton would've waited for the bell to ring before attacking Sheamus so he lower how briefcase...AND with the added bonus of making Rollins look weak again.
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Really looking forward to NXT Brooklyn. Enjoyed the last show, the card looking like its going to be a lot of fun.
Oh I agree!

It's just the easiest thing to compare to, in terms of how celebrated it is as a pinnacle of edge of your seat stuff, that I could think to tempt non-New Japan fans.

I really think Tanhashi/Styles should be required viewing for anyone even with a passing interest in wrestling. I think it drives AJ/Ibushi or Shibata/Ibushi very close, if not better. Let me know what you think of it when you actually get to it!

AJ styles's run in New Japan I think will go down as one of the greatest ever.

ok, now it's only 5th in the matches of the tournament for me, Elgin vs Ishii may not be everyone's cup of tea but I loved it, with that being said, Nakamura vs Okada was a match of the year contender. Absolutely sensational stuff.
Stardust angle is terrible. He just decides to start fecking with Neville for very little reason and now Barrett is involved for no discernable reason... AND he just got completely squashed by Neville :lol:
The logic seems purely to be that he's the most aesthetically appropriate guy to participate in the 'Arrow' tie-in with Neville, logic be damned.

Par for the course though - remember when Haitch came out dressed as a Terminator at WrestleMania for no discernible reason?
The logic seems purely to be that he's the most aesthetically appropriate guy to participate in the 'Arrow' tie-in with Neville, logic be damned.

Par for the course though - remember when Haitch came out dressed as a Terminator at WrestleMania for no discernible reason?

The Terminator film was just coming out. Arnie is in the WWE HOF.
Fair enough, you said no discernible reason but the reason was HHH was promoting a friend's up and coming movie. The same reason they have the Muppets on RAW. Just shitty promotional stuff.
Discernible in a viewer's context, as in from what you are shown and told from the product on screen you aren't given a reason for it.

Just the same as the original point regarding Stardust, it makes very little sense on its own unless you know from other sources WWE had an 'Arrow' tie in planned for SummerSlam.
Discernible in a viewer's context, as in from what you are shown and told from the product on screen you aren't given a reason for it.

Just the same as the original point regarding Stardust, it makes very little sense on its own unless you know from other sources WWE had an 'Arrow' tie in planned for SummerSlam.

That's just common sense though for any WWE fan, the Green Arrow teaming with the Red Arrow.
We were talking about how it didn't make much storyline or character sense for Stardust to be involved, not Neville.

Stardust views himself as a super villain, and Arrow is a super hero, as is Neville in kayfabe. As far as these things go it's been pretty well explained.

The only bit that makes no sense is Barrett.

As for Triple H, he's the king of kings, the greatest warrior of all time, a fighting machine, kinda like a Terminator.
Stardust views himself as a super villain, and Arrow is a super hero, as is Neville in kayfabe. As far as these things go it's been pretty well explained.

The only bit that makes no sense is Barrett.

As for Triple H, he's the king of kings, the greatest warrior of all time, a fighting machine, kinda like a Terminator.
The problem with all that is why, and just as with the Triple H justification, it's a huge stretch for what qualifies as 'sense'. Characters backflip to do what's convenient for extra-universe reasons, and the level of effort taken to compensate creatively for it is very low.

It would have been very easy for creative to put even one phrase like 'I'm going to terminate you' or even something small beforehand to plant the seed, instead he just shows up wearing the robot garb because movie. The whole angle was a bit of a clusterfeck anyway, with it going from Sting versus the Authority to WCW versus WWE along the way somehow, with the nWo allying with who it made least sense to ally with and Sting being 'the dumbest guy in all of wreslting' again by shaking Haitch's hand.
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The problem with all that is why, and just as with the Triple H justification, it's a huge stretch for what qualifies as 'sense'. Characters backflip to do what's convenient for extra-universe reasons, and the level of effort taken to compensate creatively for it is very low.

It would have been very easy for creative to put even one phrase like 'I'm going to terminate you' or even something small beforehand to plant the seed, instead he just shows up wearing the robot garb because movie. The whole angle was a bit of a clusterfeck anyway, with it going from Sting versus the Authority to WCW versus WWE along the way somehow, with the nWo allying with who it made least sense to ally with and Sting being 'the dumbest guy in all of wreslting' again by shaking Haitch's hand.
On the upside, at least the Sting Family Band were excellent.
The problem with all that is why, and just as with the Triple H justification, it's a huge stretch for what qualifies as 'sense'. Characters backflip to do what's convenient for extra-universe reasons, and the level of effort taken to compensate creatively for it is very low.

It would have been very easy for creative to put even one phrase like 'I'm going to terminate you' or even something small beforehand to plant the seed, instead he just shows up wearing the robot garb because movie. The whole angle was a bit of a clusterfeck anyway, with it going from Sting versus the Authority to WCW versus WWE along the way somehow, with the nWo allying with who it made least sense to ally with and Sting being 'the dumbest guy in all of wreslting' again by shaking Haitch's hand.

Quite amazed that you think this makes less sense than say, Sting being played out by a kabuki theatre band.
Who said it doesn't?

They're both non-sensical entrances, one was just picked up as an example of a broader pattern.

But the Triple H deal did make sense as he's always been portrayed machine like, add in how Sting was an outsider and a vigilante that needed to be removed so that the Authority (SkyNet) could thrive and it's fine and logical. It was also pretty great.

Sting actually made no sense. Neither did Bray Wyatt's army of scarecrows, but some things are actually done because, you know, it adds to the show.
But the Triple H deal did make sense as he's always been portrayed machine like, add in how Sting was an outsider and a vigilante that needed to be removed so that the Authority (SkyNet) could thrive and it's fine and logical. It was also pretty great.

Sting actually made no sense. Neither did Bray Wyatt's army of scarecrows, but some things are actually done because, you know, it adds to the show.
I don't know whether you're taking the piss or not.

It's like saying Dean Ambrose getting a Bear In The Big Blue House gimmick where he dresses up in a huge fat bear costume and sings to his enemies makes 'total sense' as he's the Lunatic Fringe, which has 'Luna' in it, and Bear sings to Luna the Moon, so there's your set up! Dean has always been portrayed by Creative as a powerful man who regularly forages woodland in preparation for the harsh winter. His ongoing feud with Seth Rollins also mirrors Bear's struggles with Tutter the Mouse, who desires cheese (the WWE World Heavyweight Title) perpetually and often tussles with other supporting cast for Bear's affections (being the face of the company). I don't know how this isn't in the pipeline already, it makes total sense.
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I don't know whether you're taking the piss or not.

It's like saying Dean Ambrose getting a Bear In The Big Blue House gimmick where he dresses up in a huge fat bear costume and sings to his enemies makes 'total sense' as he's the Lunatic Fringe, which has 'Luna' in it, and Bear sings to Luna the Moon, so there's your set up! Dean has always been portrayed by Creative as a powerful man who regularly forages woodland in preparation for the harsh winter. His ongoing feud with Seth Rollins also mirrors Bear's struggles with Tutter the Mouse, who desires cheese (the WWE World Heavyweight Title) perpetually and often tussles with other supporting cast for Bear's affections (being the face of the company). I don't know how this isn't in the pipeline already, it makes total sense.

Well now you're just being silly.
I don't know whether you're taking the piss or not.

It's like saying Dean Ambrose getting a Bear In The Big Blue House gimmick where he dresses up in a huge fat bear costume and sings to his enemies makes 'total sense' as he's the Lunatic Fringe, which has 'Luna' in it, and Bear sings to Luna the Moon, so there's your set up! Dean has always been portrayed by Creative as a powerful man who regularly forages woodland in preparation for the harsh winter. His ongoing feud with Seth Rollins also mirrors Bear's struggles with Tutter the Mouse, who desires cheese (the WWE World Heavyweight Title) perpetually and often tussles with other supporting cast for Bear's affections (being the face of the company). I don't know how this isn't in the pipeline already, it makes total sense.

:lol: Excellent.
I don't know whether you're taking the piss or not.

It's like saying Dean Ambrose getting a Bear In The Big Blue House gimmick where he dresses up in a huge fat bear costume and sings to his enemies makes 'total sense' as he's the Lunatic Fringe, which has 'Luna' in it, and Bear sings to Luna the Moon, so there's your set up! Dean has always been portrayed by Creative as a powerful man who regularly forages woodland in preparation for the harsh winter. His ongoing feud with Seth Rollins also mirrors Bear's struggles with Tutter the Mouse, who desires cheese (the WWE World Heavyweight Title) perpetually and often tussles with other supporting cast for Bear's affections (being the face of the company). I don't know how this isn't in the pipeline already, it makes total sense.
Another fantastic G1 is over, and I'm going to go and curl up into a ball and die of wrestling overdose/feck Tanahashi-ness.

Also, that final was another match better than the AJ Tanahashi one, feck me these last three days have spoiled us.

EDIT: and anyone who thinks a top heel shouldn't do comedy every now and then has clearly never seen AJ Styles

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I think it will be a good card. I think having NXT the night before will help as you know NXT guys will deliver and the main roster will take that as a challenge. (though last time that happened, they didnt really live up to the challenge)
I predict rollins getting the clean win and then seamus cashes in leaving him with the United States championship.
Post Summerslam, Iwe should see a Ryback Kevin Owens so that the intercontinental championship can have a little bit of relevancy.
The Los Matadores are a very entertaining group to watch. If they weren't so terribly booked I wouldn't mind seeing them as champions one day.
Get hyped, it's Orton vs Sheamus part 342....

Fast forward button.. We meet again!

WWE never knows what to do with a babyface Randy Orton. Orton should have been a consistent heel for the last 10 years in the same way that Cena has been a face for the last 10 years.
Did that really just happen? It just got worse than I could ever imagine. A Seth statue in the Hall of Legends if he beats Cena? I've feckin heard it all now. And not even a sarcastic reply or snigger of amusement from Steph and Hunter. Unbelievable. :wenger:
That usually happens when you have a limited amount of people to go up against yet produce 104 main roster shows a year on top of the PPV's over a career that can span decades. You seem surprised.

They don't seem to have a storyline for why they're fighting as far as I can tell. They suddenly just seem to have decided they hate each other