Television The Professional Grappling Thread

Only cos they put themselves in this position.
Irrespective. It's pretty much how the WWE operates. Creative always needs individual talents to carry the ball when they drop it. Cena, Rock, Stone Cold, HHH etc were on top for so long because they were able to do it. Till Rollins or Reigns or anyone else raises to the bar, he will remain the face and top star.
Irrespective. It's pretty much how the WWE operates. Creative always needs individual talents to carry the ball when they drop it. Cena, Rock, Stone Cold, HHH etc were on top for so long because they were able to do it. Till Rollins or Reigns or anyone else raises to the bar, he will remain the face and top star.
It's not quite this simple.

Talent suggest ideas quite frequently, and are often shut down by Creative or management. The gimmicks or angles you get also depend quite heavily on how much you are favoured by higher-ups. The people in charge have 'their' guys and talent around them are used as support. Breaking out of the self-fulfilling mid-card booking is difficult to almost impossible, and even when you do start to get over, management will sometimes pull the rug out from under you as you're not 'supposed' to get over.

It's not so much 'carry the ball' as hope it will be given to you. Or try to take it by force and be beaten down by teammates.
It's not quite this simple.

Talent suggest ideas quite frequently, and are often shut down by Creative or management. The gimmicks or angles you get also depend quite heavily on how much you are favoured by higher-ups. The people in charge have 'their' guys and talent around them are used as support. Breaking out of the self-fulfilling mid-card booking is difficult to almost impossible, and even when you do start to get over, management will sometimes pull the rug out from under you as you're not 'supposed' to get over.

It's not so much 'carry the ball' as hope it will be given to you. Or try to take it by force and be beaten down by teammates.

You can argue that some like Reigns, Charolette get favoured for a push but then it doesn't count unless they display it in the ring. The gimmick is important but the ability to put out great matches is even more important. You go out, do something and get a pop outta the crowd and it kinds leads to more. Yes, the favouritism will still be there, but then isn't that the same in every other line of work?
You can argue that some like Reigns, Charolette get favoured for a push but then it doesn't count unless they display it in the ring.
Well, not really.

Reigns isn't bad in a technical sense, but he is also far from the most proficient at performing in the ring and his push is wildly disproportionate to his wrestling skill. Also, this push also didn't go particularly well but it has continued because he's backed by important people in the company. They may think that his appearance and demeanour would be great for when he does occupy the kind of upper-card space Cena does, but they are also going against the merit of crowd reaction that supposedly wrestlers are judged by.

The gimmick is important but the ability to put out great matches is even more important. You go out, do something and get a pop outta the crowd and it kinds leads to more.
Matches are controlled just as much as gimmicks, and your ability to shine in the ring might not matter much if you're told to job an upper-carder in a five minute match.

'Do something' sounds simple but goes against the highly-controlled nature of the product we see. Wrestlers are instructed about their ring gear, their social media conduct, and sometimes scripted to the letter in promos. And 'leads to more' insinuates a meritocracy that isn't there. A lot of crowd reactions have been seen as 'wrong' and people have been depushed because of it.

Yes, the favouritism will still be there, but then isn't that the same in every other line of work?
That's true, but the degree of it may be seen as strange.

I'd imagine most office workers would find being informed that their work will be presented by someone who is 'meant' to be employee of the month fairly strange. They'd probably similarly resent that management is willing to make a loss to see who they perceive as inferior to their favoured staff embarrassed. Things analogous to this have happened in the WWE.
I found Raw to be decent. Not sure how it was boring. Crowd was hot. Loved the Amell bit tbh and its nice to see Neville involved with it along with Stardust. Oh and Wade but he looks out of it.
Bryans bit and involving him into the raising Rybacks hand (and his return) with MIz and Show was well done.
I like the Wyatts vs Shield part 2 feud.

Divas stuff was good.

Rusev stuff bores me though. And I wish they would open Raw with something different instead of a 20 minute promo from Rollins or Authority or whatever they always do. Something different would be nice.
It was a boring RAW. I like Rollins on the mike, but he has been saying the same thing every week. Absolutely nothing new. Repetition bores.

I think all indications are for Rollins to retain at SummerSlam. Why is he even in a segment with KO and Cesaro?

Probably push the KO + Cesaro feud a little with Rollins not having Cena to promo against.

Looks like Rollins vs Sheamus vs Orton will be the backup if Cena can't make it. Although i think Rollins vs Owens vs Cesaro vs Orton four way would be a quality match and maybe throw in Sheamus trying to cash in.

Sheamus will probably be out next week saying he would have the title if he was allowed to cash in, Orton will say he would of had the title if Sheamus didn't interupt, and walla gonna have your Summerslam match.
I thought a lot of people were suggesting Triple H v Rollins at SummerSlam? That looks extremely unlikely now. Just wondering where the rumours for that match started, and if there was any substance to them? Or was it just people guessing at the direction the story was going to take?
I thought a lot of people were suggesting Triple H v Rollins at SummerSlam? That looks extremely unlikely now. Just wondering where the rumours for that match started, and if there was any substance to them? Or was it just people guessing at the direction the story was going to take?
I think that was guesswork based around the treatment of Rollins at the time the rumours began, with him behaving like a stroppy child with the Authority.

I could have my timeline all wrong though, my memory is extremely unreliable.
It's incredibly odd that since mushing Cena's face, all of Rollin's promos have been completely deferential to him. "I broke the face that runs the place", surely he should be thinking that he is the tippy top, the one to beat, etc.
I hope Sheamus cashes in and they hear the boos in Ireland.

Unless he cashes in on Cena and the crowd goes deathly silent as they don't know how to boo both of them at the same time.
Even if Cena makes it, how do you think the title for title will go. Will either hold both titles together or another wimpy DQ with no title change?
No chance of there being a DQ finish. Seems like they're trying to build Summerslam into a mini-Mania with the 4 hour running time and hype. Having a DQ finish at such a big event and big match will be shat on by fans.

Think Cena will win. Rollins' reign has been a bit crap. Highlight has been a match against Neville on Raw. Combine that with Raw's rating slump and Vince probably panicking and the ingredients are there for a Cena win.

Plus Cena has held the title once in 2013 and once in 2014, so he's probably due a run.
Cena is the Rooney of wrestling.

Both broke onto the scene around 2004. Both looked like they were going to be the absolute bollocks, but while records back them up, they never quite had the star quality you hoped. Now both are aging and considered important, but there's a part of you that wants to see them feck off and replaced.

As for the WWE title, if they give it to Sheamus then it loses all of the credibility it got back from when Brock held it. Would be an obviously idiotic move. Therefore, WWE will probably do it.
Theres absolutely no way I'd want to see Cena go now, he's been in like all of WWE's best matches this year, seriously outstanding stuff. He just needs to translate that to the WWE title instead of the US title.
Cena will make it. He looked fine all things considered on Tough Enough. Another two weeks and he will be able to go. Tough SOB.

I see Sheamus losing to Orton at Summerslam which will lead to him cashing in MITB after the main event, probably on Cena. Cena then keeps US title whilst losing the world title. Rollins will be unhappy but Authority will be happy as titles not on Cena.

Honestly, it would be great if Sheamus wins the title, Brock beats Taker again, and then Brock destroys Sheamus the next month but in a hard hitting match. Think they could have a good brawl.
I don't think Cena will win, certainly been very quiet that he'll equal Ric Flairs record if he wins it. I do hope Sheamus will cash in, because i think he'll have a great match against Brock.
The Summerslam card is looking pretty terrible imo. They're trying hard to hype Lesnar vs Taker but I'm just not feeling it while the world title build up and how Seth Rollins is being booked lately is a complete joke. Then we have a tag match between the Wyatt's and Reigns/Ambrose I fail to get excited for that either.

Is Kevin Owens vs Cesaro scheduled? if so that's probably the best looking match on an otherwise dull as feck card.
Highlight of Raw:

Given that Sheamus is a more credible champion than Rollins, I doubt it.
Rollins is entertaining, can wrestle brilliantly when allowed to, never fails to perform on the big stage, was part of the most dominating faction on recent times.

Sheamus is just a boring, pointless mess. The most entertaining thing he's done is get injured. Nobody even noticed he was gone which was telling.

Watch this space.. When they put it on him, they will get lower ratings and regret it.
Rollins is entertaining, can wrestle brilliantly when allowed to, never fails to perform on the big stage, was part of the most dominating faction on recent times.

Sheamus is just a boring, pointless mess. The most entertaining thing he's done is get injured. Nobody even noticed he was gone which was telling.

Watch this space.. When they put it on him, they will get lower ratings and regret it.

Rollins reign has been anything but entertaining. It's been mind numbingly boring. Sheamus can be very entertaining, as evidenced by the replies on this page about how they'd love to see a match with him and Brock.
Rollins reign has been anything but entertaining. It's been mind numbingly boring. Sheamus can be very entertaining, as evidenced by the replies on this page about how they'd love to see a match with him and Brock.
If you like Sheamuzzz then fair enough. To each his own. Luckily for me however, we live in the age of 'fast forward' so I haven't had to hear a single interview or see a single match of his for months. Bliss.
If you like Sheamuzzz then fair enough. To each his own. Luckily for me however, we live in the age of 'fast forward' so I haven't had to hear a single interview or see a single match of his for months. Bliss.

:D Indeed, I feel the same way then Rollins comes out to cry about the latest injustice and how he deserves this that and the other and how it's. just. so. unffffaiiiiirrrrrrr.
The Summerslam card is looking pretty terrible imo. They're trying hard to hype Lesnar vs Taker but I'm just not feeling it while the world title build up and how Seth Rollins is being booked lately is a complete joke. Then we have a tag match between the Wyatt's and Reigns/Ambrose I fail to get excited for that either.

Is Kevin Owens vs Cesaro scheduled? if so that's probably the best looking match on an otherwise dull as feck card.

Agree, and the build up has been terrible. Guess that's what you get for having the main event with two part timers. Surprised Triple H has not been drafted into a match, maybe his thigh injury at Wrestlemania didn't heal and Sting, despite the rumours, looks to be a no show.
I haven't really been watching much lately, just reading the show reports online and 'acquiring' the ones that have bits worth watching. I've booked Summerslam and the following Raw off work based on the 'Wrestlemania-lite' 4 hour duration and the fact I like watching Undertakers entrance after a few beers.

Am I an idiot? Will it be good?
I haven't really been watching much lately, just reading the show reports online and 'acquiring' the ones that have bits worth watching. I've booked Summerslam and the following Raw off work based on the 'Wrestlemania-lite' 4 hour duration and the fact I like watching Undertakers entrance after a few beers.

Am I an idiot? Will it be good?

Don't know, the build up has been poor and i don't think the card is that great. Who knows though? Hopefully see a few surprises, but they'll probably wheel out The Rock for 30 minutes once again.
Don't know, the build up has been poor and i don't think the card is that great. Who knows though? Hopefully see a few surprises, but they'll probably wheel out The Rock for 30 minutes once again.
To be fair, the build up to Mania was crap and that turned out well.

Can I also just make the point that the build to Taker v Kane at WM14 was so fecking awesome. These attitude era Raws are worth the network price alone.
If you love wrestling at all, do yourself a favour and watch Tanahashi vs AJ Styles from the G1.

It's Undertaker/HBK levels of awesomeness. Read up slightly on the tourney and watch it. Amazing stuff.
If you love wrestling at all, do yourself a favour and watch Tanahashi vs AJ Styles from the G1.

It's Undertaker/HBK levels of awesomeness. Read up slightly on the tourney and watch it. Amazing stuff.

That's for my after match viewing (well all of the tournament matches from today are), but AJ has just cemented his spot as the best in the world this tournament despite not being the best in the tournament, weirdly. He's so fecking good.

That comparison worries me slightly though, not a big fan of those Taker HBK matches. It'll take some doing to top Shibata vs Ibushi or AJ vs Ibushi for me.