Television The Propgropthrop

Probably. :boring:

I wouldn't mind it as long as HHH put Bryan over.

I can't help but feel they're going to unify the belts with Cena and Orton holding the straps. I knew Cena would win the belt on his return, but I also expected Sandow to cash in on him immediately. I'm guessing that will happen at Survivor Series after the Cena/ADR rematch.
I wouldn't mind it as long as HHH put Bryan over.
Nah, HHH needs to stay fecked off from in-ring for a while longer, IMO.

I can't help but feel they're going to unify the belts with Cena and Orton holding the straps. I knew Cena would win the belt on his return, but I also expected Sandow to cash in on him immediately. I'm guessing that will happen at Survivor Series after the Cena/ADR rematch.
They should, no need for two titles now that the shows aren't really split anymore, they could feck off having separate GM's too.

WWE>Inter>US>Tag would be a better set up, IMO. Wouldn't mind the Cruiserweight back, but they don't have the squad for it.
Nah, HHH needs to stay fecked off from in-ring for a while longer, IMO.

They should, no need for two titles now that the shows aren't really split anymore, they could feck off having separate GM's too.

WWE>Inter>US>Tag would be a better set up, IMO. Wouldn't mind the Cruiserweight back, but they don't have the squad for it.

HHH will be involved at SS in some capacity, he always puts himself into the big 4 PPVs. I expect he'll be involved in a match with Bryan or Show, if he's going to wrestle I'd prefer the former.

The problem with unifying the titles is they'll prioritise RAW for the champion, so SD will get neglected, and seeing as it's already viewed as the second tier show it could ultimately lead to its downfall. I can't imagine Cena is going to become the SD guy either so its not beyond the realms of possibility.
Theres no need to unify in my opinion... as it currently stands they have a secondary title that means way more then the IC title could now ever go on to mean (I mean, it's not odd that John Cena is a WHC, it would be weird if he was the IC Champ though) so why get rid of it?? It allows them to have co-main events where something is at stake, and two MITB's and so-on.

Anyway, decentish PPV brought down by a lot of filler. The tag meatch was great (worth checking out if you haven't seen it), Punk/Ryback was about what you'd expect from a match featuring Ryback... though there were some good visuals at points. Cena/ Del Rio was decent and the main even was also solid... and I quite liked the end booking as it opens up Bryan/HHH (which I think would be a hot match and I'd definitely be interested in seeing it) as well as opening the doors for a HBK return...
HHH will be involved at SS in some capacity, he always puts himself into the big 4 PPVs. I expect he'll be involved in a match with Bryan or Show, if he's going to wrestle I'd prefer the former.
Aye, if he has to fight, it'll be Bryan, I'd prefer if it waited though, say Bryan is about to win the Rumble and HHH gets involved, or sends The Shield down to cost him the match, and when things boil over Bryan gets a fight with HHH at the next even, if he wins, he gets a title match at Mania. Of course then the Rumble winner would have to go for the World title.

The problem with unifying the titles is they'll prioritise RAW for the champion, so SD will get neglected, and seeing as it's already viewed as the second tier show it could ultimately lead to its downfall. I can't imagine Cena is going to become the SD guy either so its not beyond the realms of possibility.
It's already half neglected tbh, I only watch it sometimes, and I've never missed anything vital. With the one champion they'd just have to book him bigger on Smackdown, like they done pre-split when both shows were unmissable. Agree about Cena, no chance he's going to be a SD guy. Maybe he gets cashed in on by/during the next event?
Sami Zain
Seth Rollins
Cody Rhodes
Tyson Kidd
Justin Gabriel
Kofi Singston
Sin Cara
Evan Bourne
Adrian Neville
That's actually quite a bit better than I had imagined, to be fair, and you could get Epico/Primo involved too.

I wouldn't have Cesaro or Ziggler near it though, they need to be well up the card. As for Sin Cara, I dunno has he much of a future left in WWE. I certainly hope he does, though.
Aye, if he has to fight, it'll be Bryan, I'd prefer if it waited though, say Bryan is about to win the Rumble and HHH gets involved, or sends The Shield down to cost him the match, and when things boil over Bryan gets a fight with HHH at the next even, if he wins, he gets a title match at Mania. Of course then the Rumble winner would have to go for the World title.

It's already half neglected tbh, I only watch it sometimes, and I've never missed anything vital. With the one champion they'd just have to book him bigger on Smackdown, like they done pre-split when both shows were unmissable. Agree about Cena, no chance he's going to be a SD guy. Maybe he gets cashed in on by/during the next event?

I expect Sandow to cash in sooner rather than later, but like Ziggler they've booked him really badly since MiTB.

I can't see the HHH/Bryan storyline remaining fresh until RR so SS seems the best time for a match between them I believe this storyline will lead to Bryan winning the title at WM and having a substantial run with it. They can't have him pissing around in a HHH/Steph/Shield feud during the road to WM. I just think with the ending of the match last night with Bryan taking out HHH they'll be going up against each other at SS.

Re Smackdown I haven't watched it for almost 2 years. I just read the spoilers.
They won't unify the belts. They'll use Cena to hold the belt for a while to improve it's status as right now it's a joke and then they'll have Sandow cash in on Cena. They wouldn't have Sandow cash in on another heel, so they put it on a face but if Sandow cashed in immediately it wouldn't do anything for the belt. People will be interested in it now that Cena holds it. Both belts will draw rather than just one. They've got 1 face 1 heel as the champion at the moment and it will change when Bryan wins the WWE title and Sandow cashes in, 1 face 1 heel but the opposite way around.
I expect Sandow to cash in sooner rather than later, but like Ziggler they've booked him really badly since MiTB.

I can't see the HHH/Bryan storyline remaining fresh until RR so SS seems the best time for a match between them I believe this storyline will lead to Bryan winning the title at WM and having a substantial run with it. They can't have him pissing around in a HHH/Steph/Shield feud during the road to WM. I just think with the ending of the match last night with Bryan taking out HHH they'll be going up against each other at SS.

Re Smackdown I haven't watched it for almost 2 years. I just read the spoilers.
Aye, to be fair it's stretching the shit out of it, but I'm just sick to death of HHH matches at big events
Aye, to be fair it's stretching the shit out of it, but I'm just sick to death of HHH matches at big events

They're an inevitability atm. I wouldn't mind seeing a HHH team vs. a Vince team in a traditional SS match. Then HHH won't be focus.

Teams of:

HHH/Shield/Orton(unlikey as he's champ)/A.N.Other Heel
Bryan/Cody and Goldust/Big Show/Punk and some other face.
They're an inevitability atm. I wouldn't mind seeing a HHH team vs. a Vince team in a traditional SS match. Then HHH won't be focus.

Teams of:

HHH/Shield/Orton(unlikey as he's champ)/A.N.Other Heel
Bryan/Cody and Goldust/Big Show/Punk and some other face.
Aren't HHH and Vince on the same side now?

Though that does sound like a a decent Survivor match.
Aren't HHH and Vince on the same side now?

Though that does sound like a a decent Survivor match.

There's been a lot of rumours this storyline is leading to a Vince/HHH showdown for control of the company.

With HHH being involved in the ending of 3 consecutive WWE title matches I expect Vince to return at some point.
Vince would certainly liven things up, that's for sure

It needs it. What started out as an interesting angle about who they want as face of the company has become self indulgent bullshit for HHH and Steph. Rather than focus on the wrestlers they have drawn all the spotlight and inexplicably included Big Show, and to a lesser extent the Rhodes in a storyline they didn't really need to be involved in. So now we have a convoluted storyline where HHH/Steph are involved in 2/3 different arcs.
Dean Ambrose vs Big E. was an outstanding match I felt. You could hear some of the choreo though, at one point I heard 'belly to belly!'

As soon as they showed Sandow on screen you knew he wouldn't cash in.

I did think they were going to keep it on Cena to build relevance, but I didn't think they'd actually use Sandow's money in the bank briefcase for nothing. It amuses me though how they think anyone will ever take to Cena, if he just does the same thing over and over. There's only so many times pro Cena fans can laugh at the 'superman Cena' notions before acknowledging that he just beat Sandow literally one handed when moments ago he was rolling around in agony.
I don't think The Shield should break up yet. I think there's mileage in them yet.

And the Cena win doesn't make him look strong, it makes Sandow look pathetic.
I don't think The Shield should break up yet. I think there's mileage in them yet.

And the Cena win doesn't make him look strong, it makes Sandow look pathetic.

Exactly. Nothing makes him look strong anymore, because fans just laugh it off. It's expected. Beating Sandow one handed.

On The Shield, I think they'll break them up gently but we'll start to see ripples now. Even Michael Cole referencing it.
He beat the shit out of Cena, Cena rolling around in agony clutching his arm, all of a sudden stands up, 1 armed AA, 123.
Same shit happened versus mark henry. He couldnt do the FU or whatever they call it nowadays and he tried about 5 times but failed, and then suddenly he's able to flawlessly do it. I dont understand whats going on in his body.