2x G.N. Sweepstake Winner, Apprentice Winner 2013
WWE is on fire right now.
Didn't the fans sing "The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire"? Fair fecks to them.TNA was on fire once.
No really, the place caught fire and they had to broadcast a filler promo with Monty Brown. Luckily, because Monty was amazing, the promo turned out great anyway.
So who else expects the wyatts to interrupt the d Bryan v Kane match?.
All their promos are pointing towards him joining them. I expect them to attack him again, or atleast show up to cause a distraction.
The raw GM shit is terrible, the wyatts are a massive let down after those great vignettes! Oh let's beat down Kane and r-truth!
The raw GM shit is terrible, the wyatts are a massive let down after those great vignettes! Oh let's beat down Kane and r-truth!
Whatever has happened in the last few weeks since Wrestlemania its been good.
I like Maddox as the GM, he is playing the bad guy in his own special way. That little "no no no no" off with the crowd was awesome.
Umm. Have you been in a coma?
Maria was tweeting throughout the show moaning about the Bellas. I normally wouldn't care, but she said "Kharma is a bitch," and I got excited because I thought Kharma was on the show.
Turns out the dumb bint can't spell.
The raw GM shit is terrible, the wyatts are a massive let down after those great vignettes! Oh let's beat down Kane and r-truth!
The chances of Bryan beating Cena at Summerslam and then Orton cashing in his MITB (To finally complete his heel turn) must be very high.
Yep, could you imagine the pure adulation as D Bryan pins Cena, Climbs the top rope and starts a rousing"YES,YES,YES,YES".
All off a sudden out of nowhere, Orton taps Bryan on the shoulder and delivers an RKO, pinning him and running off with the title. The reaction from the crowd would be insane!.
The chances of Bryan beating Cena at Summerslam and then Orton cashing in his MITB (To finally complete his heel turn) must be very high.
They need a monster heel. Orton could be that if he cashed in on Bryan. I can't see Cena turning. He's the face of the company rightly or wrongly. He is adored by the kids but despised by the marks.
Could see Orton being Vince's man, with all his talk of Ruthless Aggression, and Randy used to punt people in the face. He debuted in that era too. If the Daniel Bryan being HHH and Steph's guy pans out then it would leave Cena somewhat open to a change, any change, feck it, stop wearing hats, grow a beard. Do something different.