Television The Propgropthrop

TNA was on fire once.

No really, the place caught fire and they had to broadcast a filler promo with Monty Brown. Luckily, because Monty was amazing, the promo turned out great anyway.
So who else expects the wyatts to interrupt the d Bryan v Kane match?.

All their promos are pointing towards him joining them. I expect them to attack him again, or atleast show up to cause a distraction.
I'd be surprised if they did, maybe with like a vignette with all the cut aways they usually have to distract Kane. It'll be hard for them to actually involve themselves with D-Bry fighting alongside Kane to get them away, and then when the Wyatts start getting the upper hand out comes Super Cena to bury the Wyatts single handedly
So who else expects the wyatts to interrupt the d Bryan v Kane match?.

All their promos are pointing towards him joining them. I expect them to attack him again, or atleast show up to cause a distraction.

Raw's already been taped for next week.

And they attack Kane
The raw GM shit is terrible, the wyatts are a massive let down after those great vignettes! Oh let's beat down Kane and r-truth!

The raw GM shit is terrible, the wyatts are a massive let down after those great vignettes! Oh let's beat down Kane and r-truth!

:lol: Terrible post, pls go.

Maddox's line on Raw along the lines of 'lets have a massive round of applause for.......ME' was brilliant, and the fact he has a drumroll before he makes an appearance just makes him even funnier

As for the Wyatts, they have made 3 appearances in total, and Bray Wyatt has delivered 2 promos... its called a slow build up, and is something that will be happening a lot more now with HHH in charge. I'm hearing he wants all the talents to only be brought up when they have something to do, rather than have an endless line of characterless 'black trunks with no gimmick' wrestlers, that end up back in development within 6 months.
Whatever has happened in the last few weeks since Wrestlemania its been good.

I like Maddox as the GM, he is playing the bad guy in his own special way. That little "no no no no" off with the crowd was awesome.
Maddox's air of incompetence mixed with immense cockiness is brilliant
Maria was tweeting throughout the show moaning about the Bellas. I normally wouldn't care, but she said "Kharma is a bitch," and I got excited because I thought Kharma was on the show.

Turns out the dumb bint can't spell :mad:.
Maria was tweeting throughout the show moaning about the Bellas. I normally wouldn't care, but she said "Kharma is a bitch," and I got excited because I thought Kharma was on the show.

Turns out the dumb bint can't spell :mad:.

What I find funnier is that it really isnt karma at all, they get a feck load of face time, and are dating the 2 faces of the company right now. Things have gone quite well since Mania
Really interesting opening segment...

Vince McMahon comes to the ring with Brad Maddox and says they will have some fun tonight, then Maddox apologizes for letting John Cena name his opponent. Vince says Maddox insulted Daniel Bryan and says some examples, then he asks Maddox how he really feels about him. Bryan cuts them off and heads to the ring, and he says Maddox said some things about him, but he thinks Vince was the one who told him what to say. Vince says he is showing a lack of respect by cutting him off, but Bryan says respect is a two way street and he's given everything for this company. He says Vince has never given him any respect, but Vince asks him if he respects John Cena and tells the fans to keep quiet.

Bryan says he respects Cena as a wrestler and for picking him as an opponent, but Vince says Cena manipulates people and he can't be trusted. Vince says Cena picked Bryan for earning it and because he's popular, but Cena is a liar and he thinks Bryan and all of the fans are fools for buying into this. He says Bryan can't beat Cena, and he can't even beat Kane tonight because he doesn't have 'ruthless agression,' something Cena use to have. Vince says Cena walks around like he owns the place and he doesn't want him to win at Summerslam, but he doesn't want a troll as champion either.

Vince says the only person who could win is him, then he makes fun of Bryan's height and says he hopes Cena and Bryan spontaneously combust at Summerslam. Bryan says Cena will pay if he's lying about him earning his title shot, then Bryan says he loves the boss because he's always honest, but it doesn't matter what he thinks. He says Vince always says it matters what the fans think, and he thinks they want a new champion at Summerslam, and that will be him. Bryan says Vince needs to listen to his own advice and listen to the WWE Universe, then he asks if they want him as champion and they all chant YES!

Why would you go into that angle with the face of the company? I always thought a heel Cena was something we could never see because they didn't have anyone to replace him. The whole segment looks promising like it's written by someone who is actually listening. Really interested to see how they continue to build this.

Also Kane asking Maddox where the Wyatt family are.
'Corporate makeover' new face of the company?

Cena snatching his title back too. That's the big boss saying Cena is a liar, strutting around like he owns the place, the squaring up to Daniel Bryan asking menacingly if he's calling him a liar, and the snatching his title back while Bryan is getting a 'corporate makeover.'
The chances of Bryan beating Cena at Summerslam and then Orton cashing in his MITB (To finally complete his heel turn) must be very high.
The chances of Bryan beating Cena at Summerslam and then Orton cashing in his MITB (To finally complete his heel turn) must be very high.

Yep, could you imagine the pure adulation as D Bryan pins Cena, Climbs the top rope and starts a rousing"YES,YES,YES,YES".

All off a sudden out of nowhere, Orton taps Bryan on the shoulder and delivers an RKO, pinning him and running off with the title. The reaction from the crowd would be insane!.
Yep, could you imagine the pure adulation as D Bryan pins Cena, Climbs the top rope and starts a rousing"YES,YES,YES,YES".

All off a sudden out of nowhere, Orton taps Bryan on the shoulder and delivers an RKO, pinning him and running off with the title. The reaction from the crowd would be insane!.

I didn't think I could ever advocate a <1 day Bryan title reign, but that would be superb for re-establishing Orton as a heel, and might even help to get Bryan more over in a sympathetic way.

Although with the recent RAW taken into account, I imagine it as Bryan beats Cena after a hellacious battle (copyright Jim Ross), Bryan's there YESing away to his heart's content when Vinnie Mac's music hits. Then basically you'd have similar to the first Edge cash-in, Vince bringing Orton out. Bryan puts up a good effort, but ends up losing the title to Orton.

I'd love for that to lead into an Orton/Bryan feud, although knowing WWE they'll make it Orton/Cena and have Bryan disappear into the ether. A triple threat style feud would be good too.

Speaking of Cena, interesting to think what's happening to him whilst Orton cashes in. Does somebody else come out with Orton/Vince to make sure he doesn't get involved? (Setting up his feud at the same time). Or perhaps he sees the cash-in, and does nothing to stop it? Few different paths they could take.
The chances of Bryan beating Cena at Summerslam and then Orton cashing in his MITB (To finally complete his heel turn) must be very high.

I'm actually hoping for a Cena heel turn, In a similar way The Rock turned heel in 1998.Vince has already sort of involved himself in the main event just by slating both men, Imagine if he cists Bryan the match, him and Cena hug and the next night on raw, Cena appears in a suit and cuts s promo about working his ass off for 11 years, only to be booed out of the building and the only one who believed in him was Vince, etc etc etc.

would be boss!
They need a monster heel. Orton could be that if he cashed in on Bryan. I can't see Cena turning. He's the face of the company rightly or wrongly. He is adored by the kids but despised by the marks.
They need a monster heel. Orton could be that if he cashed in on Bryan. I can't see Cena turning. He's the face of the company rightly or wrongly. He is adored by the kids but despised by the marks.

Yeah but you could take Stephanie organizing a 'corporate makeover' for Bryan to be a hint that they're going to make him the face of the company. 'You've got to look the part, like you're our man' etc.

Plus Cena was acting very strange like in this RAW like he wasn't the complete good guy. Menacing Bryan, snatching his title back and the Vince angle talking about Cena being manipulative, lying and walking round like he owns the place.
Could see Orton being Vince's man, with all his talk of Ruthless Aggression, and Randy used to punt people in the face. He debuted in that era too. If the Daniel Bryan being HHH and Steph's guy pans out then it would leave Cena somewhat open to a change, any change, feck it, stop wearing hats, grow a beard. Do something different.
They should just have Bryan beat Cena, Orton comes out to cash in, loses as well, and then Orton snaps. Turn him heel that way and have Bryan as champ.
Could see Orton being Vince's man, with all his talk of Ruthless Aggression, and Randy used to punt people in the face. He debuted in that era too. If the Daniel Bryan being HHH and Steph's guy pans out then it would leave Cena somewhat open to a change, any change, feck it, stop wearing hats, grow a beard. Do something different.

The other option is Cena turning heel and being 'Vince's guy' at Wrestlemania vs HHH since if Orton cashes in, he will have a match anyway at WM.