Billy Blaggs
Flacco of the Blaggs tribe
I'll try to get on tonight.
About 10:30pm your time if I can. Is that okay?
About 10:30pm your time if I can. Is that okay?
Right Guys, didn't get on last night
tonight is the night
Who's up for it
anyone from Group B available after 10:30pm I'm back in England. Will update my system before gym then be ready to play later tonight
You about now gaz?
So we're doing the score after 90mins?
Yeah I had a serious one on one and i couldnt find the chip button and fecked it up haha
Cross and in? lol
It was a strange one, I thought the keeper had it, oh well, such is life
I need Billy to do me a favour and beat Gaz or my competition could be over, i'd be a bit gutted really!
I'll be on in about an hr Gaz.
Leaving work now
Group D, I'm online now if anyone wants to play, psn: mabedi
Will be on in 10-15 mins mate, will send you an invite.