Television The Official BB8 Thread [All Your Bollocks In Here]

I think they need to put more men in the house, its getting boring watching girls talk about girly crap all day :boring: Imagine if Charley wasn't in the house? there would be nothing to talk about cause shes the only one that bitches and starts arguments :lol:

The best Big Brother was the one with Science, Maxwell, Anthony etc....

Yeah, although Anthony should never have won.
This BB has the potential to be the worst ever, or at least nearly as bad as 2003.
Nicky's lost her bottle over that Charley confrontation, trying to make amends.
Fat Welsh woman saying she should get more to eat cos she's fat :lol:

Feck off fatty!
I liked that they had a meeting over food as she;s tucking into a bacon butty...
Seems a bit depressing today.

Have fecking fun, I would if I got a chance to be in there.
:lol: @ the fat one diving in for 2nd's when not everyone has been served lmaoooo
How come they're all sleeping so much? I expect it when there's only a few left, not in the first week!

Those meetings are annoying. Some women :rolleyes: STFU and get on with it.
How come they're all sleeping so much? I expect it when there's only a few left, not in the first week!

Those meetings are annoying. Some women :rolleyes: STFU and get on with it.
Most of them are going to bed at 4 - 5 am.
So much confrontation :lol: :lol:

I love it.

Emily vs Charley
Lesley stirring
Not been watching much of this but Charley and that Shabbadabba tart are getting on my nerves.....oh, and the fatty-greedy-eat-all-the-food one too.
Are you that hooked on the live feed?

Didn't they used to play an alarm into the house if anybody went to bed during the day?
Nope, I saw it on BBLB earlier on. And yes they still play the alarm into the house.