The Mueller Report

Its right there in the tweet. Its posted in this thread in response to raouls point that glenn was going on fox news to point score gleefully, when actually greenwald has explained many times that his reason is to spread his message to a greater audience, exactly like bernie. Thanks for making me explain something so obvious though.
Just curious, I've seen plenty from Greenwald on the "mainstream" media on their coverage of Trump but what are his thoughts on FNC's coverage of the administration?
Just curious, I've seen plenty from Greenwald on the "mainstream" media on their coverage of Trump but what are his thoughts on FNC's coverage of the administration?

He’s first and foremost a self-promoter so he is quite happy to be agreeable with the likes of Tucker Carlson in order to get on national TV. I believe CNN and MSNBC banned him for a while which is likely why he feigns grievance against the MSM but is quite happy to swallow whatever Fox and RT have to say.
He’s first and foremost a self-promoter so he is quite happy to be agreeable with the likes of Tucker Carlson in order to get on national TV. I believe CNN and MSNBC banned him for a while which is likely why he feigns grievance against the MSM but is quite happy to swallow whatever Fox and RT have to say.
Sure but I'm just wondering what, if anything, he's said on the record as far as critiquing FNC's political coverage goes. I would think he'd have equally strong opinions as he does about CNN/MSNBC/NYT/WaPo etc. But I haven't seen it.

Reason I ask is that one common thread among the Great Skeptics and Contrarians of the Internet is that they all seem to focus on coverage by those entities and ignore the blatantly right-wing outlets like FNC/Murdoch newspapers/Breitbart, which I find strange given the readership and viewers those media outlets have. Seems like they either dismiss those as non-influential entities or simply accept the biased coverage as matter-of-fact.
Sure but I'm just wondering what, if anything, he's said on the record as far as critiquing FNC's political coverage goes. I would think he'd have equally strong opinions as he does about CNN/MSNBC/NYT/WaPo etc. But I haven't seen it.

Reason I ask is that one common thread among the Great Skeptics and Contrarians of the Internet is that they all seem to focus on coverage by those entities and ignore the blatantly right-wing outlets like FNC/Murdoch newspapers/Breitbart, which I find strange given the readership and viewers those media outlets have. Seems like they either dismiss those as non-influential entities or simply accept the biased coverage as matter-of-fact.
Inevitable that the times would get comment from some of Mueller’s prosecutors.

Makes you wonder why Barr exaggerated in the first place (if he indeed did). There was always going to be some kind of leak if Mueller's team didn't feel that their findings were being fairly represented. And it's not like it moved the needle very much in the first place, so there's no "short-term gain" theory to lean on either. Trump's approval rating is essentially unchanged since the Barr report.
Makes you wonder why Barr exaggerated in the first place (if he indeed did). There was always going to be some kind of leak if Mueller's team didn't feel that their findings were being fairly represented. And it's not like it moved the needle very much in the first place, so there's no "short-term gain" theory to lean on either. Trump's approval rating is essentially unchanged since the Barr report.
His base won't shift regardless. He said it himself that he could shoot someone in times square and they'd still vote for him.
Makes you wonder why Barr exaggerated in the first place (if he indeed did). There was always going to be some kind of leak if Mueller's team didn't feel that their findings were being fairly represented. And it's not like it moved the needle very much in the first place, so there's no "short-term gain" theory to lean on either. Trump's approval rating is essentially unchanged since the Barr report.

Because they set the narrative.

We’ve now had a few weeks of not only right wing media but all mainstream media continuing the narrative that “Trump has been vindicated and the whole Russia thing has just been a massive red herring”.

You only need to look at a lot of the posters in here who have cemented that view point already.

If the full report gets released to congress and the full extent of Trumps criminal/unethical behaviour comes to light, it won’t be nearly as damaging as it would have been had Mueller been the one to drop the hammer.

It’s become a partisan issue now. Congress voted along party lines to subpoena the full report. It will be the Democrats giving their summary of the report to the public now rather than Mueller and that will carry half the weight.

The best play for the Democrats in the house now is for them to assign Mueller the task of providing an extensive summary that can be released to the public so it’s coming from him rather than they or Barr.

So they had stuff for immediate release and nearly two weeks later it hasn't been given out :lol:

And we were to trust the bill memo that says nothing to see here. :lol:
Looking forward to hearing from the gloaters in this thread.

I’m sure it will be perfectly objective and full of critical analysis and they won’t just be looking for excuses and technicalities.
Looking forward to hearing from the gloaters in this thread.

I’m sure it will be perfectly objective and full of critical analysis and they won’t just be looking for excuses and technicalities.
You won't see them...
Looking forward to hearing from the gloaters in this thread.

I’m sure it will be perfectly objective and full of critical analysis and they won’t just be looking for excuses and technicalities.
What's the reason for your respective gloating ? Did the house open impeachment proceedings already ? Did anyone new get indicted? If the full release of the report leads to any meaningful action I"d be the first one to tell you that you were right all along.
Looking forward to hearing from the gloaters in this thread.

I’m sure it will be perfectly objective and full of critical analysis and they won’t just be looking for excuses and technicalities.

About what, exactly? That there's more damaging information in the report that hasn't yet come out?

The idea that this is being presented as a new twist makes very little sense, from my perspective. Who in here didn't think there would be damaging information in the report that was excluded? We can point to lots of people who did. Here's a few snippets from me. There's more if you want to look.
It's not just possible it will go into more detail but inevitable. It's one of the two major components of the report, and the detail Barr has provided is already very clear. There was a case for obstruction of justice. It wasn't a slam dunk, as they often aren't, so the individuals chose not to prosecute. Given there were arguments on both sides, it's entirely likely that the politics of it made people err on the side of caution. In spite of that, the simple fact there is a case is huge. Reading the detail of it will drive that home, undoubtedly.

What is in the Barr summary that we think is possibly untrue? Or alternatively, what significant elements do you think we're excluded from the summary? The detail was excluded, by design. And we already know the detail is explosive on both the Russian interference and obstruction of justice cases, as so much of it has been presented to the public in drip feed. Presumably there will be similarly important, interesting and surprising details still to come. Him not including those details is exactly what you would expect in the report, and thus not justification for that kind of scepticism.

The focus of the discussion will be on the primary focus of the investigation. The one that resulted in all of the prosecutions, most of the manpower and was deemed the greatest threat to the American political system. It's just sad to try and deflect attention away from that to suit your own interests.

The Muller report will undoubtedly be damning about the obstruction of justice case, although it's hardly a surprise he couldn't quite prove corrupt intent. Even though they've already stated much of it was in public, and presumably the majority of it has been in the media already, having it all laid out in a single assessment from a legal expert should cause a lot of American voters to contemplate some major issues.

The evidence put forward for committing obstruction of justice is not something to take lightly. His supporters may want to focus on the other aspects but that part can't be successfully minimised. There's nothing flat about that. To me it's more important than the Russian collusion because it's something that Trump can do over and over again in all kinds of corrupt scenarios, and we have every reason to expect him to. Whereas the collusion could only ever have been that one moment in time.

It doesn't seem that complicated at this point.
  1. Muller didn't charge him or anyone close to him on either crime. That's obviously critical information.
  2. Even Barr, Trump's man, says there was an argument for obstruction of justice. That's huge. The fact that he decided against prosecuting still leaves the possibility that congress will impeach him, given the patterns previously established into special prosecutors' investigations into obstruction of justice in the past.
  3. We have every reason to expect the evidence collected that didn't meet the threshold of criminal prosecution on the Russian "collusion" case will be politically damaging to Trump, albeit given Muller's decision was much firmer on that one, it seems likely it won't be an impeachable issue either. But we already know that the way Trump deals with national security issues is inept and dangerous, that attitude has a ripple effect on his core team, and so it would be very surprising that after an investigation this deep, they didn't find a lot more "questionable" relationships, meetings and more. We've already heard about some of them.
In other words, your issue is one of perceptions. Even when people tell you they aren't gloating, you perceive them as gloating. Everything else they say is then misinterpreted through that lens.
What's the reason for your respective gloating ? Did the house open impeachment proceedings already ? Did anyone new get indicted? If the full release of the report leads to any meaningful action I"d be the first one to tell you that you were right all along.

Reason being it’s been fecking obvious since about an hour or so after Barr released his summary that Barr has whitewashed the whole thing and covered for Trump’s Illegal/Unethical behaviour.

A number of people have confidently declared the whole “Russia thing was clearly a hoax all along” despite all the evidence (actual indictments and court documents) suggesting the opposite.
About what, exactly? That there's more damaging information in the report that hasn't yet come out?

The idea that this is being presented as a new twist makes very little sense, from my perspective. Who in here didn't think there would be damaging information in the report that was excluded? We can point to lots of people who did. Here's a few snippets from me. There's more if you want to look.

It doesn't seem that complicated at this point.
  1. Muller didn't charge him or anyone close to him on either crime. That's obviously critical information.
  2. Even Barr, Trump's man, says there was an argument for obstruction of justice. That's huge. The fact that he decided against prosecuting still leaves the possibility that congress will impeach him, given the patterns previously established into special prosecutors' investigations into obstruction of justice in the past.
  3. We have every reason to expect the evidence collected that didn't meet the threshold of criminal prosecution on the Russian "collusion" case will be politically damaging to Trump, albeit given Muller's decision was much firmer on that one, it seems likely it won't be an impeachable issue either. But we already know that the way Trump deals with national security issues is inept and dangerous, that attitude has a ripple effect on his core team, and so it would be very surprising that after an investigation this deep, they didn't find a lot more "questionable" relationships, meetings and more. We've already heard about some of them.
In other words, your issue is one of perceptions. Even when people tell you they aren't gloating, you perceive them as gloating. Everything else they say is then misinterpreted through that lens.

I don’t remember saying you were one of the people gloating.
Gloating is the wrong word anyway. Personally, my main point of contention was people jumping on a given narrative when there are so many unknowns (and also the I told you so shite). It made no sense then and still makes no sense.... How anyone can be sure of anything right now I do not know.
Reason being it’s been fecking obvious since about an hour or so after Barr released his summary that Barr has whitewashed the whole thing and covered for Trump’s Illegal/Unethical behaviour.

A number of people have confidently declared the whole “Russia thing was clearly a hoax all along” despite all the evidence (actual indictments and court documents) suggesting the opposite.

You're the only person to say hoax in this thread.
Reason being it’s been fecking obvious since about an hour or so after Barr released his summary that Barr has whitewashed the whole thing and covered for Trump’s Illegal/Unethical behaviour.

A number of people have confidently declared the whole “Russia thing was clearly a hoax all along” despite all the evidence (actual indictments and court documents) suggesting the opposite.
It would be "white washing" if he stated that the report exonerates the president. Which he did not. Moreover, he did not say it was a summary.
Gloating is the wrong word anyway. Personally, my main point of contention was people jumping on a given narrative when there are so many unknowns (and also the I told you so shite). It made no sense then and still makes no sense.... How anyone can be sure of anything right now I do not know.
We can be sure that if Barr’s letter contained the most positive thing that he could salvage from the 300+ page report then what he chose not to mention is possibly very damaging indeed.
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Gloating is the wrong word anyway. Personally, my main point of contention was people jumping on a given narrative when there are so many unknowns (and also the I told you so shite). It made no sense then and still makes no sense.... How anyone can be sure of anything right now I do not know.

I can be sure Trump is a cnut. A very corrupt one at that.
Gloating is the wrong word anyway. Personally, my main point of contention was people jumping on a given narrative when there are so many unknowns (and also the I told you so shite). It made no sense then and still makes no sense.... How anyone can be sure of anything right now I do not know.

Point being, the report was supposed to bring out damning evidence...which it did not. At least not until now. And the preliminary reports leans towards no damning evidence that'll lead to impeachment. Do we really hope anything significant would show up on the 'unknown' parts of the report? Perhaps it'll be revealed in due time, but then I don't have any hopes that report will do anything to damage his presidency.
Gloating is the wrong word anyway. Personally, my main point of contention was people jumping on a given narrative when there are so many unknowns (and also the I told you so shite). It made no sense then and still makes no sense.... How anyone can be sure of anything right now I do not know.

From my perspective the biggest problem has been the establishment Dems and msnbc/cnn media jumping all over the "Trump colluded to steal the election" narrative while there were still so many unknowns to the detriment of actually moving the party forward (like that chump that is DNC chair).