The Mueller Report

We know why he was elected. There is a large amounts of idiots in America.

And even "idiots" have political needs that have been neglected. But sure, keep looking down on blue-collar workers and such. I'm sure that will help people unite and work for a better future.
And even "idiots" have political needs that have been neglected. But sure, keep looking down on blue-collar workers and such. I'm sure that will help people unite and work for a better future.

You do realise that pretty much everything he has done so far has fecked over the majority of his base?
And the witchhunt goes on. There is literally ZERO evidence as of now and people keep going. Who cares about innocent until proven guilty and such concepts. Because "orange man is bad" it must mean he must have done something shady during the election. Did you ever consider that - despite he most likely have done shady things in his business in the past - he was actually elected fair and square?
Additionally instead of being giant crybabies, maybe you should ask yourself why he was actually voted. What made people vote him over the competition.

These are two completely different topics that shouldn't be conflated. Trump has been doing shady things and demagoguing his way into power for years. These weren't adequately scrutinized when he was running so its a good thing they are now before he runs again. The second issue is a fair point. We need to examine the conditions why a clown-car demagogue like Trump could even get on the the debate stage much less win the nomination, much less become President. Ultimately that's a massive stain on the system writ large and probably a glaring neon warning sign that it should be radically reformed before the next calamitous charlatan comes along.
You do realise that pretty much everything he has done so far has fecked over the majority of his base?

Trump has fecked over the majority of everyone, all except the rich and his mates and a few dictators and some racist white dudes. He's fecked alliances with strong allies, he's fecked the environment, and his laws will continue to for years to come. He's even fecked porn stars while his Mrs was pregnant, and he now wants to feck the moon too.
Quite a decent and refreshingly gloating free discussion about the media's handling of the investigation on Intrercepted.

And the witchhunt goes on. There is literally ZERO evidence as of now and people keep going. Who cares about innocent until proven guilty and such concepts. Because "orange man is bad" it must mean he must have done something shady during the election. Did you ever consider that - despite he most likely have done shady things in his business in the past - he was actually elected fair and square?
Additionally instead of being giant crybabies, maybe you should ask yourself why he was actually voted. What made people vote him over the competition.
Zero evidence of what?
And the witchhunt goes on. There is literally ZERO evidence as of now and people keep going. Who cares about innocent until proven guilty and such concepts. Because "orange man is bad" it must mean he must have done something shady during the election. Did you ever consider that - despite he most likely have done shady things in his business in the past - he was actually elected fair and square?
Additionally instead of being giant crybabies, maybe you should ask yourself why he was actually voted. What made people vote him over the competition.
Go back to page 1 on the multiple threads on these subjects.
You do realise that pretty much everything he has done so far has fecked over the majority of his base?

He hasn't though. He's given his coalition exactly what they've wanted and been waiting for.

His tax cuts and massive deregulations across industry have been exactly what most big business and libertarian types wanted.
His judiciary appointments and especially his two SC picks have been exactly what his religious conservative base wanted.
His anti-immigration rhetoric is exactly what the xenophobes have wanted to hear since the 1990s (and why they disliked both Bushes)

In fact, he has done far more for his base (in their terms) than Obama and Clinton did for theirs. That is a very crucial point. Trump has forced the Republican establishment to support the wishes of its right wing base. This is the opposite of the hubris of the establishment Democrats who constantly talk down and condescend to their progressive base. The Republicans are more united because their establishment will respond to their base in much greater fashion than the Dem establishment responds to their base.
And the witchhunt goes on. There is literally ZERO evidence as of now and people keep going. Who cares about innocent until proven guilty and such concepts. Because "orange man is bad" it must mean he must have done something shady during the election. Did you ever consider that - despite he most likely have done shady things in his business in the past - he was actually elected fair and square?
Additionally instead of being giant crybabies, maybe you should ask yourself why he was actually voted. What made people vote him over the competition.
No offence, but if you committed to reading more than about 3 words on the matter, you'd find why this post is absolute garbage, and also why people voted for him. 3 million fewer than his competition, but I don't want to worry you with any facts.
He hasn't though. He's given his coalition exactly what they've wanted and been waiting for.

His tax cuts and massive deregulations across industry have been exactly what most big business and libertarian types wanted.
His judiciary appointments and especially his two SC picks have been exactly what his religious conservative base wanted.
His anti-immigration rhetoric is exactly what the xenophobes have wanted to hear since the 1990s (and why they disliked both Bushes)

In fact, he has done far more for his base (in their terms) than Obama and Clinton did for theirs. That is a very crucial point. Trump has forced the Republican establishment to support the wishes of its right wing base. This is the opposite of the hubris of the establishment Democrats who constantly talk down and condescend to their progressive base. The Republicans are more united because their establishment will respond to their base in much greater fashion than the Dem establishment responds to their base.
I'm not sure he's done much for his base, rather his backers, both political and financial. That's what is so galling.

Tax cuts aren't helping his base.
Healthcare cuts aren't helping his base.
Tariffs aren't helping his base.
Fighting with allies isn't helping his base.
Not managing to build a wall isn't helping his base.

Stacking the courts feels more like helping the likes of Kochs and McConnells rather than the maga hat wearers.

The whole contradiction of Trump is that he's done more for the GOP establishment than any President in years, but he campaigned as being against that establishment.
And the witchhunt goes on. There is literally ZERO evidence as of now and people keep going. Who cares about innocent until proven guilty and such concepts. Because "orange man is bad" it must mean he must have done something shady during the election. Did you ever consider that - despite he most likely have done shady things in his business in the past - he was actually elected fair and square?
Additionally instead of being giant crybabies, maybe you should ask yourself why he was actually voted. What made people vote him over the competition.
You seem to have given the word ZERO a completely new meaning.
The Trump/Russia thread has 309 pages in it. Pop your reading glasses on have a trawl through it then we can all happily return ZERO to it’s original meaning,

Oh, and by the way, it’s not a Witch Hunt, it’s a TRAITOR Hunt.
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He hasn't though. He's given his coalition exactly what they've wanted and been waiting for.

His tax cuts and massive deregulations across industry have been exactly what most big business and libertarian types wanted.
His judiciary appointments and especially his two SC picks have been exactly what his religious conservative base wanted.
His anti-immigration rhetoric is exactly what the xenophobes have wanted to hear since the 1990s (and why they disliked both Bushes)

In fact, he has done far more for his base (in their terms) than Obama and Clinton did for theirs. That is a very crucial point. Trump has forced the Republican establishment to support the wishes of its right wing base. This is the opposite of the hubris of the establishment Democrats who constantly talk down and condescend to their progressive base. The Republicans are more united because their establishment will respond to their base in much greater fashion than the Dem establishment responds to their base.

He has actually gone right against the needs of the majority of his voters.
Health Care, Medicare and Social Security now under threat.
Taxes that hurt the majority while helping the very few.

But He was elected because of decades of lies by both Democratic and Republication administrations.
You seem to have given the word ZERO a completely new meaning.
The Trump/Russia thread has 309 pages in it. Pop your reading glasses on have a trawl through it then we can all happily return ZERO to it’s original meaning,

Oh, and by the way, it’s not a Witch Hunt, it’s a TRAITOR Hunt.

309 pages and 305 of them are shit. How can you possibly use that as a point in your favor after the news of the past week? What a huge waste of time filled with grifters leading the gullible.
So the only decent pages are yours I take it, or are you saying that your posts are shit too.

I barely posted in that thread because I'm not a sucker. How can you still fall for this? How can you refuse to reevaluate in the face of new evidence? You guys are just liberal conspiracy theorists.
He has actually gone right against the needs of the majority of his voters.
Health Care, Medicare and Social Security now under threat.
Taxes that hurt the majority while helping the very few.

But He was elected because of decades of lies by both Democratic and Republication administrations.

Youre looking at it from our perspective not theirs

From their perspective they wanted deregulation and tax cutes (check), socially conservative judiary (check) and they wanted someone to stand up to immigration which is a common right wing theme from Austria to Brazil from England to America (check)

So when 26% of the voting population lives inside the socially conservative libertarian influence moral bubble, constantly lecturing them about how "voting for Trump is going against your self-interest lad, you should vote Democrat" is the same losing strategy that doesn't fecking work (its what the dipshit establishment Dems have been trying to argue for 20 years).

Maybe a smarter strategy is going after the 95 million that didn't vote in 2016, find out what issues they care about and find out how to frame an appealing vision to them to turn them out to vote like AOC did. Stop trying to lecture people already firmly enshrined in a conservative moral value system. it didn't work in the last 20 years and its not going to ever work.
309 pages and 305 of them are shit. How can you possibly use that as a point in your favor after the news of the past week? What a huge waste of time filled with grifters leading the gullible.

It's almost as if you trust Bill Barr to correctly portray the findings of a 2 year investigation in lnto a 3 page memo with partial quotes and no context.

Ahh yes no collusion. Nothing to see here, Bill Barr said so. He's a good Republican :lol:
I barely posted in that thread because I'm not a sucker. How can you still fall for this? How can you refuse to reevaluate in the face of new evidence? You guys are just liberal conspiracy theorists.
When Barr, the AG of the USA, has to admit that he cannot exonerate the President of the USA from wrongdoing there’s a rather large problem wouldn’t you say.
It's almost as if you trust Bill Barr to correctly portray the findings of a 2 year investigation in lnto a 3 page memo with partial quotes and no context.

No. Its more like we don't trust the establishment that has bent over backwards to serve the elite special interests to actually hold anyone accountable for anything but the most unspinnable offenses (Trump actually sitting in a smoky room plotting with Putin). From Ford pardoning Nixon's people to how the Iran-Contra scandal got off to the how none of the guilty parties of the financial got punished to how Boeing's cosy relationship with the FTC helped facilitate this negligent enforcement of safety standards, etc the rich and powerful get away with all kinds of shit.
I'm not sure he's done much for his base, rather his backers, both political and financial. That's what is so galling.

Tax cuts aren't helping his base.
Healthcare cuts aren't helping his base.
Tariffs aren't helping his base.
Fighting with allies isn't helping his base.
Not managing to build a wall isn't helping his base.

Stacking the courts feels more like helping the likes of Kochs and McConnells rather than the maga hat wearers.

The whole contradiction of Trump is that he's done more for the GOP establishment than any President in years, but he campaigned as being against that establishment.

Same response as to Red Dreams.

You aren't looking at it through their frame. They do believe tax cuts help them. You might not believe that but they do so they don't see things the way we do. Same with the courts and same with all the immigration stuff.

I am not saying what Trump is doing is objectively better for the majority of people. I am saying that for all those people Trump is doing what they think is best for them. Hence why the lecturing 'he is going against your self interest" has been a losing argument for 20 years.

(see George Lakoff's Moral Politics)
Youre looking at it from our perspective not theirs

From their perspective they wanted deregulation and tax cutes (check), socially conservative judiary (check) and they wanted someone to stand up to immigration which is a common right wing theme from Austria to Brazil from England to America (check)

So when 26% of the voting population lives inside the socially conservative libertarian influence moral bubble, constantly lecturing them about how "voting for Trump is going against your self-interest lad, you should vote Democrat" is the same losing strategy that doesn't fecking work (its what the dipshit establishment Dems have been trying to argue for 20 years).

Maybe a smarter strategy is going after the 95 million that didn't vote in 2016, find out what issues they care about and find out how to frame an appealing vision to them to turn them out to vote like AOC did. Stop trying to lecture people already firmly enshrined in a conservative moral value system. it didn't work in the last 20 years and its not going to ever work.

The point I was making is the Democrats need an honest candidate who actually addressed their needs. Remember Obama won Ohio twice. They had a chance in 2016. But instead of Bernie they nominated the wife of the guy who gave the Rust Belt NAFTA and helped bring on the 2008 recession by repealing Glass-Steagal.

If Bernie wins he can bring the country together again...but not without much pain.
No. Its more like we don't trust the establishment that has bent over backwards to serve the elite special interests to actually hold anyone accountable for anything but the most unspinnable offenses (Trump actually sitting in a smoky room plotting with Putin). From Ford pardoning Nixon's people to how the Iran-Contra scandal got off to the how none of the guilty parties of the financial got punished to how Boeing's cosy relationship with the FTC helped facilitate this negligent enforcement of safety standards, etc the rich and powerful get away with all kinds of shit.

No. Its more like we don't trust the establishment that has bent over backwards to serve the elite special interests to actually hold anyone accountable for anything but the most unspinnable offenses (Trump actually sitting in a smoky room plotting with Putin). From Ford pardoning Nixon's people to how the Iran-Contra scandal got off to the how none of the guilty parties of the financial got punished to how Boeing's cosy relationship with the FTC helped facilitate this negligent enforcement of safety standards, etc the rich and powerful get away with all kinds of shit.
Then you really should be a little more suspicious of Barr’s assessment of the Mueller report after he was responsible for covering up Iran-Contra. There’s a reason Trump et al selected him for this job.
When Barr, the AG of the USA, has to admit that he cannot exonerate the President of the USA from wrongdoing there’s a rather large problem wouldn’t you say.
It's like no one has actually read the Barr summary and taking a victory lap of I told you so.

No. Its more like we don't trust the establishment that has bent over backwards to serve the elite special interests to actually hold anyone accountable for anything but the most unspinnable offenses (Trump actually sitting in a smoky room plotting with Putin). From Ford pardoning Nixon's people to how the Iran-Contra scandal got off to the how none of the guilty parties of the financial got punished to how Boeing's cosy relationship with the FTC helped facilitate this negligent enforcement of safety standards, etc the rich and powerful get away with all kinds of shit.

This is a fair comment that i have no issue with and could very well end up being the case. But to come and say that Barrs letter is basically some kind of exoneration of the POTUS is laughable. The only thing there about russia is a partial quotefrom the MIDDLE of a sentence that says "the SCO did not establish that members of the trump campainge conspired with russia in election interference"

Well of course they didnt. Who the feck thought trump was hacking the DNC. Its just a throwaway line that actually means nothing and doesnt address the actual things. Its like when republicans and centrist say that they believe in "access" to healthcare. Its a throwaway line that means didly squat.
It's almost as if you trust Bill Barr to correctly portray the findings of a 2 year investigation in lnto a 3 page memo with partial quotes and no context.

Ahh yes no collusion. Nothing to see here, Bill Barr said so. He's a good Republican :lol:

Imagine Ken Starr giving Janet Reno his report then Reno issuing a four page summary saying "Nothing to see here folks!" I'm sure the Republican fellatio police would have had an aneurysm.
Imagine Ken Starr giving Janet Reno his report then Reno issuing a four page summary saying "Nothing to see here folks!" I'm sure the Republican fellatio police would have had an aneurysm.

And then imagine the far left saying well thats good enough for us case closed. Dont you read AP and have google to see for your self :lol:
And the witchhunt goes on. There is literally ZERO evidence as of now and people keep going. Who cares about innocent until proven guilty and such concepts. Because "orange man is bad" it must mean he must have done something shady during the election. Did you ever consider that - despite he most likely have done shady things in his business in the past - he was actually elected fair and square?
Additionally instead of being giant crybabies, maybe you should ask yourself why he was actually voted. What made people vote him over the competition.

Makes perfect sense since most people involved in the campaign actually lied about contact with Russians and Trump having meetings with Russians without anyone present while asking his interpreter for their notes. But we'd keep believing that there's nothing to see there. And regarding those shady business things in the past...the SDNY is simply waiting until he's out of office. His entire Trump empire would crumble.
If there was a sentence in the Mueller report that totally exonerated the POTUS Barr would have quoted that whole sentence paragraph and page and printed it in bold for all to see. There is no such quote in his summary therefore I can positively say that this sentence doesnt exist
No offence, but if you committed to reading more than about 3 words on the matter, you'd find why this post is absolute garbage, and also why people voted for him. 3 million fewer than his competition, but I don't want to worry you with any facts.

He should take offense. Pile of garbage he wrote there to be honest.
If there was a sentence in the Mueller report that totally exonerated the POTUS Barr would have quoted that whole sentence paragraph and page and printed it in bold for all to see. There is no such quote in his summary therefore I can positively say that this sentence doesnt exist
You think they're (Americans) likely to hear more of what's in the report? Or is it likely to get squashed?

He should take offense. Pile of garbage he wrote there to be honest.
Lot of garbage has been written in here tbh.
You think they're (Americans) likely to hear more of what's in the report? Or is it likely to get squashed?

Lot of garbage has been written in here tbh.

They will hear more i'm sure. The dems will probably subpeona the report and it will take months to get the real thing which by then no one will care. But to jump to conclusions becuase of a Bill Barr summary is a bit too "Mission Accomplished " for me.