The Mueller Report

Barr ain't releasing shit...
Yeah I don't expect him to, just more of the charade. My guess is we get Trump saying the report should be released, while Barr says "sorry we can't, only select parts" which will be cherry-picked and likely focus on portions about people already indicted.

Of course, Trump could declassify it himself if he wanted to (just like he did with the Nunes memo) which he certainly will since it's a TOTAL EXONERATION......
Cool, I can agree with that. I thought you were suggesting his decision would have been the same regardless of what the report says.
I can see that... if true.

I agree with this.

Early on, I was reading more and listing more to analysis about the probe. However, over time, I had less confidence that the probe would find a clear evidence of collusion. The main reason was the following: for nearly two years, Trump, people around him and his supporters in Congress and the media have attacked Mueller and the probe... viciously. 'No collusion" was heard every day. The dominant theory was that Mueller would wait with this and then drop a bombshell about collusion. But, at some point, I starting wondering, if there is at least one person who have colluded with the Russians, why wouldn't the special prosecutor charge him/her? This way, he would be able to silence some of the critics of the probe and, thus, be able to work more freely. When it didn't happen, I started to think that it never would.

Now being reported that Mueller informed the DOJ three weeks ago that he would not reach a conclusion on obstruction of justice.

The Trump supporters are acting like a team getting a goal and decide to walk off saying they won the match.
Actually that is being generous.

They get a corner that was wrongly given by the ref and then say they won the title.

Come on people.
Tbf haven't seen any of the usual suspects yet.... Which is telling.
Mueller obviously worked within the parameters given to him and the presumption that a sitting president cannot be indicted under Federal law. But that has not been tested in the Supreme Court.
Rather than wade into untested waters, Mueller obviously is passing the baton to Congress to investigate further.
it is critical the full report be released to Congress and they bring Mueller under Oath to clarify where there may be questions.

Even so several State charges are in the works where Individual One and Trump family members will have to defend.
Yeah but unless he gave them his evidence they still reached their conclusions in 48 hours of having the document.

Which he will have done at the time Mueller informed the DOJ that the obstruction case had ended.
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A lot of us got duped by the coverage and we were led to believe this was going to be incredibly damaging for Trump. A couple of examples below

Non stop media coverage talking about collusion
Legal pundits claiming that the obstruction case was a slam dunk against Trump.
Senior ex intelligence community officials going on air and boasting about how Trump's family members were about to be indicted.
Other pundits and "experts" spreading false information which got people even more giddy.
After seeing that "Trump is finished - Supercut" video and the outcome of this I don't understand how CNN etc isn't derided like Fox News. Both one-eyed lunatics.
February this year she got her biggest numbers

Liberals have pretty turned into the Conservatives during the Obama years.
I've followed her show for years now. It's obviously incredibly biased, but the whole Russia affair was so entertaining to me and her show is the only one I could find that focused on this every night without fail. I've learned a lot from it to be honest in terms of history of 20th century American politics which they use as fillers or to create a parallel of some kind for a story.

It's going to be interesting tonight. All in all it looks over to be honest. I'm going to be moving to the last few seasons of The Americans - a show that, incidentally, I was introduced to by The Rachel Maddow show in a segment where they focused on the history of the case it's based on. :D
I've followed her show for years now. It's obviously incredibly biased, but the whole Russia affair was so entertaining to me and her show is the only one I could find that focused on this every night without fail. I've learned a lot from it to be honest in terms of history of 20th century American politics which they use as fillers or to create a parallel of some kind for a story.

It's going to be interesting tonight. All in all it looks over to be honest. I'm going to be moving to the last few seasons of The Americans - a show that, incidentally, I was introduced to by The Rachel Maddow show in a segment where they focused on the history of the case it's based on. :D
I think its like the QAon stuff some Conservatives are into(Well ok Maddow is far educational) or when I'm watch Alex Jones quite accurately describing the inner works of Twin Peaks(Again Maddow far more educational). In the end is just a bit of fun.

The only issue I have is when people start to take it seriously and start basing their politics off this stuff. Fox News would be a brilliant piece of television if it didn't turn everyone grandparents into Nazis.
After seeing that "Trump is finished - Supercut" video and the outcome of this I don't understand how CNN etc isn't derided like Fox News. Both one-eyed lunatics.

I won’t be too surprised if CNN is replaced by the pod save America folks in the near future. Not saying that is going to solve anything. But still...
I don't mind CNN, as with all media sources... Pinch of salt.
How the feck do you Americans know which media outlet to trust? You've got one major conservative news network, and then every single other network is liberal. It's difficult to expect fair and unbiased coverage when it's that lopsided.
Who knows? Are you going to argue one way and then criticise others for arguing the other?

Let's face it the margins were slim in how many states? I wouldn't want to bet on either possibility personally...

What I'd be taking from this is that the report confirms that Russia made a very deliberate effort here. Something that was being laughed off by some of y'all in this forum not that long ago, maybe even you? So it's either it confirms the Russians did this and it clears the president of taking part. Or it's okay to be skeptical about the memo.

I could be here lamenting that and beating my chest about it telling people I told you so, but I won't because what would be the point? It is what it is.

And what will happen to tackle this going forward? Possibly not much. So how will that play out in the future? They have fingerprints over Brexit too, something that has sidetracked this country for over 2 years...

:lol: again with the weird assumptions. No I have always acknowledged tha the Russians interfered and I still believe the minor collusion that has been established among various members of the Trump campaign is a significant thing to uncover in American politics.

It's not a small claim to make. To say they attempted to influence the results is well founded. To say they decided the result requires a huge amount of evidence to substantiate it. You don't decide the election is illegitimate based on spurious evidence. That undermines everything.

What evidence Brawned? Barr discredited himself with this summary report.
The full report would have been released if there was nothing to discredit Trump.

That is what is needed

A summary of the report was an established first step in the process, before he took that step. And he has already said the next step will be releasing a version of the full report, minus the grand jury testimony. He might be exaggerating that 2nd part but to come to the conclusion he's discredited himself already is so detached from reality, man. Just on the facts alone.
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How the feck do you Americans know which media outlet to trust? You've got one major conservative news network, and then every single other network is liberal. It's difficult to expect fair and unbiased coverage when it's that lopsided.
What's the conservative one?
How the feck do you Americans know which media outlet to trust? You've got one major conservative news network, and then every single other network is liberal. It's difficult to expect fair and unbiased coverage when it's that lopsided.

Just read Marx.
How the feck do you Americans know which media outlet to trust? You've got one major conservative news network, and then every single other network is liberal. It's difficult to expect fair and unbiased coverage when it's that lopsided.

CNN's actual news coverage is excellent imho, CNN international that we get here in the UK is also very good, as is Shep Smith on Fox. I also think Anderson Cooper and Chris Cuomo are very fair it's just many of their guests are one sided. Overall there really is no comparison between CNN and Fox. Fox is way more to the right than CNN is to the left.
A summary of the report was an established first step in the process, before he took that step. And he has already said the next step will be releasing a version of the full report, minus the grand jury testimony. He might be exaggerating that 2nd part but to come to the conclusion he's discredited himself already is so detached from reality, man. Just on the facts alone.

Where does it say a Summary report was the established first step?

All he had to do was release the report in its entirety to Congress.

Clearly Barr wanted to show a positive slant to the report that favoured his boss.

Now Congress is gearing to subpoena the report. And we will have a tug of war.

Whatever the party we all want to get to the truth. Total transparency.
How the feck do you Americans know which media outlet to trust? You've got one major conservative news network, and then every single other network is liberal. It's difficult to expect fair and unbiased coverage when it's that lopsided.

Most editors and journalists in this country are liberal leaning. NPR is unbiased but one would have to admit it gravitates towards the liberal side, but its publicly and federally funded in part (and Trump wants that to end, for PBS as well). If you don't watch the news you're uninformed but then again if all you do is watch MSNBC or FOX news you're misinformed.

Americans need to get as much information they can and decipher what they think is real or not among the clutter of falsehoods, embellishment and deception. That won't happen with the vast majority of the population. Its the same in the UK, how many major media outlets are really truly centrist?
Where does it say a Summary report was the established first step?

All he had to do was release the report in its entirety to Congress.

Clearly Barr wanted to show a positive slant to the report that favoured his boss.

Now Congress is gearing to subpoena the report. And we will have a tug of war.

Whatever the party we all want to get to the truth. Total transparency.

On the two key issues he has communicated Muller's overarching conclusions: the Russian conspiracy with the Trump campaign didn't exist, as per his high standards, and there is a case to be made either way for obstruction of justice. We know those are Muller's views bevause he quoted them. The rest of the stuff is just background fluff. What about it could be positively slanted, when we know precisely what Muller's key decisions were?
Where does it say a Summary report was the established first step?

All he had to do was release the report in its entirety to Congress.

Clearly Barr wanted to show a positive slant to the report that favoured his boss.

Now Congress is gearing to subpoena the report. And we will have a tug of war.

Whatever the party we all want to get to the truth. Total transparency.

As you say it’ll be a long process getting the report via subpoena.

That being said, I expect the House Dems to subpoena Mueller while they are tussling over that and it’ll be interesting to see what respect he shows to the House procedure in contrast to his loyalty to the DOJ.

Also, it’s worth remembering that there were various subjects Cohen was told he was not allowed to discuss during his hearing due to the Mueller investigation and yet we know nothing about them from Barr’s summary.

Cohen became the first Trump associate to allege that, in 2016, Trump knew in advance that his eldest son, Donald Jr, was meeting Russians promising dirt on Hillary Clinton – and that WikiLeaks would be releasing emails stolen from Democrats by Russian operatives.

Moreover, Cohen hinted that Robert Mueller, the special counsel currently wrapping up a two-year inquiry into whether Trump’s team coordinated with Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, may have proof.

Cohen was asked by Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the Florida Democrat forced to resign as party chairwoman over the WikiLeaks disclosures, how they could corroborate his explosive allegations, which are based on remarks he says he overheard in Trump’s office.

“I suspect that the special counsel’s office and other government agencies have the information you’re seeking,” Cohen said. Trump denied both allegations in his written answers to questions from Mueller.

So perhaps Cohen was lying, Jordan and co certainly reminded us that he had done it before.

Or perhaps it’s in the Mueller Report and Barr has whitewashed it all. After all Barr has done just that before.

Edit - Also Cummings and Schiff worked closely with Mueller to establish the boundaries they could question within without impeding the Mueller investigation. They will already have a good idea from those discussions what is likely in that report.
Kasparov is hitting the nail on the head but all this has been known for a while and it's not just happening in the US elections Putin and his "friends" are involved everywhere, they push populist and destabilizing parties in every European country because he knows that against a united front of Europe and the US he is powerless but if he sews enough distrust between former allies, manages to break the EU apart and the US to only take care of their own matters he will have free reign to do whatever he wants in eastern Europe for example because he will never be threatened with more than a disapproving speech on TV.

He also isn't alone in trying to destabilize the US and their allies. China has a very real interest in this as well and they both can wreak havoc and buy politicians left right and center as long as we don't have full transparency where every cent that finances a politician has come from.

China as a nation-state definitely has an interest in the US but I don't think its similar to Russia's geo-strategic goals at all; they don't want to destabilize the West in the same way as Russia does as it doesn't benefit modern China to do so.

Unlike Russia, China is the number 1 US Treasury foreign debt holder at ~1.1 trillion USD Treasury debt whereas Russia now only holds about 10 billion. China has pegged their currency to the USD in the past and economically they are just in a very different situation than Russia. In relation to the US. China has benefited greatly from partnerships with the US economically. I can't see China, from a game theory perspective, looking at destabilization of the US political economy as good for China as it is for Russia. Russia is also China's direct competitor in overlapping spheres of influence so its also the case that what is good for Russia might not be good for China.

If I was to guess I would guess that China and Russia have quite different interests in the US. For Russia the more chaos the better but that isn't what the Chinese government likely wants strategically from the US (just looking at Trump, Russia has benefited greatly from Trump Admin policies but the tariffs and trade war are not what China wants at all)
On the two key issues he has communicated Muller's overarching conclusions: the Russian conspiracy with the Trump campaign didn't exist, as per his high standards, and there is a case to be made either way for obstruction of justice. We know those are Muller's views bevause he quoted them. The rest of the stuff is just background fluff. What about it could be positively slanted, when we know precisely what Muller's key decisions were?

As I said. Why allow the speculation. A full report would have avoided it.
If there was no reluctance to release it why is Pelosi demanding the full report?
As I said. Why allow the speculation. A full report would have avoided it.
If there was no reluctance to release it why is Pelosi demanding the full report?

To give supporters like you something to cling onto. She obviously wouldn't want to discuss the results so she might as well show that she's doing something, even if that something is just political theatre. As of yet there's been no indication that Barr is going to hide a lot of it.
As you say it’ll be a long process getting the report via subpoena.

That being said, I expect the House Dems to subpoena Mueller while they are tussling over that and it’ll be interesting to see what respect he shows to the House procedure in contrast to his loyalty to the DOJ.

Also, it’s worth remembering that there were various subjects Cohen was told he was not allowed to discuss during his hearing due to the Mueller investigation and yet we know nothing about them from Barr’s summary.

So perhaps Cohen was lying, Jordan and co certainly reminded us that he had done it before.

Or perhaps it’s in the Mueller Report and Barr has whitewashed it all. After all Barr has done just that before.

To give supporters like you something to cling onto. She obviously wouldn't want to discuss the results so she might as well show that she's doing something, even if that something is just political theatre. As of yet there's been no indication that Barr is going to hide a lot of it.

the theater is purely being manufactured by Barr by not releasing the entire report. That would have avoided all this.

I think we will see the house inviting Cohen back to a public hearing to discuss those points now Mueller and the DOJ have no jurisdiction or mutual reason for continued cooperation.
What the feck are some people on about? If there was nothing to hide in the report then why did Graham overturn the majority house vote to release it in full?

Unfeckingbelievable some of the told you so and argumentative bollocks going on since Barr released his 4 page Trump protecting Republican wankfest.
What the feck are some people on about? If there was nothing to hide in the report then why did Graham overturn the majority house vote to release it in full?

Unfeckingbelievable some of the told you so and argumentative bollocks going on since Barr released his 4 page Trump proecting Republican wankfest.

A summary which came to a conclusion yet could only manage to quote the actual Mueller report directly twice, each a partial quote with absolutely no context.
the theater is purely being manufactured by Barr by not releasing the entire report. That would have avoided all this.

There are legitimate legal questions to be answered before releasing the full report. He specifically mentioned what they are too. It's kind of his job to weigh up those legal questions, and ignore the political pressure. If he did the opposite he would be legitimately discredited. Grand jury testimony has remained redacted for decades in similarly important investigations, for firmly established legal reasons.
There are legitimate legal questions to be answered before releasing the full report. He specifically mentioned what they are too. It's kind of his job to weigh up those legal questions, and ignore the political pressure. If he did the opposite he would be legitimately discredited. Grand jury testimony has remained redacted for decades in similarly important investigations, for firmly established legal reasons.

Legal reasons that Congress should not be aware of??

That is simply not true.

If that were so Congress would not have voted unanimously to release the report in full.
There are legitimate legal questions to be answered before releasing the full report. He specifically mentioned what they are too. It's kind of his job to weigh up those legal questions, and ignore the political pressure. If he did the opposite he would be legitimately discredited. Grand jury testimony has remained redacted for decades in similarly important investigations, for firmly established legal reasons.

Are you aware of Barr’s previous while you are giving him the benefit of the doubt?