The Modern / Current Players Draft

@Edgar Allan Pillow , I am assuming you'll set the matches up. So, could you not use the current players draft as the title? Because, I feel many might mistake it for current form and vote accordingly. Just something like "The Modern Draft" with Peak Form Considered would be good.

@Edgar Allan Pillow , I am assuming you'll set the matches up. So, could you not use the current players draft as the title? Because, I feel many might mistake it for current form and vote accordingly. Just something like "The Modern Draft" with Peak Form Considered would be good.


:lol: Will do. This will become the The Modern Players Draft.

The matches are:

Thursday, 05-Mar
Stobz vs Crappycraperson

Monday, 09-Mar
Barney vs VivaJanuzaj
vs Raees

Wednesday, 11-Mar

No Pace vs The Red Viper
vs Theon
vs Snow
vs Isotope
Could we set mine and Raees game start time for 1330? I'll be able to get a good shift in after that.
This Friday works best for me if @Snow is available for that.
Not for me. I have a test on Saturday morning, the only time I need to show up to school on a Saturday the whole year.
Sunday is good and any day next week after Tuesday.
Here's my unpicked eleven

@Theon, come on!

P.S. Not sure if it was fair to have a draw before his final pick. Now he can adjust his team.
P.P.S. Hope that everything is okay with you, actually

I'll give Theon till the start of 1st match (15:00 GMT) tomorrow.

Any volunteers to take Theon's place if he doesn't show up by the deadline? You'll be a interim manager and can make the 12th pick and schedule the his 1st round game with your opponent.
- If Theon returns before the commencement his 1st round game, he has an option to take the team back and/or to share it with you.
- If Theon's not back before the commencement his 1st game, the team is yours for the rest of the draft.​

Volunteers...please apply with full resume here. a/s/l ?