The MMA thread

I never said draw power never changes, in fact I just made a post indicating Khabib will move up the PPV pecking order after last weekend. There is however a massive difference between a fighter going from 300 to 600k draw power, with the 1.5 to 2.5 range that Conor has been drawing. Let’s assume for the sake of argument that Conor’s loss results in smaller numbers for his next fight to where instead of drawing 2m PPVs he now draws 1.5m . That’s still a massive amount more than what Khabib will draw. So the question you then have to ask yourself is “would the UFC like an event to bring in $40m or $100” ? The answer is pretty obvious especially when you back test the UFC’s historical behavior about privileging money fights over all else.

I'm only asking your prediction.
If Conor fights Diaz, Poirer, Pettis or someone below the Khabib-Ferguson tier what is your prediction for what he would draw?
Brian Ortega said Danis had a black eye and told him he think he got concussed.
Read a funny comment on YouTube: "Man, Khabib loves fighting animals. Fought a bear when he was 9 years old and last weekend he fought a chicken" :lol:
Brian Ortega said Danis had a black eye and told him he think he got concussed.

Ortega now claiming he wants to move up to 155 after his Holloway fight. Want to fight Khabib. Would be great stylistically, but he would likely have to wait until Khabib finishes with his next fight or two.
Ortega now claiming he wants to move up to 155 after his Holloway fight. Want to fight Khabib. Would be great stylistically, but he would likely have to wait until Khabib finishes with his next fight or two.
Everyone wants Khabib now.
No. Why would they?

Well for a start because NSAC's chairman indicated that's what they were going to do:

""Both," Marnell said when asked whether Nurmagomedov is facing a fine or suspension. "It's always both. We could do one or the other, but at least in the chair's mind, I think the commission will be entertaining a recommendation from the attorney general that will include both.""
Well for a start because NSAC's chairman indicated that's what they were going to do:

""Both," Marnell said when asked whether Nurmagomedov is facing a fine or suspension. "It's always both. We could do one or the other, but at least in the chair's mind, I think the commission will be entertaining a recommendation from the attorney general that will include both.""

If they do a fine or suspension then I'm guessing it would be for something convenient like 6 months - the time when Khabib would likely fight again in any case.
Surprised to see DC VS Lewis after i saw an interview with DC where he said he was going to fight Brock then Jones next.
Got the impression, maybe he said it too, that he would retire after that.
Surprised to see DC VS Lewis after i saw an interview with DC where he said he was going to fight Brock then Jones next.
Got the impression, maybe he said it too, that he would retire after that.

They probably couldn't drain the steroids out of Lesnar's system in time for a UFC fight. I'd imagine DC will fight the black beast and if he wins it would set up a final fight v Jon Jones after which he will retire.
If they do a fine or suspension then I'm guessing it would be for something convenient like 6 months - the time when Khabib would likely fight again in any case.

Aye, I doubt there's really much appetite for punishing him heavily but they basically have to give him some sort of suspension.

Given he's just got the biggest paycheck of his career (even including any fine) I'm sure he won't be that bothered by sitting out a few months. Especially as the promotion for his next fight could begin a couple of months before the suspension comes to an end anyway.
I think you are clearly underestimating Khabib and Mayweather's draw power on those numbers and again, just assuming that Conor will always just keep his peak draw power irrespective of whether he wins or loses which doesn't really make sense. Before his fight with Aldo, which really elevated his reputation, he was below Rousey in draw power. Rousey was hitting some bigger numbers before her loss. So I don't think these big numbers are all 'Conor effect'. I think UFC marketing has something to do with it considering Rousey's numbers.
So I predict Khabib is going to be a bigger draw than you are guessing and Conor is going to start falling back to Mendes-Aldo range numbers for his next 2 fights rather than his peak number vs. Khabib. And he has to win his next two to remain viable as a top draw which I question his ability to do.

Rousey's comeback fight against Nunes hit the same PPV numbers as her fight against Holm according to here, her two biggest numbers ever. Brock Lesnar is the clearest example of a fighter who continues to draw way above average numbers despite minimal recent success. Conor vs Mendes 'only' got 825,000 buys. I don't see him dipping below 1 million for either of his next two fights. Agreed that Khabib's numbers will rise significantly now.
I don't really get the hype about Kevin Lee. I look at his record and think who has he beat? Barbosa (who he nearly lost to) and Chiesa. Big deal.
Yeah, that's a brilliant line really. I was thinking about it and I think if the UFC is smart Khabib could be marketed better than Conor. A real life bad ass is really a more compelling person than a WWF bad boy character. If UFC was smart they will find an angle where Khabib doesn't have to be some trash talker to market well.

Khabib is becoming a bigger star after his performance vs Mcgregor and his PPV numbers will rise, but i doubt he will ever have the same draw as McGregor. He's not as charismatic as Conor in his press conferences, english isn't his first language so thats understandable to an extent.

I also think as technically brilliant as Khabib's style of fighting is, it won't ever really appeal to a lot of casual fans the same way top strikers do.
Is that a fact? Because there's a reason the Diaz fight had higher numbers than Alvarez, Aldo etc. Diaz does have a fan base.

Their thinking is very short term. If McGregor loses to Khabib again, which is a very high chance, his numbers will then plummet. Why not make him fight Diaz, Aldo or Poirier. Granted in the short term these won't make the numbers a rematch with Khabib would but building him back up against these winnable fights THEN rematching Khabib would make a much bigger profit I reckon.
Do I think it will get ZERO ppv buys ? No, I don't think that.

Do I think it will be a blockbuster PPV event ? No I don't - which is backed up by history. Khabib has never been a big PPV draw, nor has Tony. Khabib v Iaquinta drew a paltry 350k PPV buys and Ferguson v Kevin Lee drew a pathetic 200k buys. Let's assume they double those numbers and make about 700k buys if Khabib v Tony ever happens. That's would be less than the 840k that Jones v Cormier 2 got and only about 30% of the 2.5m that Conor v Khabib did.

The common denominator here is that Conor makes the UFC money, and as such, they are always going to look for creative ways to have him fight as often as possible, occasionally in lieu of more logical fights.
Since destroying Conor, Khabib support is rising. He has over 11 million instagram followers now which is 4 times that of Nate Diaz. the hype train may be on the rise and if Dana sells Khabib as this ruthless killer bad ass who messed up Conor and don't take no nonsense, he could definitely sell. at least as much as Ronda. he has the same Insta followers as her too.
I don't really get the hype about Kevin Lee. I look at his record and think who has he beat? Barbosa (who he nearly lost to) and Chiesa. Big deal.

He's 25, pretty well rounded and very athletic. He's not ready for top top guys yet and cuts way too much weight to make 155 but he's talented. I think his best will be in a couple of years at 170 or 165 if that division is created (Should be IMO and Welterweight should be 175).
I don't really get the hype about Kevin Lee. I look at his record and think who has he beat? Barbosa (who he nearly lost to) and Chiesa. Big deal.

Trinaldo was a good win at the time, he'd gone on a big winning streak beating some good names and Lee outclassed him there. Mustafaev was hyped up a lot before Lee fought him and again was on a big win streak and he won that easily. His performance against Barboza was really good, he got rocked but it's a bit unfair to say he "nearly lost" as he recovered very well from that head kick.

I don't think he's the top level yet (I think Khabib would struggle vs. him though as styles make fights) but he has a bright future.
I'll always love Kevin Lee because his Stanky Leg dance after being kicked upside the head by Barboza led to this:

Since destroying Conor, Khabib support is rising. He has over 11 million instagram followers now which is 4 times that of Nate Diaz. the hype train may be on the rise and if Dana sells Khabib as this ruthless killer bad ass who messed up Conor and don't take no nonsense, he could definitely sell. at least as much as Ronda. he has the same Insta followers as her too.
He gained 4m insta followers since the fight, and speaking as a Muslim, he's absolutely gained a shit tonne of supporters from the wider Muslim community, even from markets that traditionally haven't been into sports like MMA or Boxing. An example of which, is Inzimam Ul Haq (a former Pakistan cricket captain and legend) tweeting out his congrats to Khabib after the fight.

The vast majority of these won't be dedicated fans of the sport (and I include myself in this, as I just have never got into it - more of a boxing man myself) but they will absolutely be tuning in to a Khabib fight, just because of what he represents as an unapologetically Muslim man in one of the most brutal sports around.

A Khabib fight from now on, will sell by the bucket loads, simply because of what he had to put up with from Connor's denigrating of his religion and his culture, and of course from his actions after the fight.
I don't really get the hype about Kevin Lee. I look at his record and think who has he beat? Barbosa (who he nearly lost to) and Chiesa. Big deal.

He's 25, pretty well rounded and very athletic. He's not ready for top top guys yet and cuts way too much weight to make 155 but he's talented. I think his best will be in a couple of years at 170 or 165 if that division is created (Should be IMO and Welterweight should be 175).
he was actually roughing up ferguson bad and gassed which we can put down to Staph infection.
he was actually roughing up ferguson bad and gassed which we can put down to Staph infection.

Yup, I also think he is Khabibs toughest fight at 155. Not now but maybe after a couple of fights. He also really needs to cut weight properly or else it will affect his performance.
Jones v Gus is a great fight, worthy rematch and just building up to see a Jones v DC around July next year.

Not been in this thread since the McGregor fight, but wow what an event! I think Kavanagh was right that they were too defensive minded, which just shows the level of Khabib. You have to be so worried about the takedown, that your offensive output is hindered.

Also anyone saying Ring Rust is an excuse. I would allow that excuse for nearly any other fighter but you know for sure that Conor has said himself it's bullshit, when any other fighter has mentioned it he comes out with the same stuff "I'm always fight ready, I train every day". Fans just want to have their cake and eat it, if he won you'd be saying "He is always ready" ...but now he has lost "He wasn't in his prime"