Film The Lord of the Rings (and other movies that you absolutely have to watch at least once a year)

I always thought The Fellowship of the Ring was a level above the other two films. Probably because there was minimal CGI and the effort and craft that went into it was more noticeable. The most time spent in The Shire of any of the films too, such a gorgeous place.

It’s my clear favorite of the three as well. It has much more of an adventure feel than the other two, and feels more grounded. The Weathertop scene and subsequent chase, and the Moria sequence are absolutely peak LOTR for me.
I always thought The Fellowship of the Ring was a level above the other two films. Probably because there was minimal CGI and the effort and craft that went into it was more noticeable. The most time spent in The Shire of any of the films too, such a gorgeous place.

It’s the most faithful to the books which may have something to do with it.
I normally end up watching some old epic like Spartacus or Ben Hur most Christmases. I know they're about 4 hours long but that's 4 valuable hours where my family doesn't have to talk to each other
LOTR and Harry Potter movies are the obvious ones for me. I usually just have them playing in the background if I have nothing to watch. Another one to add to them for me are the Tremors movies. First one is a classic, the next two aren't the best but still fun to watch.
There are so many great things about the LOTR films and I think the makers nailed almost every aspect of it.. It just such a shame 30% of the movies is Frodo whining...
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fellowship of the ring is the most complete movie ever made imo

it‘s plain perfect, I wouldn’t change anything
Sky cinema are doing a Godfather marathon which I am about to start , I have never seen this before.
While I find Glorfindel a very interesting character, I still think using this situation to introduce Arwen is solid work and very convincing, consistent in itself.
Yeah i think overall it's an ok decision as arwen is nothing but a glorified jewel in the books. In movies she convinces Elrond the halfelven too to reforge the sword that was shattered. I think ignoring the barrow downs and Tom bombadil was a wise decision but not too sure abt glorfindel
Love the LOTR movies, but as seems to be the norm, can take or leave the Hobbit films. Re-watched Indiana Jones with my eldest recently, as well as Star Wars (all of them including Solo and Rogue One), he wants to do the Mission Impossible films next.

I re-watch series more often than films though, Every few years I do a Lost re-watch, even though I know it'll end up pissing me off, I'm overdue another go round tbh.

Also re-watch Stranger Things from start to finish each time just before the new season comes out.

Other series I've re-watched more than once include all 9 seasons of 24, 5 seasons of Quantum Leap (Original Series), Reacher Season 1, Supernatural season 1-15, Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, Dexter 1-8 and Prison Break.

There's not really been an epic season that's captured the Lost/GoT (which I've only ever watched once) hype whereby there's loads of theories flying about for a while now (except maybe Stranger Things. TV seems to have gone backwards as a medium recently.
In terms of movies, LOTR ofcourse, select ones from the Harry Potter movies, Mission Impossible series from Ghost Protocal and Ocean's 11, 12, 13. These are basically my main rewatch movies which I can just put on and enjoy it however many times I've watched it.
Watched Fellowship at the weekend, and just finished Two Towers today, will maybe try and squeeze in Return of the King later if time allows. Such an epic trilogy.
Watched Fellowship at the weekend, and just finished Two Towers today, will maybe try and squeeze in Return of the King later if time allows. Such an epic trilogy.
The word epic was created for the Lord of the Rings.
I'm reading it at the moment for the fourth time. I've never actually watched the Return of the King movie but I love the Fellowship, they did it so well
The word epic was created for the Lord of the Rings.
I'm reading it at the moment for the fourth time. I've never actually watched the Return of the King movie but I love the Fellowship, they did it so well
Wait, what? How can you have watched the first one but not the last one?

That's like watching half a movie?

I wish I could go back and watch them for the first time again in the cinema.
Wait, what? How can you have watched the first one but not the last one?

That's like watching half a movie?

I wish I could go back and watch them for the first time again in the cinema.
I don't know, I just love the books so much that maybe I'm worried the last one won't live up to my expectation, I'm not sure. I have kids as well now so it's hard to find three hours of quiet time for a movie
Wait, what? How can you have watched the first one but not the last one?

That's like watching half a movie?

I wish I could go back and watch them for the first time again in the cinema.

I've got a friend who never reads the last chapter of a book. She's mental.
LOTR definitely a tradition. Harry Potter movies probably once every 4 years or so just cause there's fecking 7 to go through. The Office every few years.

This year I finally got my fiancee to fall in love with LOTR. She was a misguided hater, secret was just do an edible before hand and split them up into halves since she can't sit through a 3-4 hour movie. Worth it all the same.

Watched the second half of Two Towers last night with my gf, using the same strategy. She's been loving them so far after having avoided fantasy and the like her whole life. Extended editions make splitting each movie in half the way to go anyways.
I watch the trilogy, and the 6 star wars movies once a year. Its an old habit, and every rewatch is still great.
I watch Zoolander at least once a year. Very important movie.