Gaming The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Actually genuine question. Has anybody else ordered it from Amazon? I have no idea what to expect in terms of when they'll deliver i.e. morning, afternoon or evensong.
Yeah, I have one coming from Amazon and one from Game. One bought for me for my birthday and one for my son for his. Whichever comes first I'll be keeping for myself!
Yeah, I have one coming from Amazon and one from Game. One bought for me for my birthday and one for my son for his. Whichever comes first I'll be keeping for myself!

Same, I have two coming: one for me and one for the GF. Might have to come up with a cheeky excuse about why I opened her's if it arrives first :lol:
I think it’s the first free weekend I’ve had in about 3 months so I’m gonna play Zelda, eat takeaway and furiously masturbate all weekend
Sounds amazing. :drool:
I haven't ordered this yet as I don't tend to buy games day one anyway, but this one is really making me reconsider my priorities.
Sounds amazing. :drool:
I haven't ordered this yet as I don't tend to buy games day one anyway, but this one is really making me reconsider my priorities.
Neither do I but I'm trying to get it on Shopto and the website isn't having it. Maybe a sign.
Not sure if its because I'm becoming a boomer, but this is genuinely the first game I've been excited for, for what feels like years. I've been playing Star Citizen and World of Warcraft to occupy that void in the meantime :lol:
Not sure if its because I'm becoming a boomer, but this is genuinely the first game I've been excited for, for what feels like years. I've been playing Star Citizen and World of Warcraft to occupy that void in the meantime :lol:
I noticed this the other day. Haven’t been this excited about a game being released, possibly ever, and I’m thirty-two!
I noticed this the other day. Haven’t been this excited about a game being released, possibly ever, and I’m thirty-two!
Funny, I'm the same age. Must be a transitional thing :D
Im a good bit older than you both. Can confirm us 40 something year olds are also very excited
Actually genuine question. Has anybody else ordered it from Amazon? I have no idea what to expect in terms of when they'll deliver i.e. morning, afternoon or evensong.
It really depends on your distance from the depot.

Generally I receive orders anytime from midday to 3ish, but there's been occasions they come really late.

Knowing my luck Friday will be one of the days they decide to see the sights and sounds of Greater Manchester before they get to mine.
Going to be a long two days. Also, I’m completely unprepared and haven’t preordered. Can I just buy a digital copy on release day?
you can buy it at 12am Thursday night if you want
Not sure if its because I'm becoming a boomer, but this is genuinely the first game I've been excited for, for what feels like years. I've been playing Star Citizen and World of Warcraft to occupy that void in the meantime :lol:
I'm 47 and I'm counting the hours.
...and sorry to be pedantic, but to become a boomer you'd have to somehow be born quarter of a century before you were.
Literally had to get the Switch out of storage as I’ve not played it for months now. It’s all set up and charging now though :drool:
Bet this gets a 10 due to being Zelda
TBF the only big Zelda game that I've played that didn't deserve a 10 was Skyward Sword.
Ocarina of time, Majora's Mask, wind Waker, twilight princess and BotW all amazing. Maybe twilight princess 9.5.
I noticed this the other day. Haven’t been this excited about a game being released, possibly ever, and I’m thirty-two!
I'm exactly the same (even in terms of age), and generally my excitement for games stretches to "I'll play it when I'll play it". But this time I'm actually really excited. My weekend is a bit busy though so I might wait till some time next week. Which means I'll have to avoid spoilers. :nervous:
Nearly here - surprised the reviews are embargoed so late.
I think it was the same for Breath of the Wild and other big Nintendo titles.
Booked tomorrow off and had zero faith that Curry's would deliver on the day
But it appears to be out for delivery
I got it from Amazon as I had a gift card to use so I’m praying it’s delivered by time I’ve finished work.

Amazon took the payment this morning so I got excited it'd been dispatched, but it says delivery by 11pm tomorrow.
I can't remember being this excited for a game, ever. I've already booked the weekend off from fatherly duties so I plan to make a little den in the living room and play all weekend. I'm 36.