Television The Leftovers (TV Show)

just the season Finale to watch now , its been decent enough, a couple of really good EP's a few OK ones and a couple of poor ones.
Hope you find out in season 2 why , but not holding out much hope.
FFS that was a crap season Finale, nothing answered , nothing explained.

If you didn't like that I wouldn't watch Season 2. Lindelof has stated that they don't intend to ever give answers because that's not what the show is about: it's not about the event, it's about the effects. Personally, I don't think they'll be able to stick to that and will probably have to come up with some Lost type gubbins, but I'd admire them more if they stuck to their guns.
If you didn't like that I wouldn't watch Season 2. Lindelof has stated that they don't intend to ever give answers because that's not what the show is about: it's not about the event, it's about the effects. Personally, I don't think they'll be able to stick to that and will probably have to come up with some Lost type gubbins, but I'd admire them more if they stuck to their guns.
Season 2 started a couple of days ago. I will give it a watch.
I thought it was excellent. Definitely trying to be less depressing, even the opening credits have changed to highlight that. And so weird too. That opening scene had me and the housemate going "what the feck?" throughout.

I'd say it was better than the majority of the episodes in season one.
I thought it was excellent. Definitely trying to be less depressing, even the opening credits have changed to highlight that. And so weird too. That opening scene had me and the housemate going "what the feck?" throughout.

I'd say it was better than the majority of the episodes in season one.

It was intriguing, having recently binge-watched the first season, because the S2 opener was still uncomfortable/unpleasant viewing, just for a completely different reason. And I doff my cap to them for that. It restores my faith in TV that shows like this even get made, let alone commissioned for a second season.
Well I'm glad to say that episode 1 of season 2 was just introducing the new family and environment and episodes 2 and 3 have gone back to the Garveys. I wasn't very entertained by the opening episode of this season, but episodes 2 and 3 were very very good. In fact I had to go back and rewatch the last 20 mins of episode 3, I thought it was that good.

Yes its still dark, depressing and everyone is still hurting but its so interesting and well acted. I don't really care about what the event was that took away all those people, I'm always excited to see the next part of the drama thats currently going on.
It's an absolute bore fest which leaves the viewer both confused and frustrated. I don't mind that sort of suspense as long as something happens. Nothing happens. The next episode then airs and you think something will tie in to the last episode but there's nothing even mentioned of the episode before and it goes off on a complete different tangent. You skip two episodes then something gets linked to something you watched weeks ago and by this point you don't give a feck because they blew it, the moment is gone. I have the first few episodes of S2 to catch up on because I can't just leave it and walk away, I have to watch it. Cnuts.
Yeah, especially when the scene involves those weirdos in white smoking their brains out, communicating through flash cards and note pads, the suspense of finding out what they scribble and then the expression on their faces whilst the cards are held up is truly phenomenal.
Yeah, especially when the scene involves those weirdos in white smoking their brains out, communicating through flash cards and note pads, the suspense of finding out what they scribble and then the expression on their faces whilst the cards are held up is truly phenomenal.

In the previous episode enough happened for a whole season. Really weird thing to suggest
In the previous episode enough happened for a whole season. Really weird thing to suggest
I am actually glued to watching it but each episode feels like a let down.
Haven't missed an episode. Found the mother/son one a bit boring and crap to be honest. Was hoping for at least a good albeit stupid ending, like episode 2. But no the son just gets a solo part for the last few minutes boring me further.

LostOvers (and over, and over, and over).
It's definitely a Marmite show. And oddly addictive, even if you don't enjoy it. I only know one other person (irl) who watches it and he says that he hates it, that it drives him mad, but that he still feels compelled to watch it. I'm coming to the conclusion that The Leftovers itself is a bit like being part of a cult. Not many followers but those who are, are pretty damned committed. I think it might even be my favourite thing on TV. Just ahead of Peppa Pig.
It's definitely a Marmite show. And oddly addictive, even if you don't enjoy it. I only know one other person (irl) who watches it and he says that he hates it, that it drives him mad, but that he still feels compelled to watch it. I'm coming to the conclusion that The Leftovers itself is a bit like being part of a cult. Not many followers but those who are, are pretty damned committed. I think it might even be my favourite thing on TV. Just ahead of Peppa Pig.

I really love this show as well, first episode of season 2 was a bit whacky to begin with but enjoyable nevertheless.
I've seen Christopher Eccleston in many shows, but I've never liked him as much as I do in this one.

Another really good episode in my opinion and really made me feel for his character.
I've seen Christopher Eccleston in many shows, but I've never liked him as much as I do in this one.

Another really good episode in my opinion and really made me feel for his character.

I've never been a fan, always found him overrated as an actor. But I think he's brilliant in this. Similarly Justin Theroux ... clearly something about the show.
I watched episode 1 of season two and fell asleep. Nothing really happened it turns out and wasted another hour of my life re-watching it. I'm looking forward to episode 2.
In the first season I felt it was one of those shows that have so much quality they forgot to make it interesting. It was just boring. But the second season has been brilliant in my mind.
Haha cina. Great ending. I have loads of theories but they're all pointless because there won't be any answers or legitimate reasons given.

I'll keep watching it with the fast forward button at the ready.
Some interesting stuff. Not the biggest fan of when the show goes full fantasy and supernatural, but it was entertaining enough and had some decent cameos
I'm not sure if I've watched the last two episodes of The Leftovers or if I'm having a psychotic breakdown and just imagining them. It's just turned so messed up and in the best possible way. I also think I might have a man crush on Justin Theroux.

Oh, and from now on, if anyone asks me what line of work I do, I'm going to look them straight in the eye and reply flatly "I'm an international assassin."
I'm not sure if I've watched the last two episodes of The Leftovers or if I'm having a psychotic breakdown and just imagining them. It's just turned so messed up and in the best possible way.

Lol, I know exactly what you mean, crazy but mesmerising show !
Just finished Mr Robot, this and Man in the high tower thingy are next, this one worth it?
Just finished Mr Robot, this and Man in the high tower thingy are next, this one worth it?

I like this show but then again I couldn't get into Mr Robot which you really liked but I'd say give it a go because its "different".
It wasn't brilliant, apart from the reveal at the end. Considering we haven't really seen Meg all season, dedicating almost the entirety of the second last episode to her was a bit 'meh' for me.

Certainly building towards a great finale, though.

Probably the best show on TV at the moment. I hope it gets a third season.
Certainly wasn't the best episode of the season and the timing of it was brave, I wouldn't have minded if we'd never seen Meg again really and I don't care much for Tommy either but at least it isn't a storyline being dragged out, we pretty much got their whole story and the big setup for the finale in one episode, so they covered some ground (I'm looking disappointingly at you Walking Dead).

That reveal though, I didn't see it coming at all, haven't heard anyone say they did. That must be extremely satisfying to the writers, especially these days.
yeah, I assumed the girls were missing and not gone (which also confirms that Patti was bullshitting Kevin, by the way), but the GR reveal was excellent. I like how they kept the GR mostly away from us this season in order to not make us give it any thought.