Yeah I feel like this is a much better game as Abby. She just seems more human than Ellie, Ellie never seems sincere, just seems like a spoilt brat to me. Abby for what she has done, still seems to genuinely care about people she knows and meets. That's how I see it anyway.
Game still has some annoyances. Silly jump scares just for the sake of it (I literally threw a bottle down a floor hole to make sure it was clear, nothing made a sound till I jumped down and then it came from nowhere).
Even though I am enjoying it as Abby in a way, I can't wait for it to be over now, it's a proper draining game constantly sneaking about and listening to make sure you dont get ambushed and mauledI can't play for prolonged periods, maybe it's because I'm just a big chicken and my heart can't take it anymore
Also, this little dude who is following me about now (can't remember his name) has nearly had his face blasted off 50times because he always disappears and reappears as I am blasting the zombies.
I feel the same. Im on paternity so I played it during the night last night. After about 30 minutes I had enough. I even put it on the easiest difficulty to whiz through some of it.
I love exploring but I don’t do it anymore because I just want it to end. Despite all this, there’s elements of the game I love but it’s too long for my liking. It’s constant stealth, listen, ambushed, either 20 infected or soldiers. You clear it and then have to do it all again in a few minutes.