The Horror

Randall Flagg

Worst of the best
May 23, 2009
Ok, seeing as it is Halloween time (also I am not very busy in work today)here my top 10 horror movies of all time –

10. Dawn of the Dead (Remake)
9. Friday the 13th Part 1
8. Blair Witch Project
7. The Ring (Japanese Version)
6. Halloween Part 1
5. Poltergeist
4. Nightmare on Elm Street Part 1
3. Texas Chainsaw Massacre
2. The Shining
1. The Exorcist

A couple here no doubt some will disagree with –

Dawn of the Dead remake for me was better than the original and one of the very few good remakes out there.

Opinion is very much divided in general on the Blair Witch. Must be one of those really love or hate things. The film just worked for me.

Also I have not included some that would be on others lists such as Alien(s) and The Thing. I consider these to be sc-fi and not horror.

Evil Dead series and Drag me to Hell - although great films; there is too much comedic elements in the movies to be truly considered proper horror movies.
Evil Dead series and Drag me to Hell - although great films; there is too much comedic elements in the movies to be truly considered proper horror movies.

Got to love Sam Raimi, the first Evil Dead doesn't have nearly any comedy in so you could add that to the list. The second and third though are pure masterpieces in the comedy/horror genre.
The thing about horror is that it's a very broad genre, horror doesn't necessarily it has to make you jump. So I'm going to include comedy horrors, sci horrors and any classics I feel deserve a place, even though they may not scare me to much the subject is definitely horror.

1 The Shining
2 The Thing
3 Alien
4 Pyscho
5 American Werewolf In London
6 The Exorcist
7 The Descent
8 Rosemary's Baby
9 Dawn of the Dead (Remake)
10 28 Days Later

Haven't seen the original Dawn of the Dead yet. Honourable mentions to Event Horizon and Demon Knights which entertain me a lot but don't quite cut the top 10. Also a lot of the classic monster horrors (Frankenstein, King Kong etc), whilst very good films in their own right, do feel dated when compared to more recent horrors.
As good as these films may be, how about a top 5 of films that are genuinely scary? I find they are difficult to come by. I love the hack and slash horrors but don't find them scary at all.
What do people reckon?
As good as these films may be, how about a top 5 of films that are genuinely scary? I find they are difficult to come by. I love the hack and slash horrors but don't find them scary at all.
What do people reckon?

Most of mine are genuinely scary (either that or I am a pussy)

Exorcist scared the life out of me
None of them are scary anymore. I was terrified by Salem's Lot when I was younger. Watched it a few years ago and it was laughable.
None of them are scary anymore. I was terrified by Salem's Lot when I was younger. Watched it a few years ago and it was laughable.

This is true. Reckon we've been desensitised.

Top horrors/chillers

Rosemary's Baby
Jacob's Ladder
Blue Velvet
The Tenant (Creepy!)
Tale of Two Sisters
The Changeling
Lost Highway

5. The Shining
4. 28 Days Later.
3. The Evil Dead.
2. The Exorcist
1. The Shining.

I thought 28 Days Later was tripe and not scary at all. For some reason i was freaked out by White Noise though and i don't know why.
None of them are scary anymore. I was terrified by Salem's Lot when I was younger. Watched it a few years ago and it was laughable.

Yeah. American Werewolf in London scared me shitless when I was like 8.

That's why I like horrors like The Shining/The Descent/Rosemarys Baby. Their horror is psychological for the most part, although some jumpy moments are thrown in it's all about atmosphere and tension. I think they can still work on people even once you've been desensitised to the blood, gore and 'jumpy' horrors.
I thought 28 Days Later was tripe and not scary at all. For some reason i was freaked out by White Noise though and i don't know why.

To be honest, horror movies just don't scare me. I'm too desensitized now I think. I just think as a 'horror' type film, it's brilliant, and was hugely original.
Halloween is my favourite horror film, Michael Myers is awesome. And Alien if it counts as horror.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre is probably the scariest, Leatherface is a scary cnut.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Blair With Project are very scary if watched alone at night, for the first time.

The Shining is not just a great horror, but also one of the best movies ever made IMO. Genuinely creepy at times.

Haven't seen Rosemary's Baby. Will have to look out for it. What's it about anyway, without giving too much away?
there's an excellent film in black and white called the innocents with deborah kerr which used to terrify me,
it's from the henry james novel " the turn of the screw " and is very atmospheric - not to be watched alone!
Rosemary's baby is about a woman who thinks she has been impregnated with the devils child and everyone around her thinks she is mad.

A good movie and a horror classic.
I can't put mine into order. I don't necessarily think all these movies are particularly frightening (just a few) but they are my favourite horror movies:

Nightmare On Elm Street, Halloween H20, 28 Days Later, American Werewolf in London, Return of the Living Dead, The Lost Boys, REC, Scream, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (remake), Dog Soldiers, The Evil Dead, Dawn of the Dead (remake), The Hills Have Eyes (remake), Children of the Corn, Wrong Turn.
I can't put mine into order. I don't necessarily think all these movies are particularly frightening (just a few) but they are my favourite horror movies:

Nightmare On Elm Street, Halloween H20, 28 Days Later, American Werewolf in London, Return of the Living Dead, The Lost Boys, REC, Scream, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (remake), Dog Soldiers, The Evil Dead, Dawn of the Dead (remake), The Hills Have Eyes (remake), Children of the Corn, Wrong Turn.

Watch the originals. Million times better
Watch the originals. Million times better

Halloween H20 isn't a remake, it's a sequel in a long list. I have seen the first Halloween, it was class but I really like Halloween H20. I have also seen the original of Massacre but again, I just prefer the remake. I think the reason for that is because I saw the remake first then saw the original some months later but by then I was already used to the remake.
H20 is actually pretty good, one of the better sequels.
1. The Thing

No matter how many times I watch it, it never loses it's fear factor, brilliant movie.
1. The Thing

No matter how many times I watch it, it never loses it's fear factor, brilliant movie.

One of my favourite movies. John Carpenter was a God back then. Everything that dude made in the '70's and 80's was pure cinema Gold.
there's an excellent film in black and white called the innocents with deborah kerr which used to terrify me,
it's from the henry james novel " the turn of the screw " and is very atmospheric - not to be watched alone!

Read that before
i did point out some would disagree with my choice of dotd remake. I just happened to really enjoy it
You probably liked Day of the Dead remake too.

That tart from American Beauty as an action heroine! She should stick to getting her tits out in films.
Ok, seeing as it is Halloween time (also I am not very busy in work today)here my top 10 horror movies of all time –

10. Dawn of the Dead (Remake)
9. Friday the 13th Part 1
8. Blair Witch Project
7. The Ring (Japanese Version)
6. Halloween Part 1
5. Poltergeist
4. Nightmare on Elm Street Part 1
3. Texas Chainsaw Massacre
2. The Shining
1. The Exorcist

A couple here no doubt some will disagree with –

Dawn of the Dead remake for me was better than the original and one of the very few good remakes out there.

Opinion is very much divided in general on the Blair Witch. Must be one of those really love or hate things. The film just worked for me.

Also I have not included some that would be on others lists such as Alien(s) and The Thing. I consider these to be sc-fi and not horror.

Evil Dead series and Drag me to Hell - although great films; there is too much comedic elements in the movies to be truly considered proper horror movies.

Good list , apart from Blair Witch , I thought is was just bad really bad , not scary one bit.
I may as well have posted this just today but sadly it was 2 years ago now. The list hasnt changed and Im in work and not very busy. FML

And as for Blair Witch it really does have a you either love it or hate it thing. I loved it
The thing about horror is that it's a very broad genre, horror doesn't necessarily it has to make you jump. So I'm going to include comedy horrors, sci horrors and any classics I feel deserve a place, even though they may not scare me to much the subject is definitely horror.

1 The Shining
2 The Thing
3 Alien
4 Pyscho
5 American Werewolf In London
6 The Exorcist
7 The Descent
8 Rosemary's Baby
9 Dawn of the Dead (Remake)
10 28 Days Later

Haven't seen the original Dawn of the Dead yet. Honourable mentions to Event Horizon and Demon Knights which entertain me a lot but don't quite cut the top 10. Also a lot of the classic monster horrors (Frankenstein, King Kong etc), whilst very good films in their own right, do feel dated when compared to more recent horrors.

I dont think your 2 , 3 and 4 are Horror films.
The Thing and Alien are both Sci-Fi and Psycho is neither IMHO, all 3 class films though.
The blob, the haunting (black and white on youtube), Fright night :D, The thing, 1408, IT, Jacobs Ladder etc
I dont think your 2 , 3 and 4 are Horror films.
The Thing and Alien are both Sci-Fi and Psycho is neither IMHO, all 3 class films though.

Pyscho created the slasher sub-genre of horror, can't see how it's not. It's an interesting point about The Thing and Alien though, they're both about a shapeshifting alien that goes around murdering most of the investigative crew...yet Alien's generally defined as Sci-fi and The Thing as Horror, when you could argue the opposite for either.