The 'Guess the Video Game Music' quiz

Olly Gunnar Solskjær

Marxist bacon-hating kebab-dodging Tinder rascal
Jan 26, 2008
dreams can't be buy
Part 2

1) Resident Evil - Redlambs
2) Demon's Crest - Redlambs
3) Bubsy 3D - I_live_cement
4) Red Dead Redemption - jveezy
5) Timesplitters 2 - I_live_cement/Redlambs
6) Yoshi's Island - Xander45
7) Tony Hakw's Pro Skater 2 - Xander45
8) Hercules - Foxy
9) Plok - I_live_cement
10) Pokemon Red/Blue - jveezy
11) Italia '90 - Stobzilla
12) Age of Empires - I_live_cement
13) Super Mario Land - jveezy
14) Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Redlambs
15) Sonic Adventure 2 - Xander45

Part 1 - Complete!

Go go go!

1) Bioshock - Xander45
2) Driver - I_live_cement
3) Super Castlevania IV - Randall Flagg
4) Day of the Tentacle-Xander45
5) Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts- I_live_cement
6) Rayman - Xander45
7) The Addams Family - Redlambs
8) Little Big Adventure 2 - Rahul
9) Alan Wake- Randall Flagg
10) Sonic 2 - Zen
11) Luigi's Mansion - Xander45
12) Monkey Island - AlywnP
13) MediEvil- Xander45
14) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game - Randall Flagg
15) Columns - Leg-End
2. I know it but I cant get it. Streets of Rage?
4. That one is also annoying me
10. Some level on the sand/Egyptian world in some game
14. Turtles on the NES
15. This too annoying the shit out of me

Too damn hard. Saw the thread title and thought I would ace this. I get a grand total of zero.

But I heard lots I thought it might be. Loads of NES games I think
2. I know it but I cant get it. Streets of Rage?
4. That one is also annoying me
10. Some level on the sand/Egyptian world in some game
14. Turtles on the NES
15. This too annoying the shit out of me

Too damn hard. Saw the thread title and thought I would ace this. I get a grand total of zero.

But I heard lots I thought it might be. Loads of NES games I think

2. Nope
10. Nope, not a sand/egyptian level
14. Yep, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game.

TMNT II is the only NES game on there :)
10 Sonic 2 maybe. Sounds like one of the levels on there. feck the rest....either too old for me to remember or I simply not played them. ><
Enough of this, this is my final guess 15 - Secret of Mana

I have better things to be doing with my Friday night

No, thats not true
1 is tetris right? How has nobody got that!

Oh.. I should listen to more than the first 5 seconds clearly.
#13 really sounds familiar, Final Fantasy 8?

Oh and #15 is most definatly Columns.
Good game this, I hope somone gets #13 soon before I go mental.
Is one of them the arcade ending scene from Street Fighter II with a particular and/or any character?...If not I'm out, as I know nothing about video games.

P.S. Is it racist to think all Japanese video game music sounds the same?
Well I'm just gonna take a punt and say "Japanese man on a 16bit keyboard" Bob, and see how that goes..

Do I win?
Number 6 is annoying me, i've heard it a lot but can't put my finger on it. I thought it was Croc or Croc 2 but i can't find a level that has that music on youtube.
Olly, this quiz is frustrating. I swear i've heard half of these before but my brain can't think of the names! Number 6 and 9 are the ones that are getting at me the most.

I'm gonna take a stab at 1 as Eternal Sonata and 9 as Lost Odyssey for now whilst i do me some more searching.
Can we at least narrow it down? In terms of consoles, eras etc. ?
Olly, this quiz is frustrating. I swear i've heard half of these before but my brain can't think of the names! Number 6 and 9 are the ones that are getting at me the most.

I'm gonna take a stab at 1 as Eternal Sonata and 9 as Lost Odyssey for now whilst i do me some more searching.

Nope and nope.

3. Golden Sun ?




11 is easy, thankfully!, Luigis Mansion.


Can we at least narrow it down? In terms of consoles, eras etc. ?

I might do that in a little bit ;)
6 has a Zelda vibe to it, 7 I know from somewhere.
Damn you Olly, this is enticing yet frustrating.