And also the recent data the BBC decide not to run that shows the thousands who have died because of austerity, so while the BBC might not be bigging up May, they are protecting her and her government time in office.
I don't really care about the anti Corbyn stuff but where I think the bias against someone like Corbyn comes from is
1)The BBC has rightly or wrongly a dedication to the structures of parliamentary democracy. Where MP are giving the highest priority, a good example of this being in the link above but also the recent reporting on Labour councils elections and the laughable idea that it is somehow a purge.
2)There is ideology barrier/political limits(Basically the neoliberalism)at places like the BBC, so ideas like basic social democracy which was what The Labour Party was putting forward is seen as a harp back to the 1970s or even pure fantasy. Further proof of this barrier is how the recent political events are both portrayed and honestly seen as out of the blue shocks, rather than what I would argue as signs of a political consensus breaking down.
I would have to disagree. In terms of the heads of commutation, Robbie Gibbs job at the BBC(I image he was paid very nicely as well) was to at some degree hold the government to account, he has now left that job to join the government. This has to be something of a worry.
As for lefties at the Daily Mail are these the sort of lefties that are so left wing that they have to conservative(To bring it full circle are they Nick Cohen). For private business I don't see a problem although personally I'd rather sells my organs than work for the mail.