The genius of Marcus Rashford

So many threads about the player so no need to start a new one. Chose this one as best suited to voice my opinion.
Looks like he's hit an all time low. It was so obvious in last nights game he's going through the motions and nothing else. What the feck will it take to get this 26yr old back on song?
Such a waste of talent! Although I expect majority of caf members would disagree and say his shite bla bla. People on here saying we'd be lucky if we got 20m for him ffs.
He'd bring 70m easy if we decided to get rid. No doubt about that!
Personally I wouldn't like to see him go and if we did sell him it should definately not be to a PL club. The vultures would be round it like a flash. I can see Arsenal for example as one of the front runners.
Worth thinking about:
His best position is undoubtably down the left and not a striker. He could still be a regular for his country in that position.
It's looking more obvious he has an issue with ETH and that's why he's downed tools.
There's more to the player than what we're seeing and it wouldn't surprise anyone if a change of club (or even manager) would have a positive effekt.
ETH's future is already hanging in the balance so one wonders who goes first?
I think we would struggle to find any team to want him.
Something is broken, I don't know whether he's fallen out of love with the game, whether it's ten hag. Whatever it is the man is living his own childhood dream and seems to hate it. I think he needs a change, that gesture at the fans when he scored one of his ludicrously low number of goals this season really left a sour taste in my mouth, really unnecessary stuff.

Defended him heavily in the past but he's not even trying anymore, I was at Fulham at the weekend and I think it's the worst performance I have ever seen from a united player.
Something is broken, I don't know whether he's fallen out of love with the game, whether it's ten hag. Whatever it is the man is living his own childhood dream and seems to hate it. I think he needs a change, that gesture at the fans when he scored one of his ludicrously low number of goals this season really left a sour taste in my mouth, really unnecessary stuff.

Defended him heavily in the past but he's not even trying anymore, I was at Fulham at the weekend and I think it's the worst performance I have ever seen from a united player.
Reckon I'm just about where you are with the player. Best if we sold him to PSG (or get Zidane in to sort him out:))
Something is broken, I don't know whether he's fallen out of love with the game, whether it's ten hag. Whatever it is the man is living his own childhood dream and seems to hate it.

That is spot on; you get the feeling that maybe off the pitch things are not going well either. Marcus is not a young kid anymore he is (supposedly) a seasoned PL and International player, but his reactions/body language/ etc. to his own failure as well as to those of the people around him gives you the impression of a child sulking because they cannot get their own way/ and it's not their fault!
He clearly needs help, but from where is difficult to assess. Playing for United is akin to living in a gold-fish bowl, and it eventually takes its toll. Rashford needs to be taken out of the firing line, but his manager it seems cannot do this, or maybe is not allowed to do this...who knows, but neither the club , the fans, or Marcus himself are getting any joy out of seeing him in a United shirt just now.
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PR in full flow now, as expected, as soon as he started being called out on Sky Sports, and stories about his character started surfacing.
Something is broken, I don't know whether he's fallen out of love with the game, whether it's ten hag. Whatever it is the man is living his own childhood dream and seems to hate it. I think he needs a change, that gesture at the fans when he scored one of his ludicrously low number of goals this season really left a sour taste in my mouth, really unnecessary stuff.

Defended him heavily in the past but he's not even trying anymore, I was at Fulham at the weekend and I think it's the worst performance I have ever seen from a united player.
I watched the game last night and Alan Shearer was fairly critical of his body language. I might be wrong, but I don’t recall ever hearing any other player get called out for bad body language or lack of effort and yet we have Rashford (and Sancho) who just seem to be going through the motions. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’d rather keep Antony than either of these wasters. I’m constantly changing my mind about EtH and whether we should keep him or not, but I firmly believe that we will not be on the road to sustained improvement until we get rid of those two (and several others).
I watched the game last night and Alan Shearer was fairly critical of his body language.

Seem to remember Shearer laid into him quite heavily at times to the point I was surprised. It wasn't unmerited but I was surprised because they rarely do that.
Something is broken, I don't know whether he's fallen out of love with the game, whether it's ten hag. Whatever it is the man is living his own childhood dream and seems to hate it. I think he needs a change, that gesture at the fans when he scored one of his ludicrously low number of goals this season really left a sour taste in my mouth, really unnecessary stuff.

Defended him heavily in the past but he's not even trying anymore, I was at Fulham at the weekend and I think it's the worst performance I have ever seen from a united player.

He broke up with his girl again. When they get back together he will try harder on the pitch. Genius
Seem to remember Shearer laid into him quite heavily at times to the point I was surprised. It wasn't unmerited but I was surprised because they rarely do that.
Agreed. Can you imagine a player from Liverpool or City or Arsenal (or any other team) being accused of bad body language or looking like they’re not putting the effort in? It just doesn’t happen. I mean, Bruno’s body language is shocking at times but he looks like he cares too much. It absolutely boils my piss to the extent that I dislike lazy players far more than I hate crap players. I appreciate that’s a bit of a weird take but that’s my honest opinion.

I realise that this won't change any minds for those who don't like him, but I thought it was a good read.

He's clearly letting the criticism get to him though, the best players just block out the noise and roll on regardless.

I never questioned his commitment to the club but clearly something is not right mentally for him at the moment, just hope he can push through it.

I realise that this won't change any minds for those who don't like him, but I thought it was a good read.

He's clearly letting the criticism get to him though, the best players just block out the noise and roll on regardless.

I never questioned his commitment to the club but clearly something is not right mentally for him at the moment, just hope he can push through it.

It better be a good read considering the amount of money he's spending on PR.

Not sure what it should change really, the problem is his performances and attitude on the pitch.
He’s a coward. He’s paid and treated like a senior player. When was the last time he was accountable by interview after the game? Instead he always hides behind a private interview with his PR team. Better still if he actually played at 100% of his capability the fans wouldn’t be on his back.
His talent is great, anyone doubting that is obviously blind, you don't score against top teams so often that young if you are not that special, but what's obvious is that at the age when he needed to iron out his deficiencies in his game and become world class players, for whatever the reason his mind wasn't in the game at all, or he simply thought he was perfect and didn't need to improve and completely ruined what he built in past decade or more before that.

It's a shame, but it's quite obvious that he is the main reason why he didn't fullfil his potential and probably won't. There are no excuses, it's no one elses fault. He is also nowhere near giving his best on the pitch, he is shying away from any contacts and challenges, he isn't running for anyhwere near intenstity he run in his first few years, and there is absolutely no excuse for that kind of behaviour if you are playing from your heart and not just for money and interest. But once he started looking grumpy and arrogant when scoring goals instead of a happy person he once was it was obvious something has changed in his head, and that happened long time ago.
He’s a coward. He’s paid and treated like a senior player. When was the last time he was accountable by interview after the game? Instead he always hides behind a private interview with his PR team. Better still if he actually played at 100% of his capability the fans wouldn’t be on his back.
I don't really blame him for not wanting to do interviews, he's a human being getting slated by basically everyone. He just needs to put the effort in on the pitch, or if he's not able to, work his arse off to get his fitness back.
It better be a good read considering the amount of money he's spending on PR.

Not sure what it should change really, the problem is his performances and attitude on the pitch.
I could accept him looking pissed off on the pitch (I.e. like Bruno) if he was busting a gut on the field, but he just looks like he can’t be bothered. If he has personal problems then he needs to be removed from the team to help him work through them. He’s contributing so little anyway that it’s not like he’d be greatly missed.
He's clearly letting the criticism get to him though, the best players just block out the noise and roll on regardless.

I'd start with Messi and Ronaldo here in the social media age... both of whom have let criticism get to them clearly. They are just supremely better, so it doesn't look so obvious as they can still 'hide' it by pumping minnows.
boohoo, noone understands me, im such a victim.

"I’m not trying to have a go at the media. I understand the game, you know what I mean? They’re not really writing about me. It’s like they’re writing about this character, “Marcus Rashford.”"

It's me Marcus Rashford, such an important person! The english media protected you so, so fecking much while you dind't deserve it, it's ridiculous to claim otherwise.

*can’t just be about me as a 26-year-old lad on a night out, or a lad getting a parking ticket. It’s got to be about how much my car costs, guessing my weekly salary, my jewelry or even my tattoos."

feck my life you are having a night out a day before the game, you are parking like an asshole who doesnt give a feck about a ticket because the fee is nothing to you, you drive cars that cost 100000s of pounds (fair enough not really a problem with that) of course we judge you by your salary seeing your effort on the pitch, don't care about your tattoos, i have tattooos myself, your jewelery suck and no sane person who isn't full of themself would wear a feck few dozens if not houndred tousand pound fecking jeweley with the name rashy. Man this shit makes me angry and im just half through it!
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Long winded fecker. Talks a lot of shite when he’s being scrutinized for bad form or poor performances for England. Shows he’s not mentally there yet.
boohoo noone understands me im such a victim.

"I’m not trying to have a go at the media. I understand the game, you know what I mean? They’re not really writing about me. It’s like they’re writing about this character, “Marcus Rashford.”"

It's me MArcus Rashford such an important person! The english media protected you so so fecking much while you dindt deserve it it's ridiculous to claim otherwise.

can’t just be about me as a 26-year-old lad on a night out, or a lad getting a parking ticket. It’s got to be about how much my car costs, guessing my weekly salary, my jewelry or even my tattoos.

feck my life you are having a night out a day before the game, you are parking like an asshole who doesnt give a feck about a ticket because the fee is nothing to you, you drive cars that cost 100000s of punds (fair enough) of course we judge you by your salary seeing your effort on the pitch, don't care about your tatoos, you jewelery suck and no sane person who isnt full of themself would wear a feck few dozens if not houndred tousand pound ducking jeweley with the name rashy. Man this shit makes me angry and im just half trough it!
To be fair, this bit, I read at least, is a thinly veiled jab at the media for how they portray young black men - it reminded me of Sterling when he took on the media over it. Hence why he leaves it "There’s a tone to it that you don’t get with all footballers. Let’s just leave it at that."
Ultimately he's a footballer, so all the explanation and "understand me" he should be doing on the pitch.
Being a product of our academy and a proper United lad from Manchester, he was rightly getting some leeway and his status was elevated too high compared to his ability. But I think there's only as much leeway you can give when you see the player putting less and less effort, especially if they were not so hardworking in first place.

Essentially I think there's a good chance he will be gone in the post-Hag regime, but there's still a chance and that's obviously my preferred outcome that he gets back to top form and remains an useful first XI/squad player for hundreds of games to come.
Say what you want but this doesn't sound like someone that wants to go PSG.

He ain’t going anywhere. He’ll squeeze every last penny out of that contract like Rooney did. Whoever gave him that £350k p/w contract should be fired on the spot.

Maybe try running around a bit more Marcus and people won’t question your commitment to the club or your love for football. All players go through bad patches, but the lack of effort is unacceptable.
To be fair, this bit, I read at least, is a thinly veiled jab at the media for how they portray young black men - it reminded me of Sterling when he took on the media over it. Hence why he leaves it "There’s a tone to it that you don’t get with all footballers. Let’s just leave it at that."
Dude come on, about young black men???? I would agree Sterling was unfairly treated, but Rashford has been the media darling since day one...
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His PR department working overtime again, I see, for the umpteenth time.

Whoever signed off on his contract should be fired.
I've nothing against rashford, but I don't think he needs to speak out, I think he just needs to knuckle down, do his best and by doing the hard work, he'll get his reward and shut people up.

I personally would take the first good offer for him right now, but I'd love him to shut me up and put the effort and performances of a player who's worth 350k a week.
Ultimately he's a footballer, so all the explanation and "understand me" he should be doing on the pitch.
Being a product of our academy and a proper United lad from Manchester, he was rightly getting some leeway
Man I agree I'm so dissapointed in how it all developed I wasn't always against him.
Do the talking in the pitch AND do it consistently. Otherwise shut the feck up and get the feck out.
"Im the first one to put my hands up when im wrong" you are the first one to blame everyone else, always throwing your hands on the pitch when it doesnt go the way you like, feigning injury to cover your mistakes.....
Im not convinced he wrote this himself, it really sonds like it's coming from his PR Management. Still, I want to puke, I wished I havent read it.
not gonna read the rest of it, just by the length you can already tell it's just more of this shit and he probably didnt came up with this by himself. PR at it^s finest but some will fall for it.
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“If you back me, good. If you doubt me, even better.”

Dude come on about young black men???? I would agree sterling was unfairly treated but Rashford has been the Media darling all his way long...
Not sure he would agree with you. That’s how I read that part, not sure what else you think he means by that sentence I quoted.
Rashford I got no faith in your writing I dont believe in ghosts.
No. No one is buying him with that salary. And INEOS is not gonna sell the British PR guy at the club rightaway anyway.
I never said they'd sell him right away, it might as well happen in a year or two.
And he's still a very good player with a desirable profile in the modern game (meaning he's made for the inside left side forward role), I honestly feel like it's just the determination, work rate and humbleness that's lacking, if he could be arsed to put 100% into each performance he will be worth every penny for us or many other top / aspiring to be top teams