The F1 Thread 2012 Season

fecks up and causes a crash, survives.
Overtakes under yellow flags, no penalty.
A driver with no alleigence on the grid willing to shift over and let him pass if he needs to.
2 safety cars.

How lucky can you get? :lol:

I can't get over that by MSC, it's disgusting IMO. What kind of precedent does it set where you can rely on other drivers letting you win, over your ability to fight them and beat them?

Congrats to Vettel though. Over the course of the season he made it count. Shame how it ended, but congrats all the same.
A lot of my disdain for everything Red Bull stems from Horners teeth I must say.
I just like Alonso, I think he is currently the best driver in F1.
I'm glad that Schumacher reminded everyone what a cheat he is though; the sycophantic fawning over him after his hilariously awful return to F1 was getting a bit too much.
Well as a neutral, I think it's dull having the same team and driver win it. But I like Vettel, Alonso and Button, though Alonso is the best driver out there for me.

But well done Vettel, congrats!

It wasn't that dull though, Alonso drove out of his skin, McLaren shot themselves in the foot repeatedly and OMFG Alonso's reaction :lol:, Red Bull picked it up when they needed too.
Total respect for Alonso, he had no right to even be in a title fight come the last round.
I also forgot to point out Webber is good on a sunny day when the clouds align and a bear takes a certain shit in the woods in an exact spot.
Alonso is devastated. Poor Guy!

Ferrari better up their game next year. This is not acceptable.