The Expendables, best 80's style action film since the 80's?

Cordelia from Buffy is in it. :drool:

I was a lot more hyped for this movie than I was for the A Team, but then the A Team trailer had a tank fight in mid-air. Now I don't know what to think.
Sylvester Stallone broke his neck while filming a fight scene in his latest movie.

The veteran action hero had emergency surgery and a metal plate inserted in his neck following the accident on the set of The Expendables.

The 63-year-old actor was filming a fight with wrestling co-star Stone Cold Steve Austin, 45, in the upcoming movie, but it was so realistic that Stallone ended up with a hairline fracture in his neck.

Stallone told FHM magazine: 'Man, it was seven guys, kicking each other's ass, one guy tougher than the next. No joke, our stunt guys were begging for mercy.

'Actually, my fight with Stone Cold Steve Austin was so vicious that I ended up getting a hairline fracture in my neck. I'm not joking.

'I haven't told anyone this, but I had to have a very serious operation afterwards. I now have a metal plate in my neck.'

Stallone, who wrote the script and directed the movie, said testosterone was flowing during filming.

He said: 'Bruce's character, who hires me to do the job the film's based on, turns to me and says, "Look, there's one person I need to talk with before I give you the job."

'At which point Arnold, who plays my oldest rival, walks out. And it's clear we have a lot of history there. So I tell him I should have shot him a long time ago when I had the chance.

'And the scene goes from there. But man, those guys were up for it.

'They got out of bed at 5.30am just to shoot a small five-minute scene.'

It is not the first time the actor has been hurt during filming. He was also badly hurt by Dolph Lundgren when he filmed Rocky IV.

He said: 'Dolph and I always went for it. I gave him orders to try to knock me out while the cameras were rolling. At one point, he hit me so hard on the head I felt my spine compress.

'He then hit me with an almighty uppercut. That night my chest started to swell, and I had to be helicopter-ambulanced from my hotel to a nearby emergency room.

'I was told that Dolph had punched my rib cage into my chest, compressing my heart. If it had swollen any more, I would have died.

'After that, I was like, "Dolph, it's only a movie, bro."'

Stallone recently revealed that he and Arnold Schwarzenegger, once huge rivals, are now the best of friends.

'He's my best friend now. It's strange, given what big rivals we used to be. He's still ridiculously competitive, though. See this watch?

'This is the only one of its kind in the world, so I wore it to our last lunch. Arnold was desperate for me to get him one but I had to explain that wasn't possible. He was so mad!'

The Expendables Movie

This is going to be the greatest action movie of all times!:eek:

Sly, Statham, Jet Li, "I'll be bach" Arnie, Bruce Willis, Dolph Lundgren, Mickey Rourke, Chris' Dad, Couture and Austin, Eric Roberts as bad guy...:drool:

The only ones missing are Steven Seagal and Jean-Claude...:(
Here in india, it's released today. My nearby theatre is showing it. Might catch it tomarrow.
Not gonna lie, when I saw the poster for this I thought someone had mocked it up in Photoshop, the list of big names is ridiculous.
It will be exactly what everyone expects - awesome fun.
Saw it last night, local cinema was having a special preview or something, fecking awesome film.
It was indeed amazing. No point over analysing a film like this. Stallone can really direct action. Safe to say the slow dialogue scenes weren't the high point.
It was indeed amazing. No point over analysing a film like this. Stallone can really direct action. Safe to say the slow dialogue scenes weren't the high point.

The scene with Mickey Rourke's character crying about something was dreadful but the rest of it was brilliant. Dolph Lundgren is an atrocious actor though, I couldn't even understand half of what he was saying.
The scene with Mickey Rourke's character crying about something was dreadful but the rest of it was brilliant. Dolph Lundgren is an atrocious actor though, I couldn't even understand half of what he was saying.

Please tell me he said "If he dies, he dies."

That would be beyond awesome.
The scene with Mickey Rourke's character crying about something was dreadful but the rest of it was brilliant. Dolph Lundgren is an atrocious actor though, I couldn't even understand half of what he was saying.

Yup :lol:

I just kept thinking "shut up and shoot stuff already".
It's an appalling film...but it's fun. If that makes any sense. None of these people can act their way out of a Waitrose bag, apart from Bruce (who's in one scene) and Eric Roberts, who can't really, and is on ham alert the whole time. Arnie is absolutely appalling, but it's extremely fun in the action bits, even if I had absolutely no idea, or any care what was happening....If they'd all have died whilst doing a big daisy chain at the end, it wouldn't detract from the film in any's just a big pile of mush. But it's a silly Sunday hungover film, and it succeeds at that.

The big "Heat" esq scene with Sly, Arnie and Bruce is's just written appallingly, and acted appallingly, and has cheese pouring out from ever orafice..but again, it's quite fun to watch it. Which sums up the whole film.

It's a 6, but probably a 7 for the fact it's fun.
The scene with Mickey Rourke's character crying about something was dreadful but the rest of it was brilliant. Dolph Lundgren is an atrocious actor though, I couldn't even understand half of what he was saying.

I was just all round disappointed with Mickey Rourke's character, I was expecting him to at least pick up a weapon at some point, not just a needle to perform the quickest tattoo of all time!

I agree with Dolph Lundgren, seriously how can he act in any film any more, he's atrocious to say the least. Slurring his words most of the time (actually fit his character well) and some of the slowest fighting in a action scene I’ve seen in a while! In fact i’d even say his performance here is better:

The Arnie / Sly / Willis scene I found quite amusing it felt like they wanted to laugh throughout the whole scene, wasn’t the best acted scene I agree but seeing the 3 of them together was quite fun! I especially like the line from Arnie:
"Give it to my friend here, I hear he likes playing in jungles!"
Overall I thought it was a great action flick and I wasn’t expecting anything great, but instead found myself enjoying it – even my other half enjoyed it!! 7.5/10 I’d say (I’m giving it the extra .5 because I was being dragged to watch Knight & Day and didn’t realize previews of this were on Saturday – bonus!)
I enjoyed the new Rocky and the new Rambo. Sure, they weren't Oscar material but I was entertained enough by them.

If this is at least a 15 certificate (hopefully 18) then it could have potential.

Yeah exactly Bill - not every flick needs to be of epic proportions, aslong as you dont sit there being critical, then you can always find some sort of enjoyment in a film that you chose to watch. I know I do anyway :cool:

This trailer makes it look epic.

The thing is, we expect way too much these days from films. Old classics we worship flopped at the cinema most of the time, if they were introduced today they would be slayed with critisism if we had not seen them 20 years ago.

This looks to me like an awesome nostalgic film that I reckon will keep me entertained for the whole duration.
It's an appalling film...but it's fun. If that makes any sense. None of these people can act their way out of a Waitrose bag, apart from Bruce (who's in one scene) and Eric Roberts, who can't really, and is on ham alert the whole time. Arnie is absolutely appalling, but it's extremely fun in the action bits, even if I had absolutely no idea, or any care what was happening....If they'd all have died whilst doing a big daisy chain at the end, it wouldn't detract from the film in any's just a big pile of mush. But it's a silly Sunday hungover film, and it succeeds at that.

The big "Heat" esq scene with Sly, Arnie and Bruce is's just written appallingly, and acted appallingly, and has cheese pouring out from ever orafice..but again, it's quite fun to watch it. Which sums up the whole film.

It's a 6, but probably a 7 for the fact it's fun.

What you saying bout Waitrose blad? Trailer looks wank, supposed to be seeing this on Monday.
Are you guys criticizing Ivan Drago?:eek:

Some of them are dude :(

Thing is man - every flick some of these lot watch must be epic or it gets slated to hell. Sometimes its better off not reading the thread & just post what you thought of the flick or what you expect from it!

How could anyone slate a flick that has all the big guns from the past 20 odd years or more in it, the same big guns that have provided the masses with testosterone frenzy's aplenty as they grew up... :confused::nono::confused::nono:
I really enjoyed it. Ok it's not going to win any oscars but seriously who cares, right? You know what your gonna get and what your not from a film like this, it does exactly what it says on the tin, it entertains!

Two thumbs up.
Very fun movie. There was one point where my heart was sinking during it, though, when the pace was very slow but was glad that it picked up. This would have been a rubbish film had the actors taken themselves seriously i.e. Sly Stallone trying to act as hard at an age of 60+ as when he was a young Rambo, but luckily they didn't!
The story and acting are both crap but.....,

If you want to see loads of shit get blown up, hundreds of gory deaths and Dolph Lundgren vs Jet Lee then get your ass to the cinema right now!