The Expendables, best 80's style action film since the 80's?

Could be a right load of shit with those lunkheds in it n'all.

Stallone wrote it and directs it so the signs aren't good.

My prediction is a flop of Heaven's Gate/Battfiled Earth proportions.
I love a good mindless action film with a bit of humour thrown in for good measure. But Stallone is well past his use by date and he sucks as a writer and director post Rocky 1.

2 of the best action romps, after the 80's, with the odd bit of humour thrown in (or at least 2 that spring to mind) are True Lies and Transformers.

I know the people who were kids when transformers was an animation show might disagree because the big screen version changed some things but :p to them.
I love a good mindless action film with a bit of humour thrown in for good measure. But Stallone is well past his use by date and he sucks as a writer and director post Rocky 1.

2 of the best action romps, after the 80's, with the odd bit of humour thrown in (or at least 2 that spring to mind) are True Lies and Transformers.

I know the people who were kids when transformers was an animation show might disagree because the big screen version changed some things but :p to them.

I don't care that Transformers changed things like Bumblebee's shape and stuff like that, because I was never really into Transformers as a kid. I just didn't like it because it was pathetic.
I enjoyed the new Rocky and the new Rambo. Sure, they weren't Oscar material but I was entertained enough by them.

If this is at least a 15 certificate (hopefully 18) then it could have potential.
It's gonna be watched for the cast alone but it will probably be shit, but I don't care.
I don't care that Transformers changed things like Bumblebee's shape and stuff like that, because I was never really into Transformers as a kid. I just didn't like it because it was pathetic.

Action, great effects, a bit of humour and loads of action. Take brain out and enjoy for 2 hours. I fecking loved it.
Well I want to watch this movie, haven't seen a ruthless film since "Taken" where Liam Neeson is on fire.

Hope this movie pans out that way!
Rumour has it that Arnold Schwarzenegger has also signed up.
Unfortunately he will only be playing himself but it will still be cool to see him and Stallone in the same film.
feck sake. You left out Sandra Bullock, Ben Kingsley and Forest Whitaker.
Eye candy in a MILFy sort of way and two great actors.

To be a complete 80s wankfest, it needs Arnie, Van Damme and Bruce, shit, Brandon, oh feck, Pamela Lee.
New pics




Ignoring all the big name actors this film also has Danny Trejo (legend) and Stone Cold fecking Steve Austin.
And Brittany Murphy, who'd get it tight.
Cant wait.
It would seem that Mickey Rourke's character runs a tattoo parlour.

Taken from empire online.

Quotes from Stallone:

On the title: "It's from Rambo 2. The girl I'm falling in love with says, “Why do you do what you do?” I say, “I'm expendable.” She says, “What does that mean?” I say, “It's like someone invites you to a party and you don't show up. It doesn't really matter.” And these men, they live a life that... They're expendable. If they're gone, the world will go on. No one will miss them, They don't have families, all they have is each other. They're expendable to the rest of the world, but they're not expendable to each other – they're just necessary. So it's a real brotherhood. I think it has a lot of heart for an action film."

On the aim of the film: "What I wanted to do was just try to do something that is a little different. Today, technically, we're incredibly gifted and versatile with CGI, and I wanted to do a film that was more about men, doing things that we did back in the 80s and 90s that were a little more mano a mano – actual, physical stunts. It's also a story that isn't super-gigantic; it's almost a believable story. And the thing was to find certain personalities that never would have worked together normally and put them all together. It's like the dream team. It just hasn't been done. I guess it's kinda like The Dirty Dozen, or one of those films that comes along every once in a while – like The Magnificent Seven – to try to take that old formula and move it into a modern era. We accomplished it; I'm very, very happy with the film."

Exclusive: New Expendables Image

"Willis did suggest to MTV Movie Blogs that he would be sharing a scene with Sly and The Guvernator. “That’s the plan.” Yes, that's McClane, Rambo and Dutch joining forces, and officially turning The Expendables into Planet Hollywood: The Movie. "

Nice one Ixion, I can't wait to see this with sound when I get home.

I love Stallone shooting that gun like an old school cowboy!
Sylvester Stallone broke his neck while filming a fight scene in his latest movie.

The veteran action hero had emergency surgery and a metal plate inserted in his neck following the accident on the set of The Expendables.

The 63-year-old actor was filming a fight with wrestling co-star Stone Cold Steve Austin, 45, in the upcoming movie, but it was so realistic that Stallone ended up with a hairline fracture in his neck.

Stallone told FHM magazine: 'Man, it was seven guys, kicking each other's ass, one guy tougher than the next. No joke, our stunt guys were begging for mercy.

'Actually, my fight with Stone Cold Steve Austin was so vicious that I ended up getting a hairline fracture in my neck. I'm not joking.

'I haven't told anyone this, but I had to have a very serious operation afterwards. I now have a metal plate in my neck.'

Stallone, who wrote the script and directed the movie, said testosterone was flowing during filming.

He said: 'Bruce's character, who hires me to do the job the film's based on, turns to me and says, "Look, there's one person I need to talk with before I give you the job."

'At which point Arnold, who plays my oldest rival, walks out. And it's clear we have a lot of history there. So I tell him I should have shot him a long time ago when I had the chance.

'And the scene goes from there. But man, those guys were up for it.

'They got out of bed at 5.30am just to shoot a small five-minute scene.'

It is not the first time the actor has been hurt during filming. He was also badly hurt by Dolph Lundgren when he filmed Rocky IV.

He said: 'Dolph and I always went for it. I gave him orders to try to knock me out while the cameras were rolling. At one point, he hit me so hard on the head I felt my spine compress.

'He then hit me with an almighty uppercut. That night my chest started to swell, and I had to be helicopter-ambulanced from my hotel to a nearby emergency room.

'I was told that Dolph had punched my rib cage into my chest, compressing my heart. If it had swollen any more, I would have died.

'After that, I was like, "Dolph, it's only a movie, bro."'

Stallone recently revealed that he and Arnold Schwarzenegger, once huge rivals, are now the best of friends.

'He's my best friend now. It's strange, given what big rivals we used to be. He's still ridiculously competitive, though. See this watch?

'This is the only one of its kind in the world, so I wore it to our last lunch. Arnold was desperate for me to get him one but I had to explain that wasn't possible. He was so mad!'

The Expendables Movie
10 pills in the morning
4 injections at lunchtime
10 pills at bedtime
Christ, imagine the wage bill!

Looks good fun, mind.