The Event


Ripped :'(
Apr 22, 2008

The trailer looks promising. The pilot's got good reviews from the few journos etc who've seen it.

The creator is a great 24/Lost fan as well :D

TCA Press Tour: 'The Event' producers ask viewers to have a little faith | Show Tracker | Los Angeles Times

NBC's mysterious 'Event' - Live From: Live Event and Entertainment Coverage -

New NBC Show The Event Panel at Summer TCA Details

Looking forward to this really. Hopefully it's a good new show and can become something like Lost and 24 used to be .
Looks good, hopefully it will be more like Lost was than how Flashforward turned out to be in its earlier episodes.
I think it will definitely be better than FF. starts end september along with the other shows i think.
i really liked it, im glad that everything from the 5 minute trailer was from the first episode so we don;t know what to expect
Oh. Just got home. Got 10 shows of various things to watch now. The Event will be 3rd on the list :D

So it was good eh?
i really liked it, im glad that everything from the 5 minute trailer was from the first episode so we don;t know what to expect

Just watching the episode and I agree. Seen most of it in that 5 min trailer. That's a good thing though, the next few epis should be good :D
"It's totally bizarre," says Ritter of what unfolds. "There is a lot of adrenaline coming in the second, third and fourth episodes."

Hope it keeps up. Could be really good.
I liked it, obviously won't know what to make of it til it's had a few episodes. I will carry on watching due to enjoying it, and also I still don't really have a clue about the plot. The whole
Plane going through the weird warp thing
was a bit weird. I don't think I expected it to be that kind of show. We'll see how things turn out.
I wasn't to sure about the first episode because of the
airplane disappearing
However my faith was restored in the 2nd episode because
the plane didn't go into another dimension
I still hope that they keep this sorta thing to minimum.
won't be watching it, it looks like another average series like all the other ones.

mind you it's mostly a case of just not being bothered, i hope for TV's sake it's good.
I think it looks a bit better than the average tv series. Give it a try
I probably should, I've been wanting to get into a new series for a while now - but I can just see how it's going to pan out. It'll be good early, and become a hit, then the producers will milk it for about 3 seasons too many and dilute the storyline into nothingness.

The first episode aired on Monday night down here, though I was at work so I would've missed it anyway... What's the premise?
I found myself getting annoyed with the first episode with the constant back and forth thingy they were doing. I think they thought it was cool, but it was annoying.
The show might be good, but that beginning was poor imo
Ah so it's aliens. Or something similar to aliens that's slightly human. I'll stick with it, not sure what I think of it so far. I definitely don't not like it.
I loved that episode. Maybe it will get ridiculous later on but right it's looking really good.

This has the potential to be a really huge show. Infact I can see it having a first season like Heroes and then maybe dramatically falling off.
Watched it. Really like it right now. It's definitely enjoyable. Hope it does not end up becoming too ridiculous
What was that end all about?

They've reduced on the "wtf" moments. But wth was that end!
Start the cancellation watch for “The Event.” The show dropped another 20% in the 18-49 demo, dropping to a 2.4 rating, and 7.4 million viewers. Sorry fans, this isn’t the next “Lost,” and don’t expect it to stick around very long. The rest of NBC’s Monday slate was pretty weak as well, with “Chuck” in fourth at 8, pulling a 1.9 rating and 5.8 million viewers. “Chase” looks likely to go first though, dropping to a 1.7 rating and 5.8 million viewers.

ABC won the night, led by “Dancing with the Stars.” From 8-10, the reality show averaged a 4.4 rating and 20.1 million viewers. Castle was second at 10, with a 3.0 rating and 12 million viewers.

CBS was second for the night. At 8, “How I Met Your Mother” dipped a bit to a 3.4 rating and 8.5 million viewers. “Rules of Engagement” drew 8.4 million viewers and a 3.0 rating at 8:30. “Two and a Half Men” was the top scripted show of the night, drawing 14.2 million viewers and a 4.5 rating at 9. Lead-out “Mike and Molly” is officially a hit; it held 12.2 million viewers and a 3.8 rating. “Hawaii Five-0″ is also a bonafide hit; it drew 12 million viewers and a 3.5 rating.

Fox was anchored by “House” at 8, which was typically strong with a 3.9 rating and 10.5 million viewers. “Lie to Me” dragged the network down at 9 however, drawing a 2.2 rating and 5.9 million viewers in its season premiere, replacing the now cancelled “Lone Star.” If it continues to lose more than 40% of “House’s” lead-in, “Lie to Me” looks endangered as well.
I liked the third episode. A few things irked me though.

At the beginning we see the same roadblock scene again, just as the car goes to turn round it's hit by an RV. Look at the last we saw of that scene in ep 2.


Not an RV in sight, straight after that it even cuts to the cop walking back to his car and you can hear the car driving away.

Also, Would guards of something that important really allow that Maya out of the prison, to the hotel and into the room without searching her? It was just up her sleeve.
I liked the third episode. A few things irked me though.

At the beginning we see the same roadblock scene again, just as the car goes to turn round it's hit by an RV. Look at the last we saw of that scene in ep 2.


Not an RV in sight, straight after that it even cuts to the cop walking back to his car and you can hear the car driving away.

Also, Would guards of something that important really allow that Maya out of the prison, to the hotel and into the room without searching her? It was just up her sleeve.

Yeah I found that RV part strange too. At first I thought their showing a recap of the previous episode with that scene again and that RV coming out of nowhere was strange.

As for Maya killing her boyfriend it was rather predictable and yes should have searched her.
But I like this show till now. It won't be a lost but I certainly hope it does not become a Flashforward
I saw it earlier

Still not sure what to think, it doesn't blow me away. I can tell it's not going to be a classic but it's watchable. I saw the twist at the end coming though.
. “Lie to Me” dragged the network down at 9 however, drawing a 2.2 rating and 5.9 million viewers in its season premiere, replacing the now cancelled “Lone Star.” If it continues to lose more than 40% of “House’s” lead-in, “Lie to Me” looks endangered as well.

Shame, I realy like "Lie to Me", though it does need to drop it's crime of the week and start building up longer story arcs. Tim Roth is superb in it.
Problem with The Event and Lie to Me is that being Monday night shows they face far too much competition so ratings are bound to drop.

Lie to me is a brilliant show. Need to catch up on season 2.

They need to shift some of these shows from Monday to other days though for better ratings.