The Congressman and the page boy

But Bob, the dems have no choice but to exploit this. They took the high road in the last Presidential election and look where it got them. They've learned from the masters that nasty guys finish first.
(^borrowed from FOX NEWS):p

The latest on Foley's Folley.

Head Republican Hastert along with other top Republicans are hunkering down maintaining that they did know anyting about Mr. Sen. Foley's indescretions.

This week's breaks in the story.

At least two people have testified that Hastert and other top Republicans were notified of Senator Foley's approaches to have sex with the 16 yr old messenger. They were all told as far back as the year 2000. So, they knew about it for 6 years.

Foley had been at the under 18 yr old messenger's dorm facility late at night, very drunk.

It's being reported that the Evangelicals are now expected to avoid any alignment with the Republicans party this coming election because of all of the press about Foley's alleged child molestation. The page's attorney has said in a press conferrence that Foley DID have sex with the boy while he was under 18.

In addition to the male messenger, as this might come as a relief to all the homophobes here at the caf., Mr. Sen. Foley had approached an underage female as well.
Grinner said:
But Bob, the dems have no choice but to exploit this. They took the high road in the last Presidential election and look where it got them. They've learned from the masters that nasty guys finish first.

Damn straight! If the Republicans can still use Slick Willy's BJ scandle... we're going to milk this one for years to come.:D
Your rapid psychotic hatred of the Republican Party is shining through.

The only evidence we have currently is evidence he was creepily nice to a 16 year old in an email, which Hastert was aware of, and that ABC and others had access for months to IM messages of a sexual nature that Foley shared with an 18 year old former page in 2003. Hastert was not in possession of or aware of these, but oddly members of the Democratic Party appear to have been. It was also confirmed Foley had sex with a 21 year old man.

Bob, if 16 year olds are a problem for you, you need to take it up with Congress. The age of consent in DC is 16. Democratic Congressman Gerry Studds served 6 more terms after repeatedly shagging a 16 year old page.

If Foley committed a crime, he will be charged with one. He resigned (unlike Studds, or perjurer Clinton), and is no longer in office.

Frankly, if you cared about government instead of your psychotic rage against Republicans, you'd be talking about Bob Ney's guilty plea and reports of shady land deals that Harry Reid and his son may be involved in.

But you're not interested in cleaning up government, just in spreading hate.
you ought to check your 'facts'.

It's also pretty poor taste to spread your 'hate' about a man on the day of his death.
jasonrh said:
Your rapid psychotic hatred of the Republican Party is shining through.

The only evidence we have currently is evidence he was creepily nice to a 16 year old in an email, which Hastert was aware of, and that ABC and others had access for months to IM messages of a sexual nature that Foley shared with an 18 year old former page in 2003. Hastert was not in possession of or aware of these, but oddly members of the Democratic Party appear to have been. It was also confirmed Foley had sex with a 21 year old man.

Bob, if 16 year olds are a problem for you, you need to take it up with Congress. The age of consent in DC is 16. Democratic Congressman Gerry Studds served 6 more terms after repeatedly shagging a 16 year old page.

If Foley committed a crime, he will be charged with one. He resigned (unlike Studds, or perjurer Clinton), and is no longer in office.

Frankly, if you cared about government instead of your psychotic rage against Republicans, you'd be talking about Bob Ney's guilty plea and reports of shady land deals that Harry Reid and his son may be involved in.

But you're not interested in cleaning up government, just in spreading hate.

It's utterly disgusting that the Republican Party has embraced this as a position. "16 year old boys are fair game, blah blah blah" and the Gerry Studds mention is not excepting responsability for this mess as the Republicans should...keep on digging. :lol:

Spreading hate, huh? This is the main strategy of the Republican Party...people like me are going to drive this one through the Presidential election, you can bank on it.
I'm glad you feel that way, Bob.

If the Democratic 2008 strategy is "there was a gay Republican, you know", then we've got it made.
The Ethics Committee met yesterday, the plans for the meeting were sidetracked by allegations of another Republican pediphile from Arizona., Rep. Kolbe. Turns out there had been rumors of Mr. Kolbe taking 16 yr old children on camping trips to the Grand Canyon and molesting them.

That would make it 10 years that the Republicans have had know about child molestors in their midst, all the while doing nothing about it.
What do posters here think of Foley bringing up the 'fact' that he's a homosexual, an alcoholic & was abused as a teen some 40 years ago, AFTER the scandal broke out?

What was the point he was trying to get at - that it was justification for his 'misdeeds'?
kkcbl said:
What do posters here think of Foley bringing up the 'fact' that he's a homosexual, an alcoholic & was abused as a teen some 40 years ago, AFTER the scandal broke out?

What was the point he was trying to get at - that it was justification for his 'misdeeds'?

shotgun excuses...something's got ta hit...
Florida authorities have opened a criminal investigation into the sexually explicit computer messages that former Rep. Mark Foley sent to former male congressional pages.

"It was a preliminary inquiry before, but we found the basis to open up a criminal investigation," Kristen Perezluha, a spokeswoman for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, said Thursday. She would not elaborate.

The FBI is investigating whether Foley broke federal laws, and the House Ethics Committee is looking into whether senior GOP officials hid what they knew about the messages.

Foley resigned Sept. 29 after being confronted with the lurid communications. His attorney, David Roth, has said Foley never had inappropriate sexual contact with minors. He declined to comment Thursday on the criminal investigation.

Florida law prohibits seducing or attempting to seduce a minor. However, authorities have said the term "seduce" is open to interpretation.

Foley has returned to Florida to attend his father's funeral, set for Saturday, after spending more than a month in an Arizona rehabilitation facility for alcoholism, Roth said. Edward Foley died Tuesday of cancer.

Foley entered the treatment facility Oct. 1, shortly before his attorneys announced he was gay, an alcoholic and had been molested by a priest as a teenage altar boy in Florida.

The Rev. Anthony Mercieca, who has retired to the island nation of Malta, has admitted having inappropriate encounters with Foley, including massaging him in the nude and skinny-dipping together. He denies having sex with Foley.

Foley has not been seen publicly since shortly after his resignation.

It's a good thing he hasn't committed any crimes. Hopefully he'll beat this left-wing smear-job.
Report finally out just as Congress adjourns.

The panel said it found no evidence that any current lawmakers or aides violated any rules. But it said it discovered a pattern of conduct among many "to remain willfully ignorant of the potential consequences" of Foley's conduct.