The Congressman and the page boy

Interesting that the very dubious policies of the Catholic Church, enforced for years by our dear Pope, have gone almost without comment.

Wibble said:
Getting back to the real strory: What is the fallout likely to be? Obvioulsy the individual in question is dead politically but what else?

Are there more damaging revelations about to come out? Was it "just" dubious emails or ???? And what will the fall out be for others who knew or should have known?

Watergate type scandal or damp squib?

It's a big deal. Hastert seems likely to be implicated if today's revelations are true. The Dems are using it as a convenient news issue to hammer the Repubs with. A salacious scandal is far more effective than droning on about Iraq.

This will run and run.
Grinner said:

KK's post, admittedly a little too sophisticated for the likes of you, was that left-wingers, because they tend to be more liberal in their sexual and cultural beliefs, do not consider much of what right-wingers class as scandalous to actually be so.

A poor attempt at humour, perhaps. But an assertion that only the right engages in sleazy behaviour, absolutely not. Unless you are a bit simple, or don't actually read what other people post very carefully.

She didn't say "seems to be".

She said "is".

Therein lies the difference.

Your extreme sophistication in making a statement mean something completely contrary to what it says shows how remarkable the left truly is.
jasonrh said:
Perhaps because I find the abuse of children to be a seriously disturbing event, and not one to make political glee out of, or to make sweeping bigoted remarks about.

You're so blinded by your hatred that you're cumming yourselves because someone who called himself a Republican abused a child, and that is really sick.

What I find amusing is that the party that takes claim to moral values hid the truth. The three highest ranking congressional Republicans had known for nearly a year, if not more and did nothing.:lol:
The IMs have now been revealed to be with an 18 year old, contrary to ABC's reportage.

This has come to light because ABC accidentally posted unredacted copies of the offensive IMs briefly yesterday, and the person's identity was revealed. He is now 21 years old, and was 18 when he engaged in cyber-masturbation with Foley.

Its all about sex, now, isn't it?
I don't think this would be as scandelous a story if it weren't election time and if the texts were from a male congressman to a female page.
jasonrh said:
The IMs have now been revealed to be with an 18 year old, contrary to ABC's reportage.

This has come to light because ABC accidentally posted unredacted copies of the offensive IMs briefly yesterday, and the person's identity was revealed. He is now 21 years old, and was 18 when he engaged in cyber-masturbation with Foley.

Its all about sex, now, isn't it?

Everythings hunky dory then. Maybe Foley should come out of rehab. and run for congress again. Because it's come to light that one of the pages was 18 years old :lol:
spare ribs said:
Everythings hunky dory then. Maybe Foley should come out of rehab. and run for congress again. Because it's come to light that one of the pages was 18 years old :lol:
The ONLY page with whom sexually explicit communication has been alleged was an adult.

ABC News lied.

I know that's hard for you to comprehend.
jasonrh said:
It is the ONLY page with whom sexually explicit communication was had.

ABC News lied.

I know that's hard for you to comprehend.

And how do you know it's the only one! It may be the only one who kept records. How many people keep records of IMails?
You'll be singing this tune until something new comes to light.

Maybe you should start the 'Re-elect Foley to congress' campaign:lol:
spare ribs said:
And how do you know it's the only one! It may be the only one who kept records. How many people keep records of IMails?
You'll be singing this tune until something new comes to light.

Maybe you should start the 'Re-elect Foley to congress' campaign:lol:

So he should be found guilty of something on the basis that it may have happened, even though no one has heretofore alleged it?

If any evidence comes to light that he was engaging in e-sex with a minor, then he deserves to go to jail.

But as of now, the only "evidence" of it turns out to be a lying ABC News election hit piece.
jasonrh said:
So he should be found guilty of something on the basis that it may have happened, even though no one has heretofore alleged it?

If any evidence comes to light that he was engaging in e-sex with a minor, then he deserves to go to jail.

But as of now, the only "evidence" of it turns out to be a lying ABC News election hit piece.

As far as I'm aware he hasn't been charged with any crime, so I don't know just what he can be found guilty of.

I'm not sure that it's a crime to engage in E-sex with a 16 year old - you probably know more about that than me.

I just find it amusing the hypocracy of an awful lot of Republicans :wenger:
Wibble said:
Interesting that the very dubious policies of the Catholic Church, enforced for years by our dear Pope, have gone almost without comment.


I think thats because nobody is surprised. very sad.
Grinner said:

KK's post, admittedly a little too sophisticated for the likes of you, was that left-wingers, because they tend to be more liberal in their sexual and cultural beliefs, do not consider much of what right-wingers class as scandalous to actually be so.

If the left don't consider things like that scandalous, why are they condemming the entire GOP and demanding Hastert's resignation? Very hypocritical considering Jason's other Dem issues listed above and the fact that the former President lied under oath about diddling Lewinsky during his tenure. There were alot of complaints about it being his private life, not important to the country, blah blah. Some people have short memories when it suits them.
Further, Jason- you're exactly right- Foley is a freak whose actions are indefensible, but it is hardly more or less vile because of his political beliefs.
spare ribs said:
As far as I'm aware he hasn't been charged with any crime, so I don't know just what he can be found guilty of.

I'm not sure that it's a crime to engage in E-sex with a 16 year old - you probably know more about that than me.

I just find it amusing the hypocracy of an awful lot of Republicans :wenger:

age of consent in washington dc is 16, so even if foley did have spirited buttsex with a page in a capitol building broom closet, it is not illegal.

foley is still a hypocritical a-hole, but whether he did anything against the law per se has not been determined.
LABOB said:
It turns out the Speaker of the House Republican Hastert and other top Republicans knew about Foley's Folleys for 6 years
News alert.

A Clinton staffer knew he was gay, and had hit on consent age men since 1995.

I do find it strange how the left, once the bastion of sexual freedom and experimentation, has now become a bunch of raving homophobes in an attempt to win an election.

Foley had sex with a 21 year old. He had a masturbatory internet chat with an 18 year old.

Its all about sex. The politics of personal destruction have reached a new low.
So you complain that a Clinton staffer didn't out him, then moan about the "politics of personal destruction".

Grinner said:
So you complain that a Clinton staffer didn't out him, then moan about the "politics of personal destruction".


Bizarre is this sudden obsession with the existence of homosexuals.

The idea that the Speaker of the House should resign because he knew a member of Congress was homosexual (something everyone in Washington knew, and something many of us knew in Florida) is bizarre.

I don't think I was complaining that anyone should have "outed him". I was merely pointing out that it was fairly well known he was gay, so why this sudden furore about it? The claims of sex with underage boys appear to be unfounded, so the current 'controversy' appears to be Democrats sudden hatred and fear of homosexuals.

References to 'the politics of personal destruction' and 'its all about sex' were obviously too subtle for your sophisticated brain to comprehend. That's what Clinton told us when he suborned perjury and committed perjury himself.
jasonrh said:
News alert.

A Clinton staffer knew he was gay, and had hit on consent age men since 1995.

I do find it strange how the left, once the bastion of sexual freedom and experimentation, has now become a bunch of raving homophobes in an attempt to win an election.

Foley had sex with a 21 year old. He had a masturbatory internet chat with an 18 year old.

Its all about sex. The politics of personal destruction have reached a new low.

You've been waiting for news that a democrat knew he was gay ,haven't you Jason? Now you can claim they're just as bad as us !

The problem is not that he was gay, I'm sure that's not breaking any house rules. Most of the house knew he was gay and didn't have a problem with that.

The problem is that leaders of the republican party were informed of improprietry, with male pages, and swept it under the rug for fear of losing control of congress.

It's not about sex, it's about hypocrasy.

My concern is what is Hastert going to use as his defence, seeing as the "I was molested by a priest" and "I am an alcoholic" have both been used by Foley.
I know, he can use the "too many twinkies" :lol:

Tell me, do you think he should have resigned and if so why? seeing as you don't think he did anything illegal.
What's more bizarre is that he felt that he had to cover up his homosexuality because of the bigots that he represented.

The reason Foley had to resign is because he abused a position of power. Others who knew about this and did nothing should also face consequences.
What impropriety was that? All the Republicans knew of was an email asking for a picture - with no sexual content whatsoever. The IMs with sexual content only came to light when ABC mysteriously got a hold of them a week ago. Hastert and the other leaders had never seen them before they were made public.

Even if the IMs were available to House leaders, what should they have done? Demand he resign for masturbating? He's not a married man. Contrary to the sudden beliefs of leftists across the country, being gay is not a crime. He can have sex with a 21 year old or have a masturbatory e-chat with an 18 year old.

Hypocracy is getting your panties in a twist about dirty homosexuals and decrying an evil Republican for having sex with a 21 year old, when Democrats claim Republicans are intolerant to gays and Gerry Studds stayed in office for six more terms after having sex with a 16 year old.

Its particularly rich, considering the fact that Clinton had sex with a 21 year old intern, and this fact was used as the reason why his perjury and subborning perjury were acceptable. It is okay to commit a crime if the crime is related to your sex life - that's what the Democrats taught us at the turn of the century.

Foley resigned because he was embarrassed to have very intimate details of his private life put on the internet by the 'Its All About Sex' crowd. His pretty pathetic personal life is now in the public domain.

If real evidence of a crime ever comes to light, he will be charged with a crime. But currently there is no such evidence, contrary to the lies told by your hate brigade, who will drop all principles and beliefs in a desire to lie about Republicans and fuel your utter blinding hatred for people who don't believe as you do.
Grinner said:
What's more bizarre is that he felt that he had to cover up his homosexuality because of the bigots that he represented.

The reason Foley had to resign is because he abused a position of power. Others who knew about this and did nothing should also face consequences.

That would explain President Gore taking over from Clinton in 1998.

Glad to see there's intellectual consistency here.
jasonrh said:
That would explain President Gore taking over from Clinton in 1998.

Glad to see there's intellectual consistency here.

That's funny, I could have sworn there were disciplinary proceedings in that incident. It just didn't turn out how you would have liked though, did it?
jasonrh said:
What impropriety was that? All the Republicans knew of was an email asking for a picture - with no sexual content whatsoever. The IMs with sexual content only came to light when ABC mysteriously got a hold of them a week ago. Hastert and the other leaders had never seen them before they were made public.

Even if the IMs were available to House leaders, what should they have done? Demand he resign for masturbating? He's not a married man. Contrary to the sudden beliefs of leftists across the country, being gay is not a crime. He can have sex with a 21 year old or have a masturbatory e-chat with an 18 year old.

Hypocracy is getting your panties in a twist about dirty homosexuals and decrying an evil Republican for having sex with a 21 year old, when Democrats claim Republicans are intolerant to gays and Gerry Studds stayed in office for six more terms after having sex with a 16 year old.

Its particularly rich, considering the fact that Clinton had sex with a 21 year old intern, and this fact was used as the reason why his perjury and subborning perjury were acceptable. It is okay to commit a crime if the crime is related to your sex life - that's what the Democrats taught us at the turn of the century.

Foley resigned because he was embarrassed to have very intimate details of his private life put on the internet by the 'Its All About Sex' crowd. His pretty pathetic personal life is now in the public domain.

If real evidence of a crime ever comes to light, he will be charged with a crime. But currently there is no such evidence, contrary to the lies told by your hate brigade, who will drop all principles and beliefs in a desire to lie about Republicans and fuel your utter blinding hatred for people who don't believe as you do.[/QUOTE]

That kind of sums up your posting style.
Grinner said:
That's funny, I could have sworn there were disciplinary proceedings in that incident. It just didn't turn out how you would have liked though, did it?
Disciplinary procedures?

Are you suggesting Foley should be removed from office?

I see a flaw in your plan.
jasonrh said:
What impropriety was that? All the Republicans knew of was an email asking for a picture - with no sexual content whatsoever.

The parents of the page who received the EMail thought it was so improper that they complained to Reynolds. Do you find nothing wrong with that fact?
Like I keep saying the problem was not his sexuality,you seem to be hung up on that.
You have to admit ,Jason it is ironic that Foley may be charged with breaking a law that he helped write :nervous: He can't plead ignorance on that one :lol:
I'm way behind on this story, can someone provide a summary. Did the guy commit a crime or is this a gay-bashing thread?
RedCanuck said:
I'm way behind on this story, can someone provide a summary. Did the guy commit a crime or is this a gay-bashing thread?

The guy did something that may or may not have been criminal (if he was "cyber-stalking" underage males for sexual purposes), but the key mistake was that an elected official did something incredibly indiscrete and stupid and, as the election is only a month off, it is time for the other side to make hay out of the situation.
FresnoBob said:
The guy did something that may or may not have been criminal (if he was "cyber-stalking" underage males for sexual purposes), but the key mistake was that an elected official did something incredibly indiscrete and stupid and, as the election is only a month off, it is time for the other side to make hay out of the situation.

Has Foley resigned?

If so, why, as he has not done anything wrong?
I haven't been following this very closely but I get the impression that he has resigned because he was in charge of some sort of child protection arm of government and has been found out to be sending dodgy emails (or worse) to young people. I would have thought that this was grounds for resignation irespective of the sexual orientation or actual age of the youngsters involved.

I suppose it is also "jucier" because it is a gay member of a right wing party who percieve themselves to be the moral majority (as definded by themselves).

Any cover up is another matter.
kkcbl said:
Has Foley resigned?

If so, why, as he has not done anything wrong?

As a government worker, I think I should be held to higher standards than the average person when it comes to issues of morals and professionalism in my chosen field, so I would also differentiate between "criminal" and "wrong" for elected officials. Whether Foley actually committed a crime for which he can be charged, prosecuted, and convicted is irrelevant. That he used a position of authority and power to solicit sex (even if otherwise "legal") and used government e-mail and equipment in his endeavor is enough for me to conclude that he did something inappropriate.
What we are witnessing, however, is the hypocricy of the American political process as this is turned into a major "scandal" that obliterates consideration of all the other ways in which the various legislators of both major parties have failed in their obligations.
All Foley has reminded us is that Congressmen would like to do to the pages what they've been doing to the nation for years.