The Congressman and the page boy

The Bushites here will poo-pooh the revelation & say that the page is a left-wing plant.
Remember a few years ago when some of the Congressmen had sex with underage Congressional pages? Must not have been that big a deal, since Barney Frank (D-Mass) won re-election despite nailing a 17 year old boy. Some GOP guy from one of the Carolinas was shipped out by the voters, however.

Do Congressmen use bookmarks?
No, they just bend the pages.
The timing of this story is very suspicious though. I'm sure it has been selectively released by Dems.
Kevrockcity said:
barney frank nailed a 17-year-old boy?

My error--he had a male friend for whom he fixed 33 parking tickets from the Washington D.C. police and who ran a gay prostitute ring out of Frank's D.C. residence. Franks also "hired" the friend as an assistant for around $20000 a year that wasn't reported to the IRS. In other words, Franks isn't really any different than the allegedly moral folks on the other side of the aisle.

It was another Massachusetts representative, the aptly named Gerald Studds who had sex with the 17 year old page and was still re-elected for about 6 times before retiring.
FresnoBob said:
My error--he had a male friend for whom he fixed 33 parking tickets from the Washington D.C. police and who ran a gay prostitute ring out of Frank's D.C. residence. Franks also "hired" the friend as an assistant for around $20000 a year that wasn't reported to the IRS. In other words, Franks isn't really any different than the allegedly moral folks on the other side of the aisle.

It was another Massachusetts representative, the aptly named Gerald Studds who had sex with the 17 year old page and was still re-elected for about 6 times before retiring.

From what I've read, Frank dismissed Gobie when he found out about the pimping. Using your clout to get parking tickets dropped is hardly a major abuse of power. That's probably why Frank was censured by the House rather than dismissed.

Dick Armey referring to him as 'Barney Fag' in an interview is unfortunate!
Grinner said:
From what I've read, Frank dismissed Gobie when he found out about the pimping. Using your clout to get parking tickets dropped is hardly a major abuse of power. That's probably why Frank was censured by the House rather than dismissed.

Dick Armey referring to him as 'Barney Fag' in an interview is unfortunate!

There was a bit more to Barney's adventures, but certainly nothing llike the felonious conduct of actually having sex with, or using the internet to solicit sex with minors.
By the way--Studds and the GOP rep who had sex with the underage minors were merely censured by the House. Both ran for re-election, with Studds (as i mentioned) spending another 13 years in the House.
Attitudes, reactions, and hostilities between the elected members of the parties have grown substantially in the past 20 years.
Turns out the Dems knew about the salacious emails for nearly a year.

Glad he's gone, but it was their duty to release the info a year ago, not to sit on it until it was politically expedient to release it.
Grinner said:
How exactly does rehab stop you from being a pederast?
It doesn't.

He needs a pair of cement shoes.

The Dems did say they were going to launch a campaign to go after half a dozen seats the Republicans felt were "safe" and "surprise" the Republicans.

I wonder who the other five lucky feckheads are.
jasonrh said:
Turns out the Dems knew about the salacious emails for nearly a year.

Glad he's gone, but it was their duty to release the info a year ago, not to sit on it until it was politically expedient to release it.

jasonrh said:
Turns out the Dems knew about the salacious emails for nearly a year.

Glad he's gone, but it was their duty to release the info a year ago, not to sit on it until it was politically expedient to release it.

There's no proof that the dems knew about this pedophile. The link you gave proves nothing 'IBD' is a wannabe 'Wall St. Journal' conservative rag.

What is definitely known is that the republican leadership DID know about Foleys Emails, they knew because the parents of one of the pages informed them last year.

'Family Values Party'- MY arse !

GOP=Grand Old Pedophiles:wenger:
Emails. Those are completely different from the graphic IMs that were "unearthed" by ABC News.

The "emails" were just a little creepy, but had no sexual content to them.

Trust you to get them "confused" for the sake of defaming Hastert.

Of course, the fact that the Democrats backed the re-election of Gerry Studds a paedo Congressman, half a dozen times after a 1983 bust for actual sex with a minor page is also a GOP plot.

Another GOP plot was the Democrat who worked for Clinton and Kerry now claiming inappropriate conduct by Foley from 1994.

That's 12 years this democratic operative knew Foley might be a danger to children, and stangely he had no need to mention it until 39 days before an election. Makes you wonder, unless your brain is full of mush.
The Kippax Kid said:
just a general observation, it is always the tories who are caught in the perverted sex things over here, labour dont see them as perverted :D
With respect, you're a fecking idiot.

The last Congressperson to get caught with a page wasn't sharing naughty IMs.

He was a Democrat fecking a 17 year old boy, and staying in office for another dozen years after getting busted.

The biggest sex scandal hefore that was Fred Richmond, who stayed in office and won re-election after soliciting sex from a 16 year old. He later pled guilty to tax evasion and drug possession.

Another big scandal was Mel Reynolds, who was a Democratic Representative found guilty of 12 counts of sexual abuse of a 16 year old. He was pardoned by Bill Clinton.

The list goes on and on, on both sides of the aisle.

If you want to make political points out of the victimisation of children, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Foley was a dirtbag, but dirtbaggery isn't solely a trait of one party or the other, and Democrats (who may well have known of Foley for as long as a DECADE) should be ashamed of themselves for using this horrible victimisation to score political victories.
jasonrh said:
Emails. Those are completely different from the graphic IMs that were "unearthed" by ABC News.

The "emails" were just a little creepy, but had no sexual content to them.

Trust you to get them "confused" for the sake of defaming Hastert.

Of course, the fact that the Democrats backed the re-election of Gerry Studds a paedo Congressman, half a dozen times after a 1983 bust for actual sex with a minor page is also a GOP plot.

Another GOP plot was the Democrat who worked for Clinton and Kerry now claiming inappropriate conduct by Foley from 1994.

That's 12 years this democratic operative knew Foley might be a danger to children, and stangely he had no need to mention it until 39 days before an election. Makes you wonder, unless your brain is full of mush.

The emails were creepy enough that Foley was told to stop sending them. Hastert didn't want to know if there was more damning evidence. for christs sake , it was an open secret that Foley was gay, don't you think Red flags should have shot up once the emails come to light?

I think there are 3 people in charge of the 'pages', 2 Republicans and 1 democrat- why were the republicans told about the emails , but not the democrat?

You keep going on about Stubbs, this happened in 1983- 23 years ago.

You're clutching at straws, are you listening to Limbaugh or fox news perhaps to make your case?

By the way, the perverted 'IMails' were sent before the EMails, so with very little digging they would have come to light too
jasonrh said:
With respect, you're a fecking idiot.

The last Congressperson to get caught with a page wasn't sharing naughty IMs.

He was a Democrat fecking a 17 year old boy, and staying in office for another dozen years after getting busted.

The biggest sex scandal hefore that was Fred Richmond, who stayed in office and won re-election after soliciting sex from a 16 year old. He later pled guilty to tax evasion and drug possession.

Another big scandal was Mel Reynolds, who was a Democratic Representative found guilty of 12 counts of sexual abuse of a 16 year old. He was pardoned by Bill Clinton.

The list goes on and on, on both sides of the aisle.

If you want to make political points out of the victimisation of children, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Foley was a dirtbag, but dirtbaggery isn't solely a trait of one party or the other, and Democrats (who may well have known of Foley for as long as a DECADE) should be ashamed of themselves for using this horrible victimisation to score political victories.

with respect i was talking the tory party not your precious republicans.

and for you to blame the democrats just shows what a barmy right wing deluded fooker you are.
Apparently, the Republicans don't need Bush's help with destroying the party.

Aren't these clowns endorsed by the moral majority group?


wow:eek: looks like jason is getting his panties all bunched up over this stuff.:lol:
The Kippax Kid said:
with respect i was talking the tory party not your precious republicans.

and for you to blame the democrats just shows what a barmy right wing deluded fooker you are.

I blame humans for some of them being sick fecks, and I blame shameless dirtbag liberals for pretending that

it is always the right wingers who do things like this.

You claimed it was "ALWAYS" the right wingers who did this. I showed you myriad examples where that wasn't true, you thick cnut.

Of course in your world that makes me a barmy right winger. I probably cheat, too, since we all know foreigners are cheats and it is part of the British makeup to not cheat or do wrong. You're very progressive.

If it turns out Hastert knew about the sexual IMs, then I hope he is drummed out of town on a rail.

I love Spare Rib's brilliant argument that basically is "we knew he was gay, so that should have raised a red flag to keep him away from children, because we all know gays are paedos".

Brilliant. And amazingly progressive from you as well.

You and KK should start a political party - foreigners and gays need not apply.

Yet somehow I'm the barmy right winger.

Foley is dirt. If Hastert knew of the IMs, so is he. So is everyone else who preys on children, or who covers it up. Including in this case several Democratic staffers who knew about this (one via first-hand) going back perhaps a decade.
LABOB said:
Apparently, the Republicans don't need Bush's help with destroying the party.

Aren't these clowns endorsed by the moral majority group?


wow:eek: looks like jason is getting his panties all bunched up over this stuff.:lol:

Perhaps because I find the abuse of children to be a seriously disturbing event, and not one to make political glee out of, or to make sweeping bigoted remarks about.

You're so blinded by your hatred that you're cumming yourselves because someone who called himself a Republican abused a child, and that is really sick.
The Kippax Kid said:
with respect i was talking the tory party not your precious republicans.

and for you to blame the democrats just shows what a barmy right wing deluded fooker you are.

It's a treasured tactic of right-wing talk show hosts. Bring up something completely irrelevant to the discussion at hand to make the other side defensive and appear to be covering up.

Jason, however, employs it without the eloquence or intellect of your average talk show host.
spare ribs said:
You keep going on about Stubbs, this happened in 1983- 23 years ago.

Yes, and we all know children abused in the 1980s aren't important.

We also know that Studds was still in office until his retirement in 1996.

We also know that Clinton pardoned Reynolds in 2001.

Yet according to KK and all of you hate-filled left wing bigots, only right wingers abuse children.

This is a human tragedy, Foley is the bad guy, and left a string of victims behind. Anyone of either party who knew of the IMs themselves should be chased out of town.

Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi will use it as a campaign issue. Classy, especially considering none of the aforementioned Democrats were used as national campaign issues in their campaigns.
Grinner said:
It's a treasured tactic of right-wing talk show hosts. Bring up something completely irrelevant to the discussion at hand to make the other side defensive and appear to be covering up.

Jason, however, employs it without the eloquence or intellect of your average talk show host.


She said ONLY right wingers abuse children.

And now I'm bringing in "something completely irrelevant" by showing that to be a lie?

Oh, right, anything that shatters your mad-Kool-Aid infested version of reality is "irrelevant", because to acknowledge facts outside of your halucination would bring your reality crashing down. Now I see...
KK was mostly correct in that the Tories were reknowned for scandals such as this. It became known as 'sleaze', and was a major factor in the election of Tony Blair and New Labour. A remarkable parallel with what is happening here. The party in power slowly becomes more and more corrupt until the sleaze drags them down and they are tossed from power by a disgusted electorate.

The Dems will suffer the same fate in 10 or 15 years time. It's cyclical and inexorable. You can bluster all you like but the Repubs are going to lose the House.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, get used to it laddie.
What does losing the House, which has been predicted for a year, and frankly serves those self-serving little cnuts right, have to do with claiming that only right wingers sexually abuse children?

Its a shameful statement to make, and it has no basis whatsoever in fact.

And here we go again with "Jason the ultra-right winger" crap. You have no fecking idea what I think about our Congress, who have been increasingly useless and self-serving ever since they won back the Senate in 2002. They need a term or two out of office to be reminded why they are sent there. The whole of Congress has become as big of a pork-pit as it was at the peak of Democratic control in the 1970s, probably worse.

But the assumption on here is always that I am a whacko with a Bible in his hand, which is nearly as insulting to me as a thinking individual as it is to half of the country that is right wing (according to KK) and therefore kiddie fiddlers (also according to KK).

If Republicans used the incidents above as the major part of their re-election platform, I would condemn them as well. Its a matter of basic human decency.

Hugs and Kisses,
The "Right Wing" of the Caf :wenger:
Getting back to the real strory: What is the fallout likely to be? Obvioulsy the individual in question is dead politically but what else?

Are there more damaging revelations about to come out? Was it "just" dubious emails or ???? And what will the fall out be for others who knew or should have known?

Watergate type scandal or damp squib?

KK's post, admittedly a little too sophisticated for the likes of you, was that left-wingers, because they tend to be more liberal in their sexual and cultural beliefs, do not consider much of what right-wingers class as scandalous to actually be so.

A poor attempt at humour, perhaps. But an assertion that only the right engages in sleazy behaviour, absolutely not. Unless you are a bit simple, or don't actually read what other people post very carefully.