the classic shows from when you were a kid thread

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Captain Planet.
Power Rangers.
Thomas the Tank Engine.

... To name a few.
and those other black and white ones that were on every summer hols like

Robinson Crusoe

and the first Flash Gordon :D

oops sorry GB


Lost in Space

The fugitive

Land of the Giants
Flash Gordon was ace, though that was much much before my time.

Maybe I should change my username to Flash Gordon.
my primary school once did a play of the muppets.....i played one of the two old dudes up in the balcony....had a mask,costume and even talc in my hair to make it look grey......fecked my lines up.....everyone laughed at me.....
arggggh....the humiliation is all flooding back
What was the name of that show where two guys in a black and very fast helicopter would fight the bad guys?
Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers
The 6 million dollar man
Robinson Crusoe (french dubbed one)
The flashing blade

Mr Ben