My mind is still absolutely blown.
I for one don't think Askeladd's death was unpredictable. The preview for the episode said "a shocking ending to the man who gave his all" or something, so he had death flags all over him. It was kinda expected since this is just a prologue that Thorfinn won't be the one to kill him, as he would have achieved his goal then and will be the end of his arc, so he should be killed by someone else to help Thorfinn develop and realize the meaning of his father's worlds and life, about the meaning of being the true warrior and all that.
However, the totally mind blowing thing is how this went on. I was totally blown when Askeladd insulted the king then beheaded him. How this went on, fecking hell that was ridiculous. I was expecting him to kill the king in a strategic way as usual. Maybe Canute would kill him later as a revenge for Ragnar or something, but how this went on, unbelievable. I think he wasn't just putting an act only, yes he did but at the same time he really lost his mind when the king insulted his mother as a slave, as he showed a similar reaction in episode 20 when the king said the same thing. In one way he got his revenge on the king for insulting his mother, saved Wales and prepared the stage for Canute to claim the throne. Truly a remarkable way to die. Masterpiece of a writing.
I am not going to jump into the manga for now for the hope of experiencing this fully animated one day. The next arc, I suppose, should be all about how Thorfinn will go on with his life now. It's the beginning of the development of him, now that he lost his goal and his life has become empty, whether he will set his sights on Canute or give up on the revenge idea all together and start understanding what happened to his father to make him change his life.
A masterpiece of an anime. I always thought it's a 9/10 but with such a finale it can't be anything less than 10/10. Honestly it'd be pretty hard to spoil it for anyone. Even if you know one or 2 things, predicted one or 2 events, the mangaka has enough tools under his sleeve to totally surprise you and feck up with your mind. I haven't stopped replaying the final episode since it was aired till now.
Askeladd is one of the best ever anti hero characters I have seen in anime. His character is so well written its phenomenal, from his back story to his life and his glorious death. He started as an obvious villain then gradually became a main character, more of an antihero and sometimes even a protagonist. The mangaka has done a marvelous job in creating such a complex character that forces you to keep jumping from loving to hating to loving him again. Everything about him is perfect to the moment that I can't believe how the story will go on without him. If a season 2 is ever announced, I'm sure I will take a long time to get accustomed to the idea of him not appearing anymore. For a long time for me Vinland Saga will always equal Askeladd for me, just like how Psycho pass equals Makishima, Monster equals Johan Libert, Death note equals L and so on for me. He's as memorable as them. But considering how genius the mangaka has shown himself to be, I won't be surprised if he had succeeded in creating similar brilliant characters in the rest of the story that I hope I will experience it through anime one day