Television The Boys

Put this in a Woody thread. It belongs here.

S2E7 spoilers

I love what they did with Black Noir. Built up for two seasons as this silent mysterious menace, then Maeve just headlocks him and shoves some nuts in his mouth to kill him.
I'd be very surprised if he's dead.
Show is trying pretty hard to to make viewers forget they made him a rapist.
Show is trying pretty hard to to make viewers forget they made him a rapist.

I've always had issues with that as well.

The character has some funny moments but feels a bit too close to the bone with the Me Too stuff its clearly mimicking.
Binged and caught up on this the last few days, just in time for the season finale(?) tomorrow.

I loved that in a previous episode, they had Black Noir telling that lady who offered him nuts, to put it down (into a trash can). Seemed like a nothing moment, but given what happened in ep7, makes even more sense now.

The Deep has probably had the biggest laughing moments through the two seasons. The lobster, the whale, the dolphin. Even his singing gills.

I dont have an issue with Hughie like most here, hes not a main character imo for s2. And even his stuff with Starlight is not a lot, so its not an issue.

Mindblowing ending for ep7. That could have easily been a finale if they wanted.
Had it not been for the last 2 scenes I'd say that episode 8 would've have been a good ending point for the series, a bit like the last episode of Stranger Things season 3. There were still a couple of loose ends but I would've been fine had that been the end of the series. Still interested in season 3 mind.
Really good fun finale.

Had it not been for the last 2 scenes I'd say that episode 8 would've have been a good ending point for the series, a bit like the last episode of Stranger Things season 3. There were still a couple of loose ends but I would've been fine had that been the end of the series. Still interested in season 3 mind.

Yeah I get what you mean.
You know what the strange this is, I totally forgot about
the head exploding by the time the ep was nearly finished despite it being the biggest thing of the season from the last episode.
The reveal was great.

I also laughed at all three supe women kicked the shit out of Stormfront.
Really good fun finale.

Yeah I get what you mean.
You know what the strange this is, I totally forgot about
the head exploding by the time the ep was nearly finished despite it being the biggest thing of the season from the last episode.
The reveal was great.

I also laughed at all three supe women kicked the shit out of Stormfront.
It really was a good finale.
Have to say I did not see the head exploding twist coming, I must have guessed it was everyone in the show except her.
Really enjoyed that season!

So I assume Mrs. Head Popper is working with/for Edgar. The idea being she is there to be the face of "Anti-V" so no-one else assumes the mantle, and then can work from the inside to self-sabotage, like setting up the courtroom massacre that made it almost go public. Then she took out the head of the Church Collective after he spewed he had enough dirt to deal a deathblow to Edgars business. And she also took out the head of the CIA at the start of the series because she figured out the "Coup from the inside"... e.g she had a lead on Head Popper or knew "someone" was working from the inside. At least that's how I'm fitting it all together.

With our newfound knowledge everyone should take another look back at the courtroom scene. Some of the shots seem to take on a different meaning now :)
Yup really enjoyed the Finale. Expected a lot more blood but there was enough to keep everyone happy.

Headpopper came as a suprise. Deep is great.

Soldier Boy comes in in S3 . Don't know anything about Soldier Boy but it is Jensen Accles so he is going to be good.

Bring on Series 3.
What a great series ending, incredibly satisfying. Cant wait for next season.
Excellent finale. Really didn’t expect that twist at the end. Overall another very good season.
Yup really enjoyed the Finale. Expected a lot more blood but there was enough to keep everyone happy.

Headpopper came as a suprise. Deep is great.

Soldier Boy comes in in S3 . Don't know anything about Soldier Boy but it is Jensen Accles so he is going to be good.

Bring on Series 3.
Jensen Accles swearing will be a change,
Crikey, being an English guy living in America I get asked at least once a week where i'm from, I either sound Australian/New Zealand/South African/Scottish/Irish I mean take your pick but Karl Urban does no way in hell sound English :lol:

Infact the biggest insult you can do to a kiwi is call them Australian and that is the clue, He's from New Zealand.

Sidenote, MM does look like a startup character from a Grand Theft Auto game or is it me?

He sounds more English than Kiwi in The Boys.

With that said, I don’t actually think he’s actually aiming at any one accent. More that he’s just playing a blokey bloke.
I love that there is a power which is just simply blowing peoples heads up! So stupid yet so brilliant!
So much plot armour in a show where people can kill at will though.
Knew the minute Stormfront went all 'laser my fecking tits' that it would be Ryan with his next gen laser doing her in. Not sure if she's dead though?
Knew the minute Stormfront went all 'laser my fecking tits' that it would be Ryan with his next gen laser doing her in. Not sure if she's dead though?

I hope she is. I think her character served a purpose, not sure I'm really into the whole keeping her anakin charred body alive somewhere. Got her final words translated from a website, when Homelander comes she sees him as her Husband -

"Do you remember the day Frederick? Chloe's arms out of the car window. We found the perfect spot by the river, in the shade of an apple tree. It was the first time Chloe ate fresh apples." "It was so wonderful. I wanted it to never end."
Excellent finale, thoroughly satisfied with how this season panned out. Really did think the church guy would be the head popper, and he'd do it on Deep so it's nice to be surprised!

Looks like we're getting an even crazier Homelander next season :drool:

Knew the minute Stormfront went all 'laser my fecking tits' that it would be Ryan with his next gen laser doing her in. Not sure if she's dead though?
I don't think she is. Homelander said she was being "contained", I imagine there will be some sort of plan for her.
I loved that in a previous episode, they had Black Noir telling that lady who offered him nuts, to put it down (into a trash can). Seemed like a nothing moment, but given what happened in ep7, makes even more sense now.

Chekhov's gun (Russian: Чеховское ружьё) is a dramatic principle that states that every element in a story must be necessary, and irrelevant elements should be removed. Elements should not appear to make "false promises" by never coming into play.

They use this perfectly.

Especially with MM and the facility for supes...
I binged S2 all day today. Fecking love this show. I finished Banshee yesterday and I still cant believe that's Sherrif Hood. He looks so damn different. So many things to talk about but didn't see that ending coming.
Yup really enjoyed the Finale. Expected a lot more blood but there was enough to keep everyone happy.

Headpopper came as a suprise. Deep is great.

Soldier Boy comes in in S3 . Don't know anything about Soldier Boy but it is Jensen Accles so he is going to be good.

Bring on Series 3.
Soulja Boy ?
Good finale. Wrapped up all the right things and left just enough stuff dangling (not a reference to Homelanders last scene)

Karl Urban’s character remains the worst thing about this and his dyed hair annoys me.

The most interesting thing they could think of to do with him this season was introduce his Australian dad to explain why his attempt at a cockney accent was so awful.
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Liked how they dealt with Stormfront. There was one line that was used in the comics when he/she loses an eye that I was hoping they'd use in the show to cast her in a really pathetic light. "I....I can't be blind."

Agree with others on how it's weird that they've made Deep the lovable goof of the show despite him being a rapist. With that said, he is hilarious.

Frenchie is probably my favourite character. I love him and Kimiko.

I liked the reveal of the Head Exploder.

Homelander wanking over the city is amazing.
Absolutely shocked (pun intended) they didn't go with Annie's powers going into overdrive when got hit by Stormfront's force lightning thingy. She siphons electricity, for fecks' sake. That's literally her whole power. I thought they made a huge deal out of her being useless without any electricity available to give us an epic moment in the boss fight.

Other than that, phenomenal finale. Tied up all the loose ends from this season and set up the next season brilliantly. Can't wait for it. Homelander and The Deep are easily two of the best characters in TV history despite, you know, the bad stuff they've been known to get up to.

Feck Fresca!
Easily the most entertaining show in the worst of times. People who watch this show and moan about it need to really lighten up.