Redcafes Most Rested
And he takes no questions. Coward.
Biden was right to pull out . The anger seems to be coming from the Neocons from the media, Republicans, some Democrats and Defense contractors. They would love to stay there for another 20 years.
That said, I feel like the amount of double speak here on both sides is shocking.
The left have always been against foreign wars, and wax lyrical about the West destabilizing the complex institutions in other sovereign nations.
By "here" do you mean redcafe? Or more generally? Because I've not seen a single person who dislikes Biden from the left criticize this move, some have criticized the lack of planning, but not the decision itself.
Well, the wheels of this exit had been set in motion by Trump, probably because most people Left, Right, and Center didn't see the point in wasting trillions dollars going forward with no feasible end game. Staying any longer just didn't make any sense
Had Obama pulled all troops out after May 2, 2011 when Bin Laden had been killed, I believe most people would have thought that would have made sense. But... The military contractors had too much influence.
Here's another factor that is incredibly disturbing. Former Civilian Advisor to General McChrystal outlines the complete mess in and around the time the death of Bin Laden.
Read and decide for yourself
That aligns nicely with this piece: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2021/08/the-afghanistan-debacle-this-land-sneak-peek/
Thank you for sharing this with me. I had met David Corn while working in DC a couple times. Dude gave me the creeps. I haven't read anything from him for about a decade.
Corn's essay here is a bullseye on every point, with one exception
This quote from the Washington Post has been buzzing in my head as it is exactly the same situation of revealed by Elsberg in the Pentagon Papers. The lies and deception from some military commanders (not all), mainstream media, and politicians who were fully privy should be prosecuted somehow, but this very unlikely
(For those that don't care to read full articles)
"As the Post put it, “senior U.S. officials failed to tell the truth about the war in Afghanistan throughout the 18-year campaign, making rosy pronouncements they knew to be false and hiding unmistakable evidence the war had become unwinnable.” "
I have a keen eye for bullshit: This is exactly why I don't like or trust David Corn.
It's but a flaw, yet a crafty way to give Biden wiggle room to move past this unflawed
Another quote from Corn's essay:
" Who lost Afghanistan? Well, it wasn’t ours to lose in the first place. But everyone is to blame, for everyone lied or got it wrong: Bush and Cheney, Obama and Biden, Trump and Pence, and now Biden and Harris. "
There's no single person in Washington DC who held the highest positions of power that reached the most detailed information on Afghanistan than Joe Biden. He was minority/majority leader of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee from 1979 up until he became VP. He should have been more vocal before leaving the White House in Jan 2017. Yes, David Corn includes Biden in his list, but Biden's responsibility may not be as criminal as, say Bush/Cheney with Iraq, it's still stomach churning to know he held those lies for so long, and he has another 3 years in the White House
Thanks for the keen insight, Bob! Hope all is well.![]()
My pleasure
Thanks, having nearly checked out a couple times this past year due to an unexplained blood clotting issue attacking my organs, I'm doing fair nowadays.
Hope all is well with you, as well
So what’s the actual play here? I don’t believe for a second that CIA Analysts and US Military strategists did not predict this happening.
The manner is everything, the US looked like they’ve been chased out and not in control. It’s one thing to lose a war, it’s another thing to look like you’ve been beaten.I am none of those things but I am angry at the manner of the pullout. Doing nothing to expedite the removal of Afghans who assisted the US, and who are in danger, in advance of the pullout is disgraceful. I think we never should have been there, and we absolutely should not have been there for longer than the year or so it took to complete the “mission”. However, that does not give Biden a pass on fecking up the pullout when it came.
It's disgusting to see so many Democrats support more war, no doubt because their guy is President now.
every piece of sycophantic coverage to this point evaporates the moment he did something mildly against the MIC, it's amazing to watch.
Best thing the Biden administration has done so far
every piece of sycophantic coverage to this point evaporates the moment he did something mildly against the MIC, it's amazing to watch.
So he went from being the next messiah to just another incompetent politician? American news coverage always seem to go to the extremes rather quickly. Is that what the public wants? Outrage all the time?
They give him an easy ride because they want they want create positive narrative for the dems. The US media is incredibly partisan.
Well, the thinking is that sensational news gets a lot more votes than a report on 'mild-mannered Biden doing mild-mannered, centrist things', and I guess they're right.So he went from being the next messiah to just another incompetent politician? American news coverage always seem to go to the extremes rather quickly. Is that what the public wants? Outrage all the time?
(moving this here since there's been discussion about this here, and it's more relvant to biden than afg)
These are from the NYT, white house correspondent CNN national security reporter, and Atlantic editor in chief:
TV coverage has been almost uniformly hostile from CNN and MSNBC and other outlets, let alone Fox:
ABC editing out the most important part of his answer, they deleted the tweet later
this is how a never-trump republican covered it:
So, yes. The media is incredibly partisan. In favour of the permanent national security establishment, which Biden ignored when making this decision.
e - i've probably talked about sycophantic coverage Biden got earlier. Not being Trump and not rocking the boat too hard in any direction so they loved him. One bit of independence and they pounced. (note that till last week withdrawal had majority support from both parties' voters)
So where’s Vice President Harris, conspicuous by her absence?
When the shit hits the fan, she goes missing….
So where’s Vice President Harris, conspicuous by her absence?
When the shit hits the fan, she goes missing….
Yes, I read she’s only just landed in Singapore. So what’s she been doing during the Afghan crisis? …..seemingly nothing at all.I read some news that she’s on an official visit to some countries in Southeast Asia.
So most of you want him to withdraw American troops from an invasion of a foreign country? Or do you want him to keep occupying a foreign country?
When is foreign intervention acceptable in your opinion? Not Afghanistan specifically but in general.