Maybe they are trying to get the cash through weapons sales like the $200m they just got from Egypt?
This is such a clown statement, $200 million is like pocket change compared to the $1.9 trillion cost of the entire package.
Maybe they are trying to get the cash through weapons sales like the $200m they just got from Egypt?
This is such a clown statement, $200 million is like pocket change compared to the $1.9 trillion cost of the entire package.
More clownish to not notice sarcasm in a post that was more just pointing out a Tweet showing it's business as usual for the USA selling weapons to countries with dodgy human rights records while only recently chastising others about the same issue.
The US has been keeping Egypt on side for decades. They are useful allies.
Indeed they have, but it's the hypocrisy that sticks out. Trump was getting slammed for his arms deals in his last few weeks of office (rightly so)
"Tonight on Hannity".....
You bombed another country and come up with this catch phrase?
And by you i mean biden.
Love the sound of drones in the morning.america is truly back. thank god.
Love the sound of drones in the morning.
It has never been a problem's hard to overstate the contempt I have for the democratic party
"Tonight on Hannity".....
Imagine citizens of a republic that prides itself on freedom of religion being upset by someone freely expressing their religious beliefs.
I don't understand why you lot still cling to this belief that dems serve the people and not business.
Who are you talking to?
what’s the difference???
As non american I started to miss Trump's international policy.
At times of global pandemic instead of solving world issue as leaders they choose to plunge themselves into another hot zone.
assassinating military generals to distract from domestic policy embarrassments, massively increasing drone strikes from the Obama years, positioning US troops to protect Syrian oil, and letting Turkey slaughter people because you like strong dictators and want to build a hotel in the country is not "the good old days"
Obama, Trump and Biden are still garbage on "international policy". It's just that you'd hope "neoliberals" not jump to raining death as quickly as conservatives like to, yet they continue to disappoint.