nasty little twerp with crazy bitter-man opinions
oh no some anonymous people on the internet dont like me!
It’s official official for the 1068th time then.
All that brown nosing got him somewhere
Here's a public congratulation.I got a warning for it. Then again, I also got a series of private congratulations. So make of that what you will.
The Police are one of my favourite bands so I take that as a compliment.Only one?
Running the transportation department is not running the government though. I’m not seeing the contradiction.
What tripped you up?what
That's rather nit-picky though. Being in charge of a major US federal department is an enormous task, that normally would be far out of reach for the mayor of a small-ish city. I don't actually mind if young people with a vision are hired into important jobs; government tends to be far too focused on seniority. I also don't know how good Buttigieg really is, or if he does have a vision etc. But if Biden campaigned saying that Buttigieg had zero experience for the presidency, then he has close to zero experience for this department as well.What tripped you up?
Those adverts by Biden were during the race for the Democrat nomination. The advert obviously alludes that he's not experienced enough to run the government, i.e. be in charge of all of it, from the post of President. Which is different to running just one govt dept. It's a different job.
Obviously Buttigieg doesn't have any significant experience on running transportation either, but unless Biden said he will hire vastly experienced people in all roles then there's no contradiction.
That's rather nit-picky though. Being in charge of a major US federal department is an enormous task, that normally would be far out of reach for the mayor of a small-ish city. I don't actually mind if young people with a vision are hired into important jobs; government tends to be far too focused on seniority. I also don't know how good Buttigieg really is, or if he does have a vision etc. But if Biden campaigned saying that Buttigieg had zero experience for the presidency, then he has close to zero experience for this department as well.
Not that i am surprised about people ignoring their own elections attack ads, or other political hypocrisy.
Absolutely, that's what I said at the end of my post. Doesn't mean it can't be pointed out though - especially if there's to be any hope of political discourse ever getting even the slightest bit more sane.The candidates always throw debate zingers at one another, then collectively lick their wounds and press on together afterwards. Harris made racially charged comments against Biden and he turned around and selected her as his VP, so it should come as no surprise that Pete would be treated similarly. He got out of the way at the right time and then proceed to become a pretty strong advocate on Biden's behalf. These types of things often get rewarded on the back end.
What tripped you up?
Those adverts by Biden were during the race for the Democrat nomination. The advert obviously alludes that he's not experienced enough to run the government, i.e. be in charge of all of it, from the post of President. Which is different to running just one govt dept. It's a different job.
Obviously Buttigieg doesn't have any significant experience on running transportation either, but unless Biden said he will hire vastly experienced people in all roles then there's no contradiction.
Still doesn’t mean he is qualified for the job. Stop carrying water for terrible people.The candidates always throw debate zingers at one another, then collectively lick their wounds and press on together afterwards. Harris made racially charged comments against Biden and he turned around and selected her as his VP, so it should come as no surprise that Pete would be treated similarly. He got out of the way at the right time and then proceeded to become a pretty strong advocate on Biden's behalf. These types of things often get rewarded on the back end.
Still doesn’t mean he is qualified for the job. Stop carrying water for terrible people.
How is he qualified?????We will have to wait and see how he fares. It probably won't be much different from all the others.
How is he qualified?????
If someone is the right candidate, then it makes sense to wait and see how they fare. Appointing a terrible one and blindly saying, let’s wait and see is just foolishness. Might as well appoint Mike Truck and see how it plays out if that’s your logic. What is Pete's background? he was a failed mayor of the 305th largest city in America. That doesn't qualify him.That would depend on what Biden's criteria for evaluating him is. Its not unusual for people from completely different backgrounds to get nominated for cabinet jobs. I would be less enthused about nominating several Obama era Clinton/Obama era retreads like Tanden, Susan Rice et al. than I would be about Pete getting a cabinet level gig, which at the end of the day is little more than a coordinator to do whatever Biden tells him to on transportation issues.
If someone is the right candidate, then it makes sense to wait and see how they fare. Appointing a terrible one and blindly saying, let’s wait and see is just foolishness. Might as well appoint Mike Truck and see how it plays out if that’s your logic. What is Pete's background? he was a failed mayor of the 305th largest city in America. That doesn't qualify him.
Listen here Jack! I may have been around long enough to know about the bars with the hairy men but that don't mean you can drive a car as good as my daddy used to back in the country days. Ah I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that. C'mon man you wanna do push ups with the ice cream cone ?That would depend on what Biden's criteria for evaluating him is.
Pete should have got the Veterans‘ Affairs gig if anything.
So he is not really qualified. He is just getting the gig because he helped Biden win.
But he is literally doing that by appointing Pete. Mike Truck isn’t unqualified. You just need to give him some time. Let’s wait and see.Him helping Biden definitely helped him get the gig. On the other hand, Biden wouldn't be able to get away with putting a completely unqualified person requiring Senate confirmation into the job.