The Best Movie Trilogies


Not a bad guy (Whale Killer)
Aug 14, 2009
Transfer Forum
What is the best movie trilogy? I have been reading these lists online and almost every list is different. I thought I'd get the opinion of you lads. So what are your favorite movie trilogies of all time? The Godfather series? Star Wars? Lord of the Rings? Jurassic Park? The Bourne Movies?
Star Wars of course! Back to the Future is awesome too.
Mine is The Godfather. The 3rd is usually recognized as crap by most people but I'm not as demanding and find it a nice epilogue to the story. The first two were masterpieces and it would be unfair to expect the 3rd to be able to keep up with a different cast and filmed on different times.
Hmmmm...The Godfather trilogy, or the Jurassic Park trilogy?....Hmmmmm....Well I didn't like Godfather III nearly as much as the others tbf
original Star Wars if you still consider it a trilogy and not a saga.

Back To The Future also.
Gonna go out of people's way and nominate the Toy Story trilogy. Toy Story 1 being the first feature-length CGI aminated movie, and Toy Story 3 the most successful animation of all time (highest gross), despite being 15 years after the first.
Torn between the Lord of the Rings Trilogy and The Godfather personally, though I do love the Star Wars franchise warts and all. I actually liked the third Godfather film even though its not rated that highly as its illustrious predecessors, it was still a moving enough film in its own right.

I just think it is very easy to make fantasy films with magical characters come across really badly/childish and its rather difficult to balance the dark nature of certain fantasy novels with the light-hearted elements. For me Peter Jackson done an amazing job and as a massive Tolkein fan, I'd lean towards the Middle-Earth trilogy.
Not watched all of the Godfather , go bored and turned it off and not seen the other 2 , maybe I am just in the minority.

First two are possibly the greatest films ever made. The third of a tril is usually the weakest...I can't think of many good ones, if any. Star Wars, Godfather, LOTRs, Infernal Affairs et al, all suffer from poor finales. That said, I enjoyed Jedi as a kid... even those cute little bears. Others that should get a mention...Polanski's Apartment trilogy, 3 Colours trilogy, Vengeance tril...and Leone's Man with No Name trilogy.
First two are possibly the greatest films ever made. The third of a tril is usually the weakest...I can't think of many good ones, if any. Star Wars, Godfather, LOTRs, Infernal Affairs et al, all suffer from poor finales. That said, I enjoyed Jedi as a kid... even those cute little bears. Others that should get a mention...Polanski's Apartment trilogy, 3 Colours trilogy, Vengeance tril...and Leone's Man with No Name trilogy.

Heard that a few times , Think I will give them another go.
I prefer the prequel Star Wars trilogy to the original, due to there before far more in the way of plot development.
For consistency, LOTR, Toy Story, or Samurai clearly(also Three Colours/Man With No Name if you wish to count them). Since theres no real drop off point really, except for the maybe the overending of Return of the King.

Star Wars or Godfather are probably my favourites, but as trilogies, both are let down(more so Godfather) by their third act.
Nah, the third one was wank. In fact, I felt like walking out on it. And it's a shame Terminator 3 wasn't directed by Cameron.

I though is was every bit has good as the first 2.
I only watched them with my kids and before I had them , 2 boys 6 and 3 , I would never of watched them.
Maybe they have to be seen with kids to get something out of them.
For consistency, LOTR, Toy Story, or Samurai clearly(also Three Colours/Man With No Name if you wish to count them). Since theres no real drop off point really, except for the maybe the overending of Return of the King.

another set of films I just cant get into , overly long and so boring in parts I fell asleep , again maybe just me.
I thought the first half of Toy Story 3 was so boring, you're better off just skipping everything till the junkyard stuff. It wouldn't be nearly as popular as a stand alone film, people were just really attached to the characters already.
Maybe they have to be seen with kids to get something out of them.

Considering it has like 100% on RT, and most sane reviewers don't watch films in a cinema with kids around.....doubt it -_-
I thought the first half of Toy Story 3 was so boring, you're better off just skipping everything till the junkyard stuff. It wouldn't be nearly as popular as a stand alone film, people were just really attached to the characters already.

Yes. Was just a rehash of the second movie... been there seen it all before. I've rewatched them all recently and I love T2 the most. But TS and TS2 were both great films.
The prequel Trilogy was only saved by the last part , which I though was the best , maybe the 3rd best out of all 6 films.

Don't watch Mr. Plinkett's review...everything he said was how I felt about the third film, and he added much more

For me, the movie sucked, bar about 2 or 3 scenes

Did someone just write they liked the new trilogy over the original?

If the three Eastwood/Leone flicks count as a trilogy, I'd say that deserves a mention for sure

Its odd in this case that the third film released was the best of the three, at least imo
Don't watch Mr. Plinkett's review...everything he said was how I felt about the third film, and he added much more

For me, the movie sucked, bar about 2 or 3 scenes

I tend not to watch reviews , it tends to cloud your judgement of a film.
Most people I know don't like the pre-trilogy but I though they served a job to backfill in the story told in the original 3 and it did that very well.
I always feel that if you watched a film and got enjoyment out of it , then it has done its job.
Seven Samurai, Yokimbo and Sanjuro... but it would be stretching it by saying they're a part of a trilogy.
I really want to say Die Hard and Rocky but they're not trilogies, if you just count the first three films of each they'd be up there.
Don't watch Mr. Plinkett's review...everything he said was how I felt about the third film, and he added much more

For me, the movie sucked, bar about 2 or 3 scenes

Did someone just write they liked the new trilogy over the original?


Quite possibly the greatest movie reviews ever in the history of human civilization.

One of the greatest deconstructions of any work of art I've ever seen and it really sheds light on just how poorly written the prequels are and uses the original trilogy to do most of the deconstruction.
another set of films I just cant get into , overly long and so boring in parts I fell asleep , again maybe just me.

It's not just you. You should definately give the Godfather another try though. Excellent films. I think the main problem with the third one is the fact that Coppola cast his daughter in it when Winona Ryder dropped out. Sofia Coppola is so wooden it's untrue. The rest of the film isn't half as bad as people make out, but definately the weakest of the three.
It's not just you. You should definately give the Godfather another try though. Excellent films. I think the main problem with the third one is the fact that Coppola cast his daughter in it when Winona Ryder dropped out. Sofia Coppola is so wooden it's untrue. The rest of the film isn't half as bad as people make out, but definately the weakest of the three.

Already taken steps to do that ;)
I tend not to watch reviews , it tends to cloud your judgement of a film.
Most people I know don't like the pre-trilogy but I though they served a job to backfill in the story told in the original 3 and it did that very well.
I always feel that if you watched a film and got enjoyment out of it , then it has done its job.

I actually shouldn't even call what Plinkett/Red Light Media does as a 'review'. Its so much more then that, and the first two reviews are actually far more entertaining than the movies themselves

The horrible acting, the terrible plots, the love story, the overuse of special effects (so much so that everything looks so perfect that it actually looks fake), the terrible writing; none of this is excusable simply because they got two or three scenes right in the III movie

I know you say you don't like reviews, but those reviews are necessary viewing for any Star Wars fan, even the casual ones like myself (and I assume most people)

Oh, I forgot to mention that Lucas is a greedy, fat, lazy business man