The best game franchise of all time

Urrmm. That's exactly the appeal of Mario Kart is that it is the counter balance to the racing simulation. It holds no pretense about being considered a genuine simulation.

I understand you probably know this. But the comment you made seemed derisory.

Thats exactly what I mean in that it appeals because its not a serious game. Simulation games don't generally sell amazingly. You won't find many 1 million+ sales for simulators but GT has always bucked that trend.
Thats exactly what I mean in that it appeals because its not a serious game. Simulation games don't generally sell amazingly. You won't find many 1 million+ sales for simulators but GT has always bucked that trend.

Clarified. Yeah true say. I don't think anyone would deny it's place as the greatest racing series.
Err hang on, CoD 1 and 2 were only on PC with consoles getting crappy ports such as Big Red 1 and it was only when the 360 came out that the real CoD 2 came to consoles and by that time CoD 3 was out. To say CoD only got big after MW is madness, CoD 1 2 and 3 sold bucket loads and got countless awards.

MW & MW2 did between them something like 45 million in sales, 1,2,3 did something along the lines of 13m between them. Go figure!
MW & MW2 did between them something like 45 million in sales, 1,2,3 did something along the lines of 13m between them. Go figure!

So? Meanwhile CoD 4 onwards has been breaking records left, right and centre.

And CoD is a gaming franchise. Hence - one of the best gaming franchises ever.

Yes, but seeing as how game sales figures are being thrown around all over the place in this thread to support arguments, I assumed that was the only criteria we were allowed to use. You know, since a few of us have professed the idea that CoD is one of our own personal choices for best gaming franchise, and seen our opinions dismissed.

Someone is going to have to draw up a criteria of which game franchises we're allowed to pick then, or else this thread might run the risk of descending into retarded arguing.
And CoD is a gaming franchise. Hence - one of the best gaming franchises ever.

The point is, a single edition of Mario, Final Fantasy, GT, whatever, would do 10m all on their own in one go and have been doing so over 3 generations. COD has only shown itself to be able to do that over this generation. For all you know it might not exist in 2-3 years time. Great franchises have longevity and high sales throughout. You can't say that for COD yet.
Yes, but seeing as how game sales figures are being thrown around all over the place in this thread to support arguments, I assumed that was the only criteria we were allowed to use. You know, since a few of us have professed the idea that CoD is one of our own personal choices for best gaming franchise, and seen our opinions dismissed.

Someone is going to have to draw up a criteria of which game franchises we're allowed to pick then, or else this thread might run the risk of descending into retarded arguing.

Might? :lol:
Yes, but seeing as how game sales figures are being thrown around all over the place in this thread to support arguments, I assumed that was the only criteria we were allowed to use. You know, since a few of us have professed the idea that CoD is one of our own personal choices for best gaming franchise, and seen our opinions dismissed.

What you and others are doing is naming the games that you happen to like, not necessarily what the masses like over a long period of time. You can be a rabid Bucks Fizz fan, it doesn't mean that they were a great act. A great franchise is one that stands the test of time, and the reason they stand the test of time is because they are popular with longevity, generally meaning that they are truly great. It's not game sales figures per se, it's sales figures for a franchise over a period of 20 years or more. Cabbage patch dolls sold in their millions when they first came out.

If developers are not careful, they can actually kill a franchise. PES and NFS I think are perfect examples, although EA were clever last time around to not simply shovel shite out and actually put their top development studio on the job to try to revive it.
Thats exactly what I mean in that it appeals because its not a serious game. Simulation games don't generally sell amazingly. You won't find many 1 million+ sales for simulators but GT has always bucked that trend.

how many has forza sold?

Forza has always been a far superior simulation to GT.
A thousand apologies.

A thousand no need to apologizes.

I think Weaste has a point when he mentions the longevity of a franchise's popularity. The thread title does say "of all time"
Having said that, it doesn't mean that recent franchises shouldn't be considered.
Mario: 25 years and counting, still sells bucketloads. If it was multi platform then it would clean up.

Final Fantasy
Resident Evil

all get honourable mentions


Are you not disappointed that the developers haven't really advanced the games since Blue and Red from years ago?

I thought a 3D version whereby the battles were more akin to Pokemon Stadium on the N64 would have been developed by now.

I thought the first games were brilliant, but even up until a few years ago - Pearl and Diamond was the last i've seen - the game format hasn't advanced at all.
Are you not disappointed that the developers haven't really advanced the games since Blue and Red from years ago?

I thought a 3D version whereby the battles were more akin to Pokemon Stadium on the N64 would have been developed by now.

I thought the first games were brilliant, but even up until a few years ago - Pearl and Diamond was the last i've seen - the game format hasn't advanced at all.

To be honest, I've never played a single Pokemon game. I put it on my list because it has been an enduring, well selling franchise with a huge fanbase. It's also made its way into popular culture. Lots of people that have never played pokemon could tell you what Pikachu is.
My favourite game franchise is the Rainbow Six series. Been playing it since the begining and it still one of my favourites. Although Vegas2 was pretty poor TBF.
To be honest, I've never played a single Pokemon game. I put it on my list because it has been an enduring, well selling franchise with a huge fanbase. It's also made its way into popular culture. Lots of people that have never played pokemon could tell you what Pikachu is.

Fair point - I think the first one came out when i was about 12 and it was hugely popular on the gameboy, but i've seen no advancement really.

I'm surprised it continues to sell so well, when really it is very much the same as the new one, with perhaps a few new characters - the game would have far better potential if it developed the format for the wii, I would have thought.
Fair point - I think the first one came out when i was about 12 and it was hugely popular on the gameboy, but i've seen no advancement really.

I'm surprised it continues to sell so well, when really it is very much the same as the new one, with perhaps a few new characters - the game would have far better potential if it developed the format for the wii, I would have thought.

I can't really comment mate. The only one I've seen in action is the Wii version whilst watching my nephews play it. Perhaps Nintendo adopted an "ain't broke, don't fix it" approach. Perhaps they'll jig it about if it stops selling, or maybe do something different visually for the 3DS?
Rainbow Six
CoD (2 was the only game I ever used to play :D)
Mario - Has the greatest series of games.

PES -The game series I've played the most, only missed buying 3 games since the first was released.

Zelda - Loads of great games, not played as much as the above, but imo contains the best game of all-time, Ocarina of Time.

GTA - Consistently goods games throughout.

Hmm, trying to think of a 5th...
The Mario franchise wins this hands down. I'm not a fan of Nintendo gaming anymore but you've got to give it to the plumber, he's everywhere and has been since the late 80s.

Mentioning GT and WoW in the same sentance as the Super Mario franchise is laughable really.

But carry on anyway...
Baldur's gate 1+2+ add ons, Icewind dale 1+2., Neverwinter nights 1+2+ endless add ons.
Theres same serious game play right there.
I've just realised Dragon Quest/Dragon Warrior hasn't been mentioned, another one with a ton of games and spinoffs that sells like buggery in Japanoland. I enjoy them also.
The stories have been brilliant experiences. Even the very first COD on PC was such an immersive experience.

You call a solo fighting machine killing 100s of baddies brilliant stories? Seriously, i can understand immerse experience, thrill, etc, but surely a fantasy roleplay game has more stories behind it rather than a modern warfare FPS?
MW & MW2 did between them something like 45 million in sales, 1,2,3 did something along the lines of 13m between them. Go figure!

Yes but you miss my point, CoD 1 and 2 were PC only up untill 2006 when CoD 2 went the 360 but by that time CoD 3 was out but was not on PC. And then to add to that the PS2 etc only got spin off versions of CoD 2 so of course the sales figures are going to be drasticly different when you compare the 2 as MW and onwards were all multi platform
The Mario franchise wins this hands down. I'm not a fan of Nintendo gaming anymore but you've got to give it to the plumber, he's everywhere and has been since the late 80s.

Mentioning GT and WoW in the same sentance as the Super Mario franchise is laughable really.

But carry on anyway...

Thing is though, when it comes to ratio's of games to numbers sold. Gran Turismo is pretty much top of the heap. Theres what, almost 50+ Mario games with 250 million sales, That equates to 5 million sales per game. Gran Turismo sits at nearly 10 million per game.

In saying all of this, I like both and don't have an issue. They're both fantastic games with actual heritage. That aren't just fads.

Its also remarkable that these games can sell so much on one platform.
Thing is though, when it comes to ratio's of games to numbers sold. Gran Turismo is pretty much top of the heap. Theres what, almost 50+ Mario games with 250 million sales, That equates to 5 million sales per game. Gran Turismo sits at nearly 10 million per game.

In saying all of this, I like both and don't have an issue. They're both fantastic games with actual heritage. That aren't just fads.

Its also remarkable that these games can sell so much on one platform.

You'll be amazed it's not the games that sells on one platform, some die hard fans even bought the platform only for this game
Half-Life or Grand Theft Auto
The franchises I've enjoyed the most would be...

Final Fantasy
Street Fighter
Tomb Raider
Pro Evo

This is at risk of being ruined though. This new strategy Namco have of rebooting the series is total garbage. Hated the last two games, and a film was out last year. Ruin the nostalgia why dont they :mad:

Got inb4 me with that one.

That and FM for me...Assassin's Creed has the potential to be, with 3 excellent installments already.

I think AC is too repetitive to become a real icon in gaming. I find it's so easy to get tired of it as they try to hard to be realistic at the expense of actually having fun. I could play Mario for days at a time no matter what level it was.
I think AC is too repetitive to become a real icon in gaming. I find it's so easy to get tired of it as they try to hard to be realistic at the expense of actually having fun. I could play Mario for days at a time no matter what level it was.

Well the first one was repetitive, but the second one was a vast improvement. I haven't played the third, but if it's like the second and they manage to do the same with future games, then I think it has a chance to be among the best.
The point still remains, at this moment they're not in the same class. Both FIFA and COD exploded in this generation. Neither have been genre defining before that, and COD has only been genre defining in terms of multi-player. The campaigns MW on have been trash.


The FIFA series was brilliant when it was first release. For me it won't get much better than FIFA 97 - that was miles ahead in terms of football sims at it's time. The series was ground breaking for a football game with an isometric view (rather that top down and screen scrolling) and detail. Shame it lost it's way over the years.

Other top franchises that I've enjoyed:

Neverwinter Nights
COD - Still play COD2 online

Not mentioned previously but not strictly franchises:

Combat Mission Series (A great WW2 "WEGO" strategy series)
Arma series (This is groundbreaking in terms for military warfare sim. Play online and you can only "win" with teamwork and patience - It's the game COD MW pretends to be).