The best game franchise of all time

Tell me another gaming franchise that can sell more copies based on it's name alone, then either Call of Duty or FIFA.

And that makes them the best? Don't get me wrong, I like COD but claiming that just because something sells well it must mean it is good is just plain retarded. Do you think Justin Bieber is the best artist in the world as well?

Zelda and Mario shit all over COD and FIFA if you base it on more than just the last game that was released. People still play the Zelda and Mario games from 10-20 years ago, nobody will be playing Black Ops or FIFA 11 in even 2 years time.
And that makes them the best? Don't get me wrong, I like COD but claiming that just because something sells well it must mean it is good is just plain retarded. Do you think Justin Bieber is the best artist in the world as well?

Zelda and Mario shit all over COD and FIFA if you base it on more than just the last game that was released. People still play the Zelda and Mario games from 10-20 years ago, nobody will be playing Black Ops or FIFA 11 in even 2 years time.

Well, seeing as how 'best' is a purely subjective term- especially considering the only objective form of measurement would revolve around game sales- it's a bit much telling someone their choices are wrong.

I never even got into Mario (was more a Sonic man), whereas I still play COD3 when I can, even today.
Multi-player is now considered a more important part of a game than the single player. Games like Call of Duty and FIFA were the main catalysts in this shift and therefore have massive significance in gaming history.

I beg to differ

The first multiplayer that really starts it all is counter strike

Perhaps some of you haven't played it, but compared to COD and MW counter strike really hit the storm, infact I believe most of my skill in FPS stems from a good overdose of Counter strike, so much that nobody called me by my name and they call me by my nick
Yeah Counter Strike was good, but it was AoE 2 that really got me into online gaming. Changed my life that game....probably not for the better.
Dynasty Warrior
Romance of the Three Kingdom (now going into the XI series from Nintendo, pc, ps2)
(another personal favorite of mine)
Ace Combat

COD teachs us to be awesome and owned your friends online, but Final Fantasy teach me to dream, to escape reality for the amount I put in that game, the flying saucer, how we wish we're Cloud, or Sephiroth. Seriously, just like Bruce Lee and Rambo, crappy they may seems to some, nobody in the world doesn't know them.
How the feck has Metal Gear Solid not been mentioned yet?

What about Half Life?

Metal Gear Solid.

By a clear mile for me, followed by Football Manager

Couldn't agree more. The gradual demise of the solo campaign is the single biggest disappointment of next gen gaming for me. All my favourite games over 20 odd years have been solo players - FF, TR; GTA3; Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Bioshock, Ratchet and Clank, Half Life. These are all games I've been back and replayed time and again. Multiplayer holds no real interest for me.

They have.
Final Fantasy
Resident Evil
Football Manager
Legend of Zelda
Mario Bros
Warcraft / Starcraft / Wow
Sims (Simcity, Simfarm, Simant, sims, etc)
(Feel free to add your own)

Kinda hard to pick, but it'll be FF, followed closely by WC/SC/Wow

The FF's kinda lame these days but back in its days it's really groundbreaking and sends kids flying into fantasy, while blizzards game is a major breakthru that help shapes gaming industry for the next decade.

What about yours?
No Grand Theft Auto?
No Metal Gear Solid?
Zelda and Mario shit all over COD and FIFA if you base it on more than just the last game that was released. People still play the Zelda and Mario games from 10-20 years ago, nobody will be playing Black Ops or FIFA 11 in even 2 years time.

Yes but they will be playing whatever the latest COD release is

I am a massive Mario and Zelda fan. But I have still put more time into COD games than I have any other series.
There's only so much an 8MB nintendo game can do, it pales in comparison to the massive 6GB games of the 21st century


> All the shitty FPS games of the past 2 generations put together
Mario no doubt for me. The art and sound design in all the Mario games is brilliant. Great controls and intuitive, imaginative and genuinely challenging gameplay. People who cry about COD on veteran should try bowsers castle on 1 mushroom on the Famicom's Mario Bros 2 or the 3rd elevators on the US Donkey Kong arcade cabinet. Pattern recognition, hand eye coordination, genuine skill and rewarding gameplay.

Personally I never liked Doki Doki, Paper Mario or Mario 64 but even as a platform junkie I couldn't resist Mario Kart. The sheer number of high quality and popular games Miyamoto's character has spawned is unrivaled:



GTA have made 4 of the most complete, exciting and brilliant videogames I've ever played, each a standout game of their time - GTA 3, Vice City, San Andreas and GTA IV have sucked hours and hours out of my life, and I haven't even mentioned the PSP and DS spinoffs that were also fantastic. Great series.

FIFA probably doesn't count but since FIFA 98, I've purchased 99, 00, 02, 03, 04, 05, 07, 08, 09, 10 and 11, with a brief hiaitus for Pro Evo 1, which never took my fancy. I wasted more of my childhood and adolescance on FIFA than any other game by far.
GTA have made 4 of the most complete, exciting and brilliant videogames I've ever played, each a standout game of their time - GTA 3, Vice City, San Andreas and GTA IV have sucked hours and hours out of my life, and I haven't even mentioned the PSP and DS spinoffs that were also fantastic. Great series.

FIFA probably doesn't count but since FIFA 98, I've purchased 99, 00, 02, 03, 04, 05, 07, 08, 09, 10 and 11, with a brief hiaitus for Pro Evo 1, which never took my fancy. I wasted more of my childhood and adolescance on FIFA than any other game by far.

Agree. I'd personally put Metal Gear Solid and Grand Theft Auto as my top two. Wouldn't include the football games personally. Each time I bough these games (in MGS' case 3 and beyond, the ones before that I played after their time) I knew I was taking home an experience that was going to blow me away.
Final Fantasy, in my opinion. In terms of the consistency and depth of storyline, music, graphics, extras, etc, I find it to be unrivalled.

Saying that, this now rests on the success of FF13 versus as, if there is no return to form, it must be accepted that it is now a different series of game altogether.

Elder Scrolls also, obviously.
GTA have made 4 of the most complete, exciting and brilliant videogames I've ever played, each a standout game of their time - GTA 3, Vice City, San Andreas and GTA IV have sucked hours and hours out of my life, and I haven't even mentioned the PSP and DS spinoffs that were also fantastic. Great series.

Yeah GTA for me too, consistently brilliant since they changed from top down to 3D, and even those were groundbreaking for the time.
Yeah GTA for me too, consistently brilliant since they changed from top down to 3D, and even those were groundbreaking for the time.

I just wish they'd kept this track and used it in every game.

Oddly reminds me of this one mission where you have to park a lorry rigged with a bomb outside a hotel. That and running over a line of monks.
It was a quiet little FPS shooter sat in the corner before MW.

Quiet? CoD2 was around the most played game on Xfire for years as I remember it, with Battlefield 2, CS and DoD filling out the other spaces.

If you'd have said "good", I probably would've agreed, but I think quiet is taking it too far.
GTA for me, by a nice distance.

I'd put Warcraft up there as well if they didn't focused so much on WoW and took less than 10 years to develop their RTS games these days.
Quiet? CoD2 was around the most played game on Xfire for years as I remember it, with Battlefield 2, CS and DoD filling out the other spaces.

If you'd have said "good", I probably would've agreed, but I think quiet is taking it too far.

Look at the sales numbers, and then compare to Modern Warfare. Of course it was quiet.
Castlevania is a personal favourite. From the original, to 4 on the SNES, Symphony of the Night (still my favourite) on the PS, up until the newest one on the PS3, which has been sadly overlooked by a lot of people. Fantastic games.
Zelda (has no one mentioned that yet ?)
Final Fantasy
Command & Conquer.
Sims (Sim City, THE Sims et al)
Grand Theft Auto (all of them)
Metal Gear
EA Sports NHL - The only consistently brilliant sports franchise game IMO. not a single bad game since NHL 94 (NHLPA '94)
Look at the sales numbers, and then compare to Modern Warfare. Of course it was quiet.

Err hang on, CoD 1 and 2 were only on PC with consoles getting crappy ports such as Big Red 1 and it was only when the 360 came out that the real CoD 2 came to consoles and by that time CoD 3 was out. To say CoD only got big after MW is madness, CoD 1 2 and 3 sold bucket loads and got countless awards.
Gran Turismo. 60+ million copies sold and is not a crash and bash racing game like Mario.

I refuse to put NFS in because its generally bought by idiots who can't work out that they've been buying the same shit rehashed for years. In its Glory years 'Road and track through to underground 2' it deserved to be in this lift but post UG2 its been nothing short of a cash grab.
Gran Turismo. 60+ million copies sold and is not a crash and bash racing game like Mario.

I refuse to put NFS in because its generally bought by idiots who can't work out that they've been buying the same shit rehashed for years. In its Glory years 'Road and track through to underground 2' it deserved to be in this lift but post UG2 its been nothing short of a cash grab.

Urrmm. That's exactly the appeal of Mario Kart is that it is the counter balance to the racing simulation. It holds no pretense about being considered a genuine simulation.

I understand you probably know this. But the comment you made seemed derisory.