The best game franchise of all time


Fending off the urge
Apr 12, 2006
Under the bright neon lights of sincity
Final Fantasy
Resident Evil
Football Manager
Legend of Zelda
Mario Bros
Warcraft / Starcraft / Wow
Sims (Simcity, Simfarm, Simant, sims, etc)
(Feel free to add your own)

Kinda hard to pick, but it'll be FF, followed closely by WC/SC/Wow

The FF's kinda lame these days but back in its days it's really groundbreaking and sends kids flying into fantasy, while blizzards game is a major breakthru that help shapes gaming industry for the next decade.

What about yours?
depends on what the criteria is

I'd say WoW probably from the developers point of view, its cleaning up money wise
Final Fantasy, never enjoyed nor played a game series so much.

I'd say Half Life is a close second, mainly because of the brilliant (albeit very short) single games were fantastic, and then the extremely fun and addictive multiplayer games like Counter Strike and Team Fortress 2.
My Top 5 (in any order) would have to be:

Call of Duty
Final Fantasy
Resident Evil
& Football Manager

Assasin's Creed could also sneak in there at times!
Off course there's always criteria, such as fun, memory sake, groundbreaking tech, most money racking,

somehow i got sentimentil, perhaps before the age of internet (read piracy was still unknown) we tend to spend major bucks on games and play them till they're toast, while nowdays we just hit 5-10 minutes and decided not bothering anymore.

Which is why older games tends to bring up many memories, compared to the newer one.

We have the luxury to just buy (download... cough) another game and didn't have the patience to invest time to play the first 1 - 2 hours
I think Mario Bros takes this, just look at the library of games that it's got over a ton of genres.

Personally i love the Final Fantasy series, although GTA (can't believe that's not been mentioned yet) and Zelda run it closest.
Mario: 25 years and counting, still sells bucketloads. If it was multi platform then it would clean up.

Final Fantasy
Resident Evil

all get honourable mentions
COD has absolutely no place in this, and most people that like it now probably only got on the bandwagon from Modern Warfare onwards, in fact we know this is the case due to sales numbers. It was a quiet little FPS shooter sat in the corner before MW. You can't compare it to the likes of Mario or Final Fantasy or GT etc., games that have been massively successful over three generations plus of hardware.

FIFA is also another poor example. This isn't about what games you like to play now. FIFA was shit 5-6 years ago.
I've owned a played exhaustively every FIFA from 98 onwards and the same for every Call of Duty from 2 onwards.
I've owned a played exhaustively every FIFA from 98 onwards and the same for every Call of Duty from 2 onwards.

The point still remains, at this moment they're not in the same class. Both FIFA and COD exploded in this generation. Neither have been genre defining before that, and COD has only been genre defining in terms of multi-player. The campaigns MW on have been trash.
Im still going with COD. I only started playing it when COD 4 came out but with that World at War, MW2 and now Black ops they are probably the most I have ever played any game ever. Ever

Multi-player is now considered a more important part of a game than the single player. Games like Call of Duty and FIFA were the main catalysts in this shift and therefore have massive significance in gaming history.
Tell me another gaming franchise that can sell more copies based on it's name alone, then either Call of Duty or FIFA.
I don't think that it would. Nintendo would simply sell less hardware. People that want Mario have Nintendo hardware.

You make a good point, but I think it's far more tempting for the average gamer to spend £35-£40 on a Mario platformer rather than buying a Wii in order to play one.

Nintendo would sell less consoles, but People that buy Nintendo consoles just to play these games would still buy the games on whatever platform they owned. In my opinion it would also tempt a lot of Sony/Microsoft customers into purchasing a Mario game in order to see what the fuss is about.
Especially since outstanding platform games are a bit thin on the ground these days.
Why? Online Multi player is brilliant with mates.

Better than any single player I can think of. And certainly better value because of the amount I would play it

Online multiplayer with mates is indeed a good laugh, but without them it seems pointless. I don't see the appeal of replaying the same small areas ad nauseum.

I just can't get into them, i either need a game where i can just immerse myself into it (Final Fantasy, Heavy Rain etc) or one that's just over the top and fun (Ratchet and Clank, Just Cause 2).

The games i've spent the most time playing are single player games, the games i can switch on years down the line and still enjoy are single player games. I just can't see myself ever keeping the original copies of a Call of Duty or FIFA for 19 years as i have with Zelda: Link to the Past.
The franchises I've enjoyed the most would be...

Final Fantasy
Street Fighter
Tomb Raider
Pro Evo
Final Fantasy
Legend of Zelda
Elder Scrolls
Grand Theft Auto
Championship/Football Manager

There's clearly only one winner in this discussion
Online multiplayer with mates is indeed a good laugh, but without them it seems pointless. I don't see the appeal of replaying the same small areas ad nauseum.

I just can't get into them, i either need a game where i can just immerse myself into it (Final Fantasy, Heavy Rain etc) or one that's just over the top and fun (Ratchet and Clank, Just Cause 2).

The games i've spent the most time playing are single player games, the games i can switch on years down the line and still enjoy are single player games. I just can't see myself ever keeping the original copies of a Call of Duty or FIFA for 19 years as i have with Zelda: Link to the Past.

I whole heartedly agree. I've not even bothered renewing my Xbox Live subscription as I generally got bored of playing the same game/map over and over. Would have been a waste of £40
Metal Gear Solid.

By a clear mile for me, followed by Football Manager
the correct answer is probably Mario, personally though i've loved any and every street fighter incarnate

oh and when i was a kid i loved the dizzy games
Online multiplayer with mates is indeed a good laugh, but without them it seems pointless. I don't see the appeal of replaying the same small areas ad nauseum.

I just can't get into them, i either need a game where i can just immerse myself into it (Final Fantasy, Heavy Rain etc) or one that's just over the top and fun (Ratchet and Clank, Just Cause 2).

The games i've spent the most time playing are single player games, the games i can switch on years down the line and still enjoy are single player games. I just can't see myself ever keeping the original copies of a Call of Duty or FIFA for 19 years as i have with Zelda: Link to the Past.

Couldn't agree more. The gradual demise of the solo campaign is the single biggest disappointment of next gen gaming for me. All my favourite games over 20 odd years have been solo players - FF, TR; GTA3; Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Bioshock, Ratchet and Clank, Half Life. These are all games I've been back and replayed time and again. Multiplayer holds no real interest for me.
Final Fantasy followed closely by Zelda is mine.

Warcraft is certainly up there. I'm still a big player of WoW, lots of raiding with friends, etc.

Mario has been good but there have been a few duds in the series over the time, though possibly due to it's longevity.

Call of Duty is nowhere near the best franchise yet. Fifa has been around a long time, but it''s just a football game. Sure they can do better thigns with the engine and realism. But these are generally limited through technology only. As for things like FF and Zelda, there's real creativity and story. Immersive beyond compare some of those games.

Can't wait to get the 3DS and play Ocarina of Time for about the 12th time but on a small handheld! ^^