The Beatles - best albums

Something like:

Dear Prudence
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Happiness Is A Warm Gun (best song ever written?)
I'm So Tired
Why Don't We Do It In The Road?
Yer Blues
Sexy Sadie
Helter Skelter
Long Long Long

Hmm... Macca wouldn't be happy, that's only about three of his. Maybe "I Will" should be in there.

It would be a class album, but I'd really miss a lot of songs... Glass Onion, Bungalow Bill, Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, Piggies, Rocky Raccoon, Cry Baby Cry... maybe not absolutely top-notch songs but they add so much to it. That's the thing about the White Album, it feels right as a great big sprawling messy canvas. Kind of like Exile On Main Street and London Calling... I wouldn't really want to tidy them up.

Whereas to me Pepper's always felt like the album that would be perfect if it only contained more good songs and less shit ones.

Right...No. It'd have to be 15 for a start.

Back in the USSR
Dear Prudence
Glass Onion
The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Happiness Is A Warm Gun
Martha My Dear
I'm So Tired
Rocky Raccoon
Sexy Sadie
Helter Skelter
Long, Long, Long
Good Night.

OK. So that evens out the Lennon/McCartney a bit at 7/5, but if you let Macca have some of his granny stuff in there with Martha - which would please him and which I actually like and is worth it just for the bit from 1:10-1:20 - He should be alright with it (it's also like nothing else on the album, for better or worse)...and with 2 from George and the obligatory Ringo number - which, although completely random and nonsense, is still a fitting ending in it's randomness, especially to such an eclectic album - you get a good balance.

You can't get rid of Rocky Raccoon or Bungalo Bill (well, you need one at least) they're part of what separates it from your regular greatest hits type things. They're album songs, and one brings a bit of Dylan (+granny) and one a bit of Bowie...It needs to be eclectic, but also balanced (Oh yes, I've thought about this!)

While Yer Blues is a decent number, it's just your regular common or garden blues number, and nothing that says me at least. If anything Me and My Monkey is a better Beatles rocker ...and would be the one I'd put in if I had 16, since it breaks up the down tempo bit in the middle a tad...Would be another Lennon number though

Julia is not really a stand out for me, and it's a bit damn whiney... and there's already enough down tempo stuff with Blackbird and I'm So Tired in that bit..

To me, that's basically the perfect album.....I know what you're saying about the sprawling canvas thing...but I do feel that if they'd of had someone to just say "OK boys, choose your top have to" It could've been the greatest album ever. Instead they almost got too much freedom, and the studio just went "oh, you want 40 tunes on this do you?...oh yeah, yeah that's alright...whatever" and, well, that was never going to work...Martin, Ringo and Harrison all thought the same apparently, only Macca is happy with it as it is and tbf, it's mainly his filler that drags it down.

I also agree about Peppers...overrated. At least 10 on that list are better than anything bar Day in The Life on that..
The end medley of Abbey Road is fantastic. If any of it come up on my iPod I have to stop it and go and listen to it from the start.

Oh Darling also a brilliant song.
I have basically bought all of them barring maybe two since I created this thread.

I met the guy who wrote the Eastenders theme tune yesterday (Simon May). He bought me an Aspalls. Shall I ask him to write the theme tune?
No, we're writing the theme tune...Stop denying us more possible avenues of creativity to get stuck in...Plech is pretty much writing the story now anyway, and the inevitable humorous awards acceptance speech
So is Maxwell's Silver Hammer...

Incidentally, I'd go for White Album, Abbey Road and Revolver as the top 3

I did one of those "Ultimate Beatles Playlist" things a few years a go for my ipod and those first 2 had by far the biggest collection of songs on it, in that order too...Revolver and Rubber Soul had about the same. I'm not actually a massive fan of Revolver either and I prefer Rubber Soul, but I get why people rate Revolver.

And Plech is right, Ringo is a spaz