Grammar partisan who sleeps with a real life Ryan
I can't believe you missed out I Will. I got married to I Will.
Does your wife know this?
While My Guitar Gently Weeps is the best Beatles song ever, possibly the best song ever.
It’s an amazing song, but I’d rate it slightly lower than you for two reasons. First there’s George’s usual preachy and slightly ropey lyrics... “I look at the floor and I see it needs sweeping”, there only to rhyme with “weeping” but managing to convey slight disdain for humanity at the same time...
Secondly it’s not fully a Beatles song, in that half its brilliance comes from an incredible Clapton guest performance.
Then possibly Octopus's Garden.
I hope that’s a joke...
Paul was consistent, but he wasn't a patch on George and Ringo when they had some really good ideas. Or John, even when John had an off day.
I’m more of a John fan, but that’s crazy talk. Most of the good stuff on Revolver is Paul – Eleanor Rigby, Here There And Everywhere, For No-One, Good Day Sunshine, Got To Get You Into My Life... loads of the other classics too - Yesterday, Paperback Writer, Penny Lane, Hey Jude, Lady Madonna, Let It Be, Get Back, Back In the USSR, Blackbird, Helter Skelter, your I Will... Plus all the genuinely co-written early stuff and later ones like All You Need Is Love. I’m not mad about Michelle, Long and Winding Road or Hello Goodbye but they’re highly regarded too.
George wrote some good songs but after being in the enviable position of spending his formative years with the two greatest songwriters alive, how many truly great songs did he write? While My Guitar Gently Weeps, Something, Here Comes The Sun... that’s it.
Ringo’s a spaz