Red Hand Devil
Plan M ish
I know I know....but I find cnut an horribly over zealous word for someone that gave us a great amount of joy and who, without, we wouldnt have been nearly as successfull. It's almost like he's an opposition player (which he is now I know!!) the way people are going on.
On the pitch Cantona was a dick. Keane was a dick (in fact Keane was a dick off the pitch, so was Best..)
I've heard som describe him as ungrateful. Well I'd counter it by saying people calling him a cnut and twat are the ungrateful ones. He gave you more than you gave him.
It's just a bit odd to me. I know different people have different perogatives. Personally I've never hated any ex united player and I've always wished them well...even Heinze!..And I'm not gonna start now with someone who helped put us in the position we are now
Jesus Mockney - you're a very forgiving sort of chap arent ya?
I dont share your feelings as regards that cnut but i respect them..... just about