The Apprentice

Lets see what knobheads they managed to conjur up this season.
fecking love how they argue over the team names and then they pick something totally shit
seriously there is a load of them id like to slap....and i include some of the bints in that

and whos the sham that looks like a feckin musketeer!?
i would like to shag karen, bet she is well naughty in the sack

as usual a lot of self obsessed twats, i do love this show :D

they did a fantastic job at getting the price down too, bunch of knobs :lol:
oh here we go, there is always this alpha male bollox on the first one, "you have 10 minutes, get it done" and the rest just stare blankly at him :lol:
i like the northern irish guy! "we are going to make soup like we have never done before..."
2 quid for orange juice? taking the piss that is
there are people actually buying orange juice for £2, wtf? you could go to a shop and get it cheaper you Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime
the pm on the girls time is well annoying, want to smack her in the gob already
Always constantly having a dig about others when on camera, all for the show innit.
the pm on the blokes team is a big cnut too
how many business buzzwords and phrases have we heard so far?

.....roll with the punches like?
is that feckhead for real? going head to head with sugar on task one is just asking to get fired
the bitches made a mistake, if someone invests money you dont spend what you like and keep the rest
oh my days the brown noses are out now "thank you melody", "you are great melody" then the asian one comes one "yeah i thought she was a bit shit to be fair"

not a direct quote but thats the general gist of things
Edward is an absolute bellend..he reminds me of an old friend. He's a nutter!
bye bye edward, feckin bellend