Television Television RedCafe's Favourite TV Shows (Final Round)

I haven’t watched most but here’s mine:

1. Breaking bad
2. The Office (US)
3. Game of Thrones
4. The Office (UK)
5. The Wire
6. The Simpsons
7. South Park
8. Black Mirror
9. Lost
10. Stranger things
  1. Band Of Brothers
  2. The Sopranos
  3. The Office (UK)
  4. Black Adder
  5. South Park
  6. The Wire
  7. Mad Men
  8. Better Call Saul
  9. Succession
  10. Breaking Bad
  1. The Sopranos
  2. Breaking Bad
  3. The Wire
  4. Better Call Saul
  5. It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
  6. Mad Men
  7. Stranger Things
  8. Fargo
  9. The Simpsons
  10. Chernobyl
1. The Wire
2. Game of Thrones
3. Band of Brothers
4. Chernobyl
5. The Sopranos
6. The Simpsons
7. Spartacus
8. Futurama
9. Black Adder
10. The Office (US)
Blackadder has snuck into the top 10. Meanwhile Friends is going surprisingly well, currently rock bottom with 0.8% of the total votes. Definitely a good one to save in the knockouts.
Blackadder has snuck into the top 10. Meanwhile Friends is going surprisingly well, currently rock bottom with 0.8% of the total votes. Definitely a good one to save in the knockouts.
Stop counting you loon :lol:

Let me do that and then you'll enjoy the results more!

But yeah, can't wait to name and shame the Friends voters.
1. The Sopranos
2. The Simpsons
3. Mad Men
4. The Office (UK)
5. It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
6. Game Of Thrones
7. Lost
8. The Wire
9. South Park
10. Succession
  1. The Sopranos
  2. The Wire
  3. True Detective
  4. Twin Peaks
  5. Game Of Thrones
  6. Mad Men
  7. Dark
  8. Chernobyl
  9. Stranger Things
  10. Lost
Massively overrated. Boring and predictable number 1 pick in all top tv show lists. It's already comfortably won this and has 4x more votes than Chernobyl. 2x more than Band of Brothers. 3x more than Succession. Yikes.
Shiiiiieeetttttt… Finally I’m not alone. It’s a decent show but nowhere near as good as people make it out.
Blackadder has snuck into the top 10. Meanwhile Friends is going surprisingly well, currently rock bottom with 0.8% of the total votes. Definitely a good one to save in the knockouts.

wtf is blackadder?
1. The Soprano's
2. The Wire
3. The Simpsons
4. Blackadder
5. Twin Peaks
6. True Detective
7. Mad Men
8. The Leftovers
9. Black Mirror
10. Spartacus
1. The Sopranos
2. Breaking Bad
3. The Wire
4. Mad Men
5. Curb Your Enthusiasm
6.Black Adder
7.The Office (UK)
8. Band of Brothers
9. Game of Thrones
10.Twin Peaks
  1. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
  2. Game of Thrones
  3. Deadwood
  4. The Simpsons
  5. The Wire
  6. Band Of Brothers
  7. True Detective
  8. Twin Peaks
  9. The Sopranos
  10. Mad Men
It's against humanity and the laws of physics not to place The Wire and The Sopranos in the top 3 if you've seen them.
It's against humanity and the laws of physics not to place The Wire and The Sopranos in the top 3 if you've seen them.
Are you talking about places number 2 and 3? Because The Shield is clearly number 1.
How do people that list 10 shows keep missing Breaking Bad out? It can only mean they haven't seen it, which in itself is *mind-blown!*
How do people that list 10 shows keep missing Breaking Bad out? It can only mean they haven't seen it, which in itself is *mind-blown!*
I think it suffers from being overhyped to people before they've seen it. My expectations were sky high and it didn't meet them. I also found the final season a hefty drop off from 4, which was my favourite. Still a great show.
I‘m a little shocked that South Park is getting so many votes.
What's the difference? Surely your favourite shows are the greatest according to you.
Nah not for me, Geoff. I know shows like Lost, Prison Break etc are not great shows but I had great memories of watching them and remember them fondly. Chernobyl was great but I'll never watch that twice.
Simpsons has as many votes as Band of Brothers which tells a lot about voter preferences
Yeah, but the Simpsons are actually good. South Park has a shorter and lower peak and an even sharper decline in quality. And it never really was a show for adults, more for edgy teenagers. I kind of assumed most people stop watching it once they get into their twenties.
I think it suffers from being overhyped to people before they've seen it. My expectations were sky high and it didn't meet them. I also found the final season a hefty drop off from 4, which was my favourite. Still a great show.
It took me 4 attempts to get to episode 6. Don't get me wrong I loved it in the end but I found it very hard to get into initially.
How do people that list 10 shows keep missing Breaking Bad out? It can only mean they haven't seen it, which in itself is *mind-blown!*
I didn't like it very much is the short answer. The only seasons i geniunely liked were the first and last with everything in between making me want to quit watching the show (which i did for years and years)
I didn't like it very much is the short answer. The only seasons i geniunely liked were the first and last with everything in between making me want to quit watching the show (which i did for years and years)

I think the first 2 seasons were the best. That’s when it peaked. Large parts of 3 and 4 were a snooze-fest. Season 5 was good. I watched it from when it first aired so I didn’t get caught in the “best show ever” hype train.

It’s a really good show but it’s not even in the same league as The Sopranos, or Mad Men, or The Wire.

I’ve found that Breaking Bad isn’t great for rewatchablilty either. It relies a lot on tension that just isn’t there when you’ve seen it once already. Whereas The Sopranos has a lot more humour and has aged like a fine wine in my opinion.
How do people that list 10 shows keep missing Breaking Bad out? It can only mean they haven't seen it, which in itself is *mind-blown!*
I thought it was shite. Tried thrice quit somewhere in season 3 thrice.
1.South Park
2.The Office (US)
4.Curb Your Enthusiasm
5.Black Adder
6.The Simpsons
7.Game Of Thrones
8.The Wire
9.Band Of Brothers
1. The Sopranos
2. Breaking Bad
3. Better Call Saul
4. The Office (UK)
5. Game of Thrones
6. Fargo
7. Twin Peaks
8. Chernobyl
9. Stranger Things
10. True Detective
The Sopranos
Mad Men
Twin Peaks
The Leftovers
The Simpsons
Black Adder
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
Black Mirror