Shazam 2 was pretty good. Helps when people have low expectations. Didn't mind Shazam 1 either.
MoS was alright, felt it could have been fleshed out better. Tried to pack in too much into one film. Everything else Snyder done has been dogshite for DC (for me at least).
I'm excited for Gunn but I didn't much like his suicide squad. Tried to be funny when it was pretty bland. Weirdly humour is meant to be his strong suit.
I liked The Suicide Squad, thinks it’s one of his better efforts. GOTG obviously the standout, and the Peacemaker TV series was very good on many levels. GOTG 2 wasn’t very good, and 3 was only decent, not comparable to the first, which is in my top 5 of superhero films (probably). Most of the rest of his catalogue is pretty average at best.
I also have a weird soft spot for MoS. I actually quite enjoyed it in many ways. There were some maddening elements of crapness - like the terrible colour palette, and the Jonathan Kent death, which was just ridiculous; plus the obviously expected and egregious use of slow motion - but I still quite liked it. But otherwise, Snyder is one of the worst directors working today.
300 was entertaining for what it was - testosterone and fantasy in slow motion - Watchmen was passably okay but a rewatch a decade later reveals it to be a mich more superficial adaptation that originally heralded. Virtually everything he has done has been an abomination. BvS, as someone else said, is objectively terribly. Justice League, whichever version you watch - including the four hour supersnyder cut, is appalling. Sucker Punch is bullet to the brain bad. Day of the Dead was alright to be fair, but the two new Rebel Moon movies are about as bad as big budget movie making can get. And that’s saying something in a world where Michael Bay exists.
Cavill was done dirty by DC, as I think he’s one of the only good things to come out of DC, but he had feck all to work with. I will concede that he’s actually not a very good actor, but his demeanour, looks, personality, physique and delivery, all fit the character really well. I suppose fairly easily replaceable though.
On Shazam 2, I am surprised to hear you say that. I thought Shazam 1 was fun, and didn’t take itself too seriously. Not a great film by any measure, but a fairly great intro to the character, Shazam 2, by contrast, was one of the worst films of its genre I have seen in a long time.