The People's President
Right, how do you pull off that hurricane style kick manoeuvre at 0:45????!(Ryu's)
The HD remastered version of SF:III Third Strike is available for pre-order on the PSN now, and available for download in a weeks time
i think i'm right in saying only the dreamcast had this available in europe at the time of its original release and only the xbox has since on a collection disc from a few years back so its probably the least played of all the street fighters over here
it is however (imho) the greatest fighting game ever made! its got as deep a range of styles and tactics as anything today, a massive and diverse roster of fighters and, aside from an infuriatingly cheap final boss, is perfectly balanced throughout
at £12.99 its perhaps a bit pricey for some but for all the needless HD remakes that have been churned out of late this is a game that has been incredibly difficult to get hold of over here and is criminally underplayed as a result. It is worth every penny imo and i cannot wait to get annihilated by everyone i meet online in a weeks time